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That's Matrix. End to end encrypted, decentralized, and open source.

Bridging opens it up to other services as well, like how Pidgin/Adium/Gaim used to work.

That's not what net neutrality is about. NN is about carriers and ISPs treating all services and websites equally. Don't feature creep NN. It weakens the arguments for why why we need NN.

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Teenagers today suffer unique threats to their health and wellbeing from technology. It may be super easy for you to say "who the fuck cares about the color" but that is far from the case for US teenagers. Willingly setting yourself apart from the group in high school is a precarious move in the best of circumstances.

And for the rest of us, this goes way beyond the color being used. The SMS/MMS fallback in iMessage offers a terrible experience for non-Apple users. Low quality media, inability to manage one's own memeberships in groups, and no encryption. For those worried about the lack of e2ee: Android users participating in an iMessage conversation don't have that today. You're not losing anything from this solution.

Legal disclosures prove that Apple knowingly uses iMessage in an anticompetitive fashion. It's a moat to keep people from switching away from iPhone. They are leveraging their position in the messaging market to shore up their restrictive phone products. I wish US antitrust enforcement was stronger in this area but until then, I hope Nothing has great success in breaking down this illegal barrier.

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It's not illogical to be pro-Capitalism while not owning any "means of production" if it means you still have better outcomes.

There are no true Capitalist countries and no true Socialist countries. It's not even a spectrum; it's a giant mixed bag of policies. You can be for some basic capitalist principles (market economy, privately held capital) and for some socialist policies (safety nets, healthcare) and not be in contradiction with yourself. There's more to capitalism than the United States.

I think OP was seeing a lot of "burn the system down" talk. Revolutions aren't bloodless, instantaneous, or well directed. Innocent people will die and generations will suffer. It's stuff only the naive, the malicious, or the truly desperate will support. And if you're here posting it on the daily, I don't believe you're that desperate.

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M1 Macbooks were also the first "Not Completely Shit" Macbooks after many years of awful problems so there was pent up demand from Apple users for something worth buying. Now that the demand is satisfied, sales will return to a baseline.

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If Nascar can ban the traitor towel, this should have been a completely trivial thing for Glasgow to pull off. That this decision caused this much stir tells you all you need to know about this place.

Steam Deck got so much right, straight out of the gate. The suspend-resume is nothing short of amazing. The UI is 100% muscle, 0% fat.

IMO, starting with Windows as a base is an automatic setback. There's a strong chance that it'll interrupt your game to ask you if you want to set Edge to be your default browser or some stupid shit.

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Cisco owned the "iPhone" trademark and was actively using it to sell products. Weirder things have happened.

Apple simply started using it and told Cisco, "Make me stop".

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What a super weird question. "Cloud computing" is distributed computing. Distributed computing is practically all we have left. Bitcoin/crypto, Kubernetes, Bit Torrent, and endless AWS/Cloud infra patterns. Then we have our happy little Fediverse here.

I feel the author was trying to say "is at home distributed computing dying?" In which case, yes, because Mobile took over and you really can't do background compute on those. Certainly not like how SETI@Home worked.

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I'm not an expert on EU antitrust but these things seem like they naturally go together. After all, Outlook comes with Office, right? Is that not a communication and collaboration tool?

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Renewal costs are my primary consideration when picking domains. Subscription fees is how your money disappears when you're not looking.

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Wikipedia is anything but anarchy. There's so much bureaucracy it would surprise even Kafka.

I also don't think Elon's psyche is built around an abstract notion of economic systems. He's simply a narcissist that desires shiny things, in a very basic and unrefined way. Rich people just want to add baubles to their menagerie.

A foreign military occupation of an entire region in the Middle East to ensure peace.

Does anyone remember how this one goes?

You're misrepresenting what happened and the documented differences in how China behaves vs other countries.

It's hard to overstate how dangerous flying within 5 meters of another jet is.

Russia frequently tests US readiness by flying towards North American airspace yet you don't hear about F-22 pilots colliding with other planes. But there's a long history of Chinese pilots absolutely fucking it up, resulting in death and damage.

Uhh, I dunno how much declassification you're looking for but here's the US Navy's Youtube channel with a video of some test firings:

IIRC, the problem wasn't that it didn't work but that the barrels wore out too quickly to be useful. I suppose they could have put this on a Zumwault like originally intended but that would just be a PR stunt when the main problem was throwing the gun away after 10 shots.

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I don't have an Xbox but I love that mouse and keyboard are considered cheating devices.

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This is why I feel only mildly outraged, compared to other comments here. LTT/LMG was only ever entertainment to me so gross factual errors neither surprise nor frustrate me personally. Any graphs or data presented couldn't be trusted because they were the product of what you saw on screen, which was a buncha dorks bashing around equipment with a running gag of dropping expensive tech on the floor.

Linus justifies his frantic video production pace in terms of budget and finance. He should at least be able to reflect on the monetary harm to the small businesses that his botched reviews caused. To me, that's what needs to be remedied ASAP because the two case studies presented (Billet and Pwnage) are not huge Nvidia corporations. Getting knocked around in the market can spell doom for everyone who works there.

Power management on laptop-like devices is a problem for Linux because of lazy manufacturers. ACPI often reports broken values and h/w vendors patch it up using Windows driver overrides, rather than a real fix. Suspend/resume is a delicately choreographed set of steps given to the OS by ACPI so if that's wrong, you'll get awful battery life or worse, crashes. Linux devs will emulate the Windows driver patches but that comes later, if at all.

I mean, hopefully it would work but Lenovo would need to not take the easy way out. They've been slipping, even with their Thinkpads lately.

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The privacy thing was always hiding the real truth. Apple will never be able to compete with Google on ads or tracking: they have neither the engineering chops nor the reach. By being "privacy first", it saves Apple money and cuts off a little of Google's revenue stream.

The benefit to customers was a secondary effect.

Who remembers the HP computer that was unable to identify black people? One of my favorite "oooph, that's not a good look" tech fails of all time. At least the people in that video were having a good laugh about it.

Holy hell, that was 13 years ago.

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A public good? Like roads, firefighters, etc? You want the government to pay for your Youtube Premium subscription?

Less snarky, if you're arguing that Youtube has earned a special legal status, a natural consequence is that Google gets to play by a different rulebook from all other competitors. That's quite a dangerous direction to take.

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Signal is a chat app. It uses phone numbers for identity verification and friend discovery but messages go over an end-to-end encrypted protocol. While open source, it uses a centralized network and a single client.

It's somewhere between Matrix and WhatsApp. Open Source and friendly, but still centralized and anchored to phone numbers.

We're long past the point where focusing on just one or two sources of carbon is enough. Everything needs to be examined. We can choose a more sustainable diet AND curb mindless consumerism.

Also, I find the impossible/beyond burgers to be pretty good. I dunno what you're on about with "bug protein". At worst, they're made from yeast but plant material otherwise?

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No one's going to comment on "professional war crimes investigator" being a thing? His mental health professionals are going to need mental health professionals. You have to wonder how Nihilist his worldview is after 20 years.

Hasn't the F-150 has already preemptively destroyed the Cybertruck? I suppose most people driving pickups don't actually need a pickup's functionality. They're just told they need a pickup so that's what they buy.

I thought this was a bug in Youtube. It's intrusive and annoying.

Do other video apps do this? Why?

The HOV lane is supposed to look empty. If it was packed full of cars, carpooling wouldn't have any advantage because you wouldn't go any faster.

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A lot of people are trying to justify the killing of Israeli civilians however.

If there's going to be an "open air prison", we should make one for the far right nationalists of every country so the rest of the world can live in peace.

means you’re allowing the courts into politics

Allow me to introduce you to my friend Chad. Hanging Chad.

You reminded me of a legal case I read recently: Guardian of Sally v. Beatty

An unnamed(!) victim of slavery had an agreement with her enslaver to keep excess wage money from her work, which she used to buy the freedom of another person, Sally. Her enslaver figured she didn't have the right to own "property" and it was his lucky day to now own 2 human beings. The courts disagreed and said Sally was a free person. However this was still South Carolina so they made sure to patch up that little "loophole" after the case was over.

The full list is quite interesting. The ~1780 cases in New England outlawing slavery (while the Revolution was ongoing!). Dred Scott and Amistad, of course. Cases mostly from 1780 to 1859. But then heinously, but somehow unsurprisingly, there's a case from 2021: Nestle Inc makes an appearance using child slave labor for cocoa.

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Grow a damn spine, Target. They can't do anything of the sort without 1A burning their entire bigot law to the ground.

The choice between "Algorithm" and "Chronological" is a false dichotomy. Lemmy has several choices and the default for me is "active", not chronological. And why can't I have multiple separate streams of subscriptions by a grouping of my choice?

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TLD - Top Level Domain (.com .ml .whatever)

Registrar - NameCheap, PorkBun, etc. Submits your domain.TLD request to a Registry

Registry - Maintains the list of domains for a specific TLD and the server infrastructure to run the TLD

ICANN - Decides who can be a Registry and for which TLD. Not involved in the nitty gritty of individual domain names.

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Hell, I'm going to schedule a parade and fireworks.

Holy crap that was a wild read. Jewish Mother but a Holocaust denier. Died in exile in Iceland while evading criminal deportation to the US. I had this vague memory that he was an asshole but I had no idea.

not a lot would have to change, other than putting legal protections and norms in place for workplace elections and so on.

I definitely don't identify as a Socialist but even still, I would have added, "tax the fuck out of the rich". Income inequality is the root evil for most people today.

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That didn't stop them from plowing ahead with Apple Maps, even though its debut was total garbage.

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A quick search says Amazon is 37% of online commerce (depending on which sketchy result you want to trust enough for a Lemmy thread).

If Amazon is problematic, then Apple is a serious issue.

I found fishing for (and following) hashtags on Mastodon effective but Mastodon was also in much better shape to receive the waves of Twitter exoduses.

Lemmy lacks effective tools to organize a feed. I think many people recreated their favorite subreddits as communities but the userbase was too small to support them. Being able to create "multi-reddits" to group related micro-communities together to help mitigate the ghost town feeling as you raise the probably of at least one of them having something new to talk about.

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I would be an asshole to show up to this.

That's the part I really don't get. If you're cis male looking for a job, do you really think crashing this event is going to reflect favorably on you and that you'd be more likely to land a job? People are going to look at you and think that you have good judgment and won't be a problem at all? What the heck is the thought process that makes this a good plan?