0 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Asking the real questions.

The trans agenda in a nutshell.

This guy gets it.

Not very nice. Just being truthful, unfortunately. If indeed climate change exists, you can bet all they will do is try to find a way to make money from it. Oh wait.

For some fucking reason there is zero option for this type of secure virtual card in my country. And I hate it. A friend got skimmed for over $1200 a couple months ago.

Thee is zero we can do about it. Celebrities and politicians and the rich in general will never lift a finger, except to point at us as being the "problem"

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Found the Liberal

Nope. Too much fun being here.

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......this guy gets it.

Sick to the back teeth of hearing the term "disinformation" applied to any opinion or discourse that doesn't conform to, let's be honest....govt sanctioned sources

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Such gas lighting. Vegans and Liberals do everything they accuse the Right of doing.

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For the 1000th time, I treat everyone equally. Which means if you appear to be a man, and are in fact, born male, then I will address you as such. Anything else is ignoring the binary of human biology and is simply incorrect. But alphabet wackos like to call it "misgendering", again....incorrect.

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Said it before and will say it again. Be whatever the hell you want, but I don't have to recognize it in any way.

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You are taking this really seriously, arent you? Are you sure you are all right?

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