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Sounds like someone doesn't know (or care) what can happen to protestors that are protesting the "wrong things"... Like oil and gas pipelines, for example, or training centers for heightened police militarization. Or foreign policy, even, that one has been happening for generations already.

Lol if only they would protest the right way, they wouldn't have to worry about anything, right?

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Thanks God! Keep up the good work

This feels a bit like Russia gallantly "offering" to "adopt" and "care for" Ukrainian children whose families are unfortunately, inadvertently facing some difficulties currently (e.g. death)...

... Unless you put your own OS on it? Think that's still possible in 2024, right?

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... Doesn't "limited resources" basically just mean here ones ability to consider more than one thought at a time? Surely a species capable of collaborative efforts like space travel can handle the complexity of generalizing to say "no, sorry, none of the human-bulldozer designs are okay actually"?

If only there was a way that didn't involve involuntarily committing people, whether to jail or a psych hospital...

You left out that mental illness and addiction are both increasingly acknowledged to very often result from the difficulties of coping with garbage social conditions -- even at an individual level. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Some wild experiments have been done out there -- mostly in other countries, obv -- where it turns out that when you give these deranged people housing, access to education and/or employment, and maybe even healthy social connections, they get a lot less deranged like super fucking quickly. Just wild.

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Capitalism and free markets are separate things within the economic "sphere" of society. Capitalism is an economic doctrine that focuses on directing production through private capital; free markets (in theory) ensure "equal access" to markets for products (as compared to monopoly or (economic, not necessarily drug) cartel markets which restrict access).

Over in the "public sphere", governments decide whether to jump in bed with private capital (often resulting in monopolies or cartels in economic marketplacs), or to make & enforce regulations that protect the (so-called) free market.

Or to make and enforce regulations that protect consumers -- i.e. human f-ing beings -- and enrich local economies without protectionism and "zero sum games", but I guess we shouldn't get too carried away here ;)

What kind if career area are you in?

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You'd think at some point they'd adapt to the stress of such a situation (especially since they literally signed up for it, and ostensibly trained for it), so that they can handle it effectively without murdering others, though...

Soldiers fighting wars in hostile countries are (in theory) held to higher standards in this way.

... But if they don't, there's an f-ing net there just in case. Assuming we care about others to any meaningful extent.

If this is somehow that big of a problem for them after, I guess nothing is stopping them from trying again someplace else, but apparently some of them might actually appreciate the blessing of that choice.

Just curious, if some fascists came to your house citing historical claims to your land, how much would you care about the validity of that claim? How about when they burn your house down, kill your family, and arrest you for objecting? I truly, deeply would not give a flying fuck who lived nearby my house 300 years ago.

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Ironic considering he himself was the "generic democrat" a few years ago -- or at least the "demonstrated state puppet whose name doesn't rhyme with Billary, and DEFINITELY not with Ernie" candidate...

Same, this sounds like what the homeowner/killer is going to be telling himself the next day to rationalize it (if he even thinks about it that deeply).

How many of the "terrorists" (the Islamic ones, not the Judaic ones) were actually from the oppressed populations, though? There are a lottttttt of people in that region that hate the Israeli government...Not sure how many of the displaced peoples you're telling "this isn't the right way to avenge violent state oppression" are actually participating in the fighting.

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Yup. The thought definitely has occurred. So how's it going, what do you think about it so far overall?

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I've always imagined it as closer to what "normal" would be like under more "ideal" living conditions, or being in a better rhythm with my environment or something

Idk if the mushrooms are stronger now (the cannabis sure is), but in high school a commonly-suggested dose was 2-4 grams, even up to 7 grams if one is 'not feeling it' sufficiently :)

DEI exercises in other kids of businesses often seem like performative BS, if we're being honest -- IMHO, this is a really legitimate and simple question. Especially considering the impact bloated admin "costs" (salaries, etc) have on students & society (e.g. student loan debt).

Not reading all the way down, but just wanted to say I think it sucks that you got downvoted for this comment. You've got one less from me, anyways.

But also yeah, they do try and do things that really make a difference. Among other things, they make cross-campus connections to develop initiatives aimed at supporting students from under- represented groups -- not just race or ethnicity, but also things like low-income, first generation in your family to attend, etc.

Things like this can strongly correlate with more distractions, difficulties, and obstacles in students' lives, compared to observations of students from so-called "privileged" backgrounds. Not providing anything that those students from other backgrounds don't have access to -- quite the opposite actually.

The ol selection bias, good call

Take my comment as an upvote. I think the current number is a proper reaction already :)

Thats weird, it almost feels like a misalignment between our general needs for computing resource development, and the incentive structures produced by using capitalist economic markets to distribute even basic goods for survival...

AliExpress too, to some extent,, depending on what it is. Usually has "direct from the mainland" shipping, though.

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Pretty appropriate way to handle it with current "systems and institutions", too, nice.

Point taken, thanks for taking the time to lay it out.

What they're getting towards (one thing, anyways) is that "indistinguishable to the model" and "the same" are two very different things.

IIRC, one possibility is that LLMs which learn from one another will make such incremental changes to what's considered "acceptable" or "normal" language structuring that, over time, more noticeable linguistic changes begin to emerge that go unnoticed by the models.

As it continues, this phenomena creates a "positive feedback loop" in which the gap progressively widens -- still undetected, because the quality of training data is going down -- to the point where models basically "collapse" in their effectiveness.

So even if their output is indistinguishable now, how the tech is used (I guess?) will determine whether or not a self-destructive LLM echo chamber is produced.

(raises hand) It was me, I did.

Same on the Windows OS theme 😊

Wasn't this guy just in the news for kicking the infrastructure bill (which was effectively meant to be our try at national-level climate action) repeatedly in the balls, cutting climate and infrastructure spending by like half - and then holding the whole thing up at the end when his clients/constituents presumably realized that one of the provisions in the bill would jeopardize the pipeline deal they had been working on (which, surprise, happened to go through some frontline communities, etc etc)?

Actually, to be fair, because it might matter for future reference. If someone doesn't "know about" Al Jazeera, but they see this piece and get an impression of journalistic integrity... it tells them almost nothing at all about whether or not they can be "trusted" in other areas of their reporting.

This person shared a simple fact that helps address this for people clearly, and without bias. Because there's literally no way that this isn't relevant to their reporting - or what they choose to report on - for literally any issue or area at all.

Doesn't matter at all if it's directly relevant to this post or not - and I don't know international politics well enough to say that it doesn't matter here, actually, do you?

That's pretty much what it is, unfortunately :/

What if I'm physically disabled? Which literally everyone is, in relation to a stronger individual or group (and there's literally always someone/something bigger than you)... Does that mean I don't have the "right" to be anti-murder, even if the murderer is someone with a badge?

Or maybe there's a sliding scale, with how much of a position of principle that I'm allowed hold correlating proportionally to how much I can bench or how quickly I can subdue an opponent?

That sounds pretty fascist.

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It's exaggerated to make a point, not a bad-faith argument. Try reading the rest of the comment, boss...

Your position appears to rest on the idea that people who need protection somehow don't have the right to hold positions of principle against murdering police that in theory might also protect them in some scenario. Idk, it sounds either fascist, or like you really haven't thought things through enough..

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