4 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Agree that the actual monster designs looked dull. Funnily enough in a "new pokemon" kind of way. Other monster collecting games like SMT and Digimon seem to manage to produce more interesting monsters/pals/demons.

I'm looking forward to the Year of the Linux desktop ™️

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Is "goes nuclear" the new "slams"? I hate these clickbait headlines so much it's unreal

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Yeah it was always suspect when this "shopping experience" came from the company behind Mechanical Turk.

Quite a lot of the people that donate money to camgirls/OnlyFans models have learning difficulties. My special needs brother-in-law gets disability allowance from the state every month because he is too disabled to work and still managed to rack up a 4000 pound debt giving money to these "content creators".

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Stephen Fry the comedian/tv presenter is also a huge linux advocate. Specifically Ubuntu. He's been using it for decades at this point.

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I remember when it first came out I asked it to help me write a MapperConfig custom strategy and the answer it gave me was so fantastically wrong - even with prompting - that I lost an afternoon. Honestly the only useful thing I've found for it is getting it to find potential syntax errors in terraform code that the plan might miss. It doesn't even complement my programming skills like a traditional search engine can do; instead it assumes a solution that is usually wrong and you are left to try to build your house on the boilercode sand it spits out at you.

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This was supposed to be the "last" windows operating system they'd ever release.

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The germans have a word for men who sit down to pee - sitzpinkler.

It also has the highest proportion of men who self-report sitting down to pee in Europe.

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Yeah people catastrophise so badly when it comes to politics. Biden is bland, uninspired and gaff-prone - however, he is a safe pair of hands. Just because a politician does not make you excited does not mean they suck.

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You should try gentoo as a therapy replacement next. It's basically the adult version of maintaining a long running Animal Crossing save.

Every morning I wake up, grab a coffee and update my system @world. Almost every day it goes without a hitch and I watch the system evaluate and resolve any incongruities that might emerge from updates by itself. Other times I might need to make a intervention in the dependencies to guide it to a resolution; but it's a small nudge in the right direction, like tweaking a miniature ship inside a bottle.

This is partially tongue in cheek but I unironically get a lot of joy out of administrating my PC: Having it completely customized and working exactly like I need it to.

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This actually was a choice that my partner and I discussed before we got married. I have lived a charmed life but my mental health still is not great despite that; hard to justify creating another version of myself whose life experiences are fairly likely to be worse than mine.

Additionally my brother-in-law requires additional support. He's an adult with learning difficulties and is unable to work. Eventually he'll need to come and live with us once old relatives have passed away.

My father was infertile but they elected to go for a sperm donor so that I would have the option to choose whether I wanted to have kids of my own. In theory they could have made me with IVF but I would have likely been infertile too. I hope I'm not letting him down but I remind myself that he was giving me the option to choose as opposed to some kind of mandate to procreate.

The fediverse provides an alternative for people who care about using ethical products. Haven't tried threads/bluesky but they seem like more of the same. Unfortunately I don't think people care about the ethics of their micro-blogging platform; their biggest priority is having the largest soap box to shout from.

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I had dinner with some friends the other night and the new partner of one of them is Argentinian. We briefly discussed politics and it turned out he was quite positive about Milei. We didn't linger on it because it would have ruined the evening but he was basically saying that things were so bad at home that he viewed any change as positive.

Being from the UK it reminded me of talking to Scottish independence and Brexit supporters. It's a shame that so many voters around the world feel so hopeless.

This game ruined my interest in Fallout as a series. I'd played everything in the series from the isometric ones onwards but something about this one made me lose interest in the setting. Some kind of Fallout burnout maybe.

I stopped playing when it tried to force me to engage with the crafting mechanics in order to do the Institute level.

I've heard the Far Harbour DLC is good I guess so maybe make a beeline for that

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Anyone got recommendations for cheap or interesting indie games this sale?

I bought Touhou Artificial Dreams In Arcadia during the October sale and it is a bit of a hidden gem for fans of the old SMT JRPG games on SNES. I also picked up Lunacid but have not got that far in it, but it seems like a strong revival of the classic Kings Field games.

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I think this is a case of the Seinfeld effect where people take them for granted due to them being so influential that part of their sound has become imbued into every single pop band that came after them.

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Love seeing devs use their own engine. It's been sad to watch Unity's self inflicted downfall and Unreal's total domination in the past few years.

The only silver lining I'm seeing in current trends is that the open source engine, Godot, is becoming more competitive/viable all the time.

I believe it would be an "abject" lesson

I'm a big advocate for the sitzpinklers! Sometimes it just makes more sense.

Yes, that's where amazon got the name of their service from is a lovely website. Usually not too fussed by UX but this web app has an amazing frontend.

She was also supposedly complaining about the judge and jury on her recorded phone calls. The judge sounded incandescent with rage while sentencing her to the maximum of 18 months. In another jurisdiction manslaughter could land you many years in prison.

Digital Foundry also pointed out that Black Flag looks better on PC today than this new game. In particular the water, which seems like a big deal.

To a certain extent other distros rely on more obscure distros like gentoo which uses package compilation as the default. If upstream are not publishing code which can be reproducibly built then the gentoo maintainers are the first to know and can raise an issue.

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I personally don't like the direction Naughty Dog have taken for the past decade or so because their games have become less "game-y" (for lack of a better term). Yes the shooting/traversal is mechanically competent and the story is well directed, but I think that they are hewing much more closely to a long-form television show format. The fact that Last of Us was able to be adapted into a tv show so seamlessly also suggests this is the case.

The colourful worlds of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter were Rare-esque and much more to my personal taste. This isn't because they are aimed at younger audiences per se; games can aim at adult demographics without aping another medium. Some personal favourites would be series like Souls, Resident Evil and God of War.

Fun ascii art is one of life's underrated pleasures

I think some of the hate is from the main systemd dev, Poettering, being so abrasive on social media. He's got a hateboner for certain distros (which don't ship with systemd as the default).

Love a good hexeditor/debugger screenshot

What a moron. Unbelievable that he was anywhere near US foreign policy a few years ago when he can come out with clangers like this which piss off literally everyone.

Meta don't need to federate to get all of the ActivityPub information. By it's nature everything that is posted to it is public and unencrypted - including private messages. This is a PR move instead of a data gathering activity. Maybe also they are trying to bootstrap content into their new platform which would otherwise be a barren wastelend.

Knowing vim is pretty essential for working on servers. My usual setup is ssh + tmux + vim. I suppose you could substitute nano for vim if it's installed.

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I'm not exactly sure how they would have set this up given that their usual solution of Mechanical Turk does not pay their workers in cash anywhere outside of the US.

In some rural parts of the states Mechanical Turk is the largest employer but workers in other countries can only get paid in Amazon vouchers.

Somehow there are still a lot of Indian people working for Mechanical Turk though. It's not clear if they are exchanging the vouchers or are stuck in a hellish walled garden where their wages can only be spent with their employer.

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This game was the most AA shit I've ever seen. In the PS2 days it would have got a 7.5 average from most reviewers then it would have had a not-insignificant number of people pick it up.

They are delusional for thinking a UE5 asset flip is a AAA game.

Exactly! This is why fairy tales feature wicked step mothers.

I can't speak for everyone but ime when people use the argument they are often more interested equality or inclusion at all costs. Their good intentions blind them to the fact that womens' sport has spent centuries trying go gain validity / parity with mens' sport.

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One of the DF guys was pointing out recently that all of these handheld PCs have names like 90s graphics cards

Garry Newman is a cool name. Close to being the same as the New Wave musician.

Apropos of nothing, Gary Numan is actually older than Gary Oldman which makes their names somewhat misleading.

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My partner used to be a teacher. There was a period of like a year when she would get home from work looking insanely stressed. Then she'd boot up Stardew Valley on her laptop from the couch and I could see her mood change immediately. She'd play for hours too.

At one point it was like Stardew Valley was her real life while the actual outside world was some horrible nightmare she had to wake up from.

Implicitly the title implying "click to see how nuclear he goes"