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Joined 1 years ago

Jennifer is a lesbian. Her wife, now husband, who she’s proudly supportive of, is FtM, with 3 previous children that Jennifer adopted. Jennifer has never had penetrative sex with a man.

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Burn it down.

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It really really hope Lemmy takes off. For me, there’s enough here that I’m set. I look forward to the apps getting better and the platform getting more stable.

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Exposure to other viewpoints is good. No need to debate. And if you’re on a large instance, you’ll see that. Not everyone thinks alike, there are shades of gray. Discussion is allowed to happen but intolerance isn’t tolerated.

The tankie instances ban anyone for even asking questions politely that they don’t agree with. It’s a total monoculture and I assume they’re mostly still kids, because everything is black and white and can be solved without any nuance at all.

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Probably not. Tesla is very dysfunctional as an org. He flattened it so much, and hasn’t appointed a real leader, while he’s distracted I bet they’re basically in a holding pattern.

He motivated them by setting insane goals then driving them insanely hard and sleeping in the office and shit.

If he’s not doing that, the company is, pardon the pun, on autopilot. Watch out for stopped emergency vehicles.

I’m actually on the TestFlight for Memmy and it’s getting much better very quickly.

But I was an Apollo addict and that is a very high bar.

Wefwef reversing the colors on upvotes and downvotes triggers me, and at least on iOS it has a pretty annoying WebKit related bug where it stops scrolling until you tap something.

Memmy is quite good though, the functionality is there and the polish will come!

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Awesome. The north east corridor should have more trains.

I mean Russia is pretty close to needing to pick a side.

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The Transporter intensifies

And lots of those users probably aren’t real.

But there’s a distribution curve. 10-15% of a user base is super super valuable because they create all the content. If they lost 3-5% of that segment, that would be a real problem.

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nvidia is a US company. They are subject to ITAR regulations.

They need non-Chinese IP to build their GPUs and fab them (ie EUV tech and TSMC to fab).

China is a big market, but still smaller than the US and Europe by quite a bit.

France has a whole host of laws to keep France French as well.

Quebec and Montreal are wonderful because they’re so different and yet so close.

It’s hard for me to hold a grudge against them for that. It’s not like they’re saying you must speak French to go to school there - they’re just saying you have to try to learn French if you want to go to school there.

Listen, I love libraries as much as the next person. We have very clear laws that protect libraries.

Is copyright a little fucked and a little too slanted towards those rights holders? Yes.

Did anyone really think it was OK to start adding books and movies in? And provide those for free to everyone simultaneously? Libraries don’t do that.

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Hasn’t their economy already shrunk by 5% since the war began?

Seems like they’re going to become a vassal state of China.

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I think my challenge is that it isn’t a genre, it’s a demographic. It’s somewhat insulting to young adults to believe the only novels they should consume conform to the genre as you’ve said.

Good books are good books. I’d rather they start slapping PG-13 on books instead of designing an entire YA “genre”.

This is so comically wrong I don’t know where to start. SMS was fucked from the get go, especially in the US where it was common to charge by the message for SMS. Seriously. It was $0.25 to send and $0.10 to receive them on a lot of people’s plans.

The wireless carriers fucked SMS, and will absolutely fuck up RCS - along with all the various providers out there. It’s a dogshit standard that isn’t broadly interoperable still.

iMessage was a breath of fresh air for people who did use SMS.

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If you write on front and back pages, it’s equally annoying to righties and lefties.

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I mean, pretending to touch someone’s boobs for a funny photo without actually making physical contact, while you’re on a USO tour as a comedian seems like we kinda can speak to the situation.

Per say is a giant pet peeve of mine.

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I mean yes, they’ve stolen a lot of IP. Much of it was not transferred legally. They have a state run industrial and commercial spying program and have for decades - just like Russia.

What OP is actually referring to is the lack of industrial oversight and the Chinese penchant for using substandard material like steel and lying about it to charge a higher price while providing an inferior good.

Look up ‘tofu dreg’ construction.

It’s not western capitalists getting rich off this, it’s unscrupulous Chinese factory owners and industry magnates.

It’s also not just an export problem.

I’ve only ever really been to Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Canadian Niagara Falls. Montreal is fun and different, Toronto is like a baby NYC, Vancouver was cool but just ok. I’d go back to Montreal before I went back to any of the other places. Except in winter.

Surely they adjusted for that.

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Microsoft pioneered (or maybe popularized, not sure) embrace, extend, extinguish. I’m sure this is a version of that.

I do frequently. If you’re going to be so smug, you should also be correct. They purchase a copy of each media that they loan at any single time.

If they have 5 copies of digital media, 5 people can use them simultaneously. Not more.

It’s why Libby has a waiting list.

The internet archive would have been legal if they had a) purchased the copy and b) had not lent it to more than a single person simultaneously (or purchased more copies). They weren’t doing that. They were acquiring (legally or not, I’m not sure) copies and putting on their website for as many people as wanted to read them.

That is not what libraries do.

It’s why libraries don’t photocopy infinite books so there’s never a waiting list. You can’t do it with print media, and you can’t do it with digital media.

And don’t call me Shirley.

Seems more like everyone else found out that you’re pretty rude.

Would love some sources!

That sounds pretty bitter, and a little misguided.

I’m sure it sucks, but I bet I could find plenty of marginalized groups that get less support per capita.

The ADA has changed construction across the US for decades. Any substantial renovation involves bringing preexisting structures up to code. That is not nothing. I’m sure it’s hundreds of billions of dollars nationally in accommodations.

The ADA has made you a protected class for decades longer than LGBTQ folks.

It might be slower than you want, and I’m sure it’s still not enough, but it is far more than you’re suggesting. And probably receives more money than any other marginalized group in terms of dollars spent on accommodations.

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Excellent rebuttal backed with facts.

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Found the person who doesn’t own a Tesla.

My Tesla did monumentally stupid things on the regular on autopilot. Like phantom braking. It would slam on the brakes while doing 65 on the highway because of shadows. You’d be flying over my hood in your bike.

If there’s a sizeable Jewish population, or probably non-Christian population, I bet they open on Mondays.

I think I’m arguing the exact opposite. We should ban/defederate nazis and tankies. But we shouldn’t ban people with different views that aren’t beyond the pale.

You can have a nuanced opinion of Israel/Palestine without being labeled as a genocide denier since it’s still in the fog of war.

It’s much harder to have a nuanced opinion about Rohingya, the Holocaust, Uyghur, Darfur.

Not for nothing, but pork bun has been great for me.

Everything about this post is vague. Everything about your post is vague. What disability? What help do they need right now?

We have TTY services for the deaf, you can text most places or email with them now instead of calling.

Everything constructed in the last 20 years has ramps, elevators and plenty of handicap parking.

NYC has been spending billions retrofitting elevators into 200 year old subway stations.

Things are being done - but mobility is an infrastructure problem that works on infrastructure timescales.

You can make gay marriage legal overnight, you can’t magically retrofit buildings overnight. You can’t hire 10 million more special needs teachers. You have to train them.

Which is another great area - look at how much more we do for special needs kids in school - they get aides in integrated classes, and far more 1x1 attention than any other kid in a public school.

I am not saying it’s enough, or that anyone is done, but this “no one sees us and no one is helping” thing doesn’t actually ring true to me.

Nope, definitely not - which is why I’m not a free speech absolutist. Let those instances sit on an island by themselves.

Presuming valve wants to do this of course.

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If it’s intentional by the voter it’s not a problem.

If it’s because the ballots are confusing, or the process is, it isn’t fine. They’re being partially disenfranchised- their ballot will have less power than someone who understood the process.

We have RCV in NY for primaries. Understanding the implications of how the order matters and gets counted isn’t super easy. There are definitely going to be unintended consequences for RCV.

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The word you’re looking for is plurality fwiw. When you’re the biggest group but under 50% +1 you have a plurality.

Most of the time they don’t own the actual gas stations, they’d need to get their franchisees to do it and invest in it.

They are probably still a little low - but there’s a giant gap between $400k and $200M.

If you believe that a lot more lower level people should make $150-200k, their manager should probably make more, and their manager should probably make more, and their manager should probably make more, and the CEO should probably make more and all the sudden there isn’t a wide enough gap to pay those people more. Would you want to manage a bunch of people for $5k/yr more?

Money that isn’t paid to employees is paid to shareholders or squandered on stupid stuff.

Their CEOs should make more, and their regular employees should make more.

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