1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is going to help everyone around Trump walk, because they can point to him taking full accountability, Meadows Eastman, Giuliani can get out of it. And Trump himself will never see any consequences either.

RICO case in Georgia is much more difficult, which is why the GOP down there have created a committee to remove any prosecutors they want. So, that's how that will get killed off.

Red states are a luxury we can't afford anymore. They need to pull themselves up by their freedom bootstraps and start turning a profit, or the spigot turns off.

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They live mostly on gels and polymers I think.

Embrace, extend, extinguish. This is what we must prevent.

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What in the actual fuck

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Hundreds of years ago, Christianity inspired some truly incredible music. Bach's BWV 63 (especially the Gardiner recording) is a miracle.

Contemporary Christian music, though, is probably the falling domino that ultimately led to the realization that my Christianity was just tribalism. Modern American Christian "culture" has no redeeming value, other than its lucrative redemption for fiat currency.

I do love visiting cathedrals, though.

If you see someone go overboard, get someone else to start throwing stuff off the deck to where they are in the water (while you keep pointing at them). Makes for much easier locating by others, and a quicker rescue

The book of Daniel lays out what the anti-christ will do and how he will behave. It describes Trump perfectly.

Gentoo: yeah I'll run on a potato if you tell me how to do it.

That's how they got rid of Madison Cawthorne (who was himself a total piece of shit like the rest of them).

IATSE isn't part of the strike. Most likely because AMPTP would find a way to make American Gladiators with non-union labor, which would be a body blow to the union.

If you're IATSE, you're working right now, because the union isn't on strike.

Edit: upon re-re-re-reading your comment, I now think you're saying that the crew got fucked over, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

The trick is that they don't care if you call them hypocrites. Those packets just get dropped at the router. It's like calling them "xorflax" or something... the words have no meaning to them.

Sounds like you're complaining about the free market. People don't like something that was unearthed about someone, so they don't support them.

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Sounds like such a nice lady.

If I ever win the Powerball, I'm going to disappear, and spend my time hunting poachers and rainforest loggers.

How would that prevent you from being a conservative?

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I've given up on going to outdoor concerts because of that smell.

Have you seen a highway in Los Angeles during rush hour?

emerge -uDN @world

...and head to bed for me.

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Kotor, Montenegro is the most beautiful place I'd ever been to that I'd never heard of. The whole Aegean Sea is incredible.

Edit: Meant "Adriatic" Sea.

No kill like overkill.

I think we have many citizens who should have to pass the citizenship test before voting.

Wasn't the German government running SuSE?

I know Ubuntu has had that for a while, which means that others probably have as well.

Old Man Yells At Cloud

Hopefully Debian or LMDE. Canonical is becoming a mini-Microsoft.

DJT's public offering needs to be pushed out past the first or second week of May in order to screw Donnie over. He can't cash out any shares for six months, or use those shares as collateral for six months either.

If he loses in November, that stick becomes worthless.

Republicans have to be continually humiliated in front of the nation. That is the only thing that will work, and that is all that they will listen to (other than outright brutality). Utter and complete humiliation every day.

Dems as a party won't do it because they a) fear losing imaginary "centrist" voters, and b) don't actually want to be in power anyway, since they can fundraise more when they are in the opposition.

The OS I direct the technologically-illiterate to when I don't plan on supporting it myself is invariably iOS. Boomers don't need anything more anyway.

He can't sell for six months after it goes public, nor can he use his shares as collateral for a loan in those six months. If he loses the election, stock will tank, so IPO needs to be delayed until mid-May to potentially royally screw him over.

Please don't feed that to your dog.

Hasn't been my experience

Democrats protest, Republicans vote. One of the primary lessons of high school AP Government 25 years ago.

Wealth tax. 0.1%. The rich will see it as adding a .1 onto all of their investment expense ratios, and I don't give a shit.

Which is why he became Secretary of Energy under Trump. Also I think he was kicked off Dancing with the Stars in one of the early rounds. Certainly makes him qualified to occupy the same chair as Steven Chu.

I don't know... Debian 12 or latest Fedora (ugh) are pretty darn idiot proof. CLI doesn't really enter into the picture on those if you don't want it to. And, your computer won't have to be tossed out for another 10 years.

I'm personally just getting back into Linux after a 20-year hiatus, and configuring/compiling Gentoo from the ground up has definitely given me a different perspective on computers.

In general, almost all Linux distros stem from 3 primary distributions: Debian, Arch and Fedora. (The outliers would be things like Void, Gentoo and Slackware.) All of these other distros that "just work" are, for the most part, skins of those primary 3 with different apps pre-installed.

Kali? It's Debian. Ubuntu? It's Debian. Mint? It's either Ubuntu (which itself is Debian) or now Linux Mint Debian Edition. The "look and feel" of a distro has nothing inherently to do with that distro.

What they all have in common is that the eye-candy Desktop Environment is there to provide a "friendlier" interface than a CLI - but there is nothing a DE can do that the native terminal can't.

I've also found it's just faster/easier to install things via terminal than browse through an artificial "app store."

Maybe I'm moving away from the idea of a desktop environment in general, in favor of a Window Manager that just handles putting programs in floating windows in a black space.

What am I wishing for?

Orion does it now too.

Only if you pay money to use their product yourself.