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Wolf hybrids do not make good pets.

Wolves instinctively fear and avoid humans, while dogs have been selectivity bred for 10,000 years to share our company. Mix those competing impulses into an animal with the reasoning ability of a toddler and you get an unpredictable and dangerous combination. Young kids especially may trigger defensive behaviors that can result in a crushing bite, or worse.

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Catios are a win-win situation for housecats and wildlife.

What's a hen do?

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Paul Pelosi would like a word. We can't keep giving these terrorists latitude while they practice how to get it right.

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Dutch settlers purchased Manhattan from the indigenous Americans for beads and other goods valued at 60 guilders (about $1,000 today).

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Oh come on, that would never happen!

They are planning to support both CCS1 and NACS plugs

Agreed, thanks for clarifying.

I was hoping for a turnip. I have a cunning plan...

Chubb Tower has a ring to it.

Y'all have hobbies and leisure??

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I think the answer is marketing. Much like mp3 players existed before the iPod, sometimes something just takes off and centers on a particular product that maybe has a bit more glitz, or better marketing. I think the idea of legislating specific products is stupid.

Bug bounty programs are a thing.

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My phone often does this when I use voice to text. I guess I speak in Capital Letters.

I dunno, man, that kinda sounds like a Scooby-Doo episode...

What are you using for your local installation?

Google Messages uses end-to-end encryption by default, for RCS.

Yeah that's fair, I inadvertently glossed over the "neo". Still though, punishing scientists for getting in the way of corporate profit seems way more on-brand for modern American conservatives than any other ideology.

My mother-in-law was disabled for years before she died and required the use of a scooter to travel more than about 50 feet. We have sidewalks here that are completely impassable due to the tents and accumulated junk from our unhoused population. But disabled people can suck it, amirite?

LAPD doesn't do anything about it, and everyone here knows they do everything in their power to avoid so much as filing a report, much less making arrests. Maybe their statistics are technically correct but they are not at all representative of the lawless landscape that is the streets of LA.

You imply I'm a bigot because I'd rather get these people the mental health care they need but are incapable of choosing for themselves. You evidently would rather let these economic free thinkers trash our communities and steal anything not nailed down, in case they want to "opt out of capitalism." Okay, Karl Marx.

That's patently false, according to,will%20likely%20also%20be%20similar.

My 2013 Model S has 235,000 miles on it and still l drives like it's brand new. I haven't yet had to replace the battery pack but when that day comes, it will almost certainly be worth the cost.

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Opting out of capitalism does not give you the right to set up shanty towns in public spaces, or leave needles and feces all over the place. This law is necessary to give our public spaces back to everyone.

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I might agree with you on the catalytic converters but who do you think is stealing mail out of mailboxes, who's leaving dirty needles in our parks, who's taking over our sidewalls and other public spaces with tents and other junk ? All of us deserve better than this, including them.

Well it's not working.

You think it's liberals who would want to punish scientists for pointing out corporate greed?

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I don't see the point in arguing about this. You said they mostly keep to themselves, maybe a little pretty crime here and there (as if even that is okay).. That has NOT been my experience and I brought one especially-egregious receipt to make my point. The other poster who mentioned clapped-out RVs and catalytic converter theft must also be from LA.

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