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Joined 11 months ago

This is it. The weakest part of most doors is the door. A sledge hammer will go through a door or window regardless of the lock.

Smart locks are way more convenient and the ability to grant timed access and unique access controls probably makes them more secure.

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I don’t get diarrhea every 4 weeks. Do you?

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In many places of the US, the average selling price is $1M+.

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I stopped using zipcar a decade ago after a car they rented to me had an expired registration. Sounds like they still haven’t quite figured their shit out.

I think the issue is they’ll have to do much more work to get to those stores if they become remotely popular as a vector for bypassing censorship.

The minute people are using f-droid at scale to bypass controls and censorship, f-droid is going to get firewalled if it isn’t already.

China isn’t on the open internet. It’s a game of whack-a-mole for them, but they’re pretty good at it and throw a lot of bodies at this.

The average user won’t be jumping through the hoops required to make this work.

Sweet summer child. The reference to Leeroy Jenkins is right in the description.

Get some anger management help.

They’re both fucking awful. The everything-is-hustle angle is garbage.

I don’t want people trying to figure out the optimal ratio of low but not too low effort posts to get paid turning everyone into a shill. Chasing karma was bad enough. People chasing money will be worse and less valuable.

Just like Twitter, when everyone is monetizing their posts everything will go to shit.

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.ml is plenty tankie too.

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Because RCS is provisioned by the telcos and the telcos won’t let them.

Want end to end encryption, have to use Google Messages, not Samsung Messages, both RCS. How’s that for interop?

RCS is a mess and not the savior.

It is controlled and monetizable by the telcos. It isn’t better. And it’s barely standardized. Google sells a service to telcos to implement RCS that doesn’t really work well with anyone else’s RCS, or didn’t.

Go look at the amount of threads with people saying “my RCS message from my Samsung didn’t get to my friend on T-Mobile with a pixel”.

This is not the future anyone deserves.

lol. This thread is about people mad that google is doing it, and you’re saying so what if a nation state does it?

The answer is the same either way - to either sell the data to a party who want to manipulate you into doing or thinking what they want or by directly manipulating you into doing or thinking what they want.

Same with Reddit and lemmy. It doesn’t take a whole lot of investment (on a state level actor basis) to manipulate small and large communities or individuals into thinking something is normal or mainstream. Or convincing them that everyone loves this product or it’s so popular or whatever.

The CCP censors their entire internet for their people and collects all sorts of information to root out dissidents. What good thing do you think is going to come from them having that data?

That isn’t quite right. If you stopped paying the bank would kick you out and sell the apartment to someone else, but if they get less than you owe them for it, they will also send you a bill for the remainder.

And then sue you to get that money.

Interestingly, if they get more than you owe them for it, they will cut you a check for the difference.

But you are actually wrong about how and what the order of operations is.

You are buying the house, the lender (bank) writes the check directly to the seller, and you sign a mortgage agreement for that much with the bank and they put a lien on your house. The bank does not own the house, you do. The bank owns a promissory note from you, backed by your personal wealth and credit and the value of the house (that they have a lien on).

In the case of Twitter, yes, Twitter itself is part of the collateral, but so was Elon musks personal wealth and Tesla shares.

The best tuna salads have celery not onion, and some have sweet pickles in them too.

Do you have a source for this? Everything I’ve read has stated that that border is controlled by Egypt and Hamas.

I’m not sure so much as fled as that’s where FTX was HQd and he owned a ton of shit there that he bought with customer money.

He didn’t even have the balls to flee.

Tell me you don’t understand taxes without telling me you don’t understand taxes.

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It requires provisioning by your mobile carrier. iMessage doesn’t.

Anyone advocating for something that isn’t OTT has been living under a rock.

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To be somewhat fair, that represents a very small part of Central Park.

That’s not how debt works, he almost certainly pledged assets and a personal guarantee against it. This is known as collateral.

The banks take the collateral when you stop paying.

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I guess. I’m American and interact with plenty of friends via discord, instagram and others. My friend group has a private discord and I use DMs instead of iMessage all the time.

That is certainly not true. It is illegal. It is often civil, but can be criminal copyright infringement based on specific criteria.

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100% not true in the US.

Unlikely to be prosecuted or sued, but not true.

What country are you from?

WTO governs a lot of global copyright issues. I would be surprised the fair use exception allows you to download copyrighted content except for a few limited fair use purposes, ie education. And with very specific guidelines as to what qualifies as fair use.

RCS is basically proprietary RCS.

It is not open, it is controlled by the telcos, and google has been pushing their own proprietary version of RCS to the telcos.

It’s no better than iMessage. This isn’t a problem in the rest of the world, they just all use WhatsApp.

This is a legacy of the US being out in front of adoption of SMS, and it still being ingrained. It’s largely only a US problem. And it’s not even really a problem.

I love iMessage, but I have WhatsApp and signal and like 19 other apps that offer messaging for people who prefer it.

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That was from 2013.

Works over any internet eg wifi. You don’t need to have a subscription to anything at all to use iMessage.

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Or SMS should just die….

And how does RCS work without internet? It doesn’t work without connectivity to the cellular IMS. RCS only works on 4G and 5G. It doesn’t work on 2G/3G service which in the US is being phased out, but still exists in lots of places.

At least he sold his guns?