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I blame the touchscreen first ideology. Give em some physical buttons that you can feel without taking your eyes off the road.

That and the sheer power can make accidents happen faster than you can react.

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Unless you have been locked in a sensory deprivation tank for your whole life, and have independently developed the English language, you too have learned from other people's content.

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While they could have snugged them in, they do need the ability to park them somewhere while shopping. One option is in the road, like the white van. Or put up some bike racks to guide parking. This is poor city planning.

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Yeah, it seems Google is way more open to side loading and fdroid existing. Not sure how Apple got away with it when they are so much more restrictive.

Can this ruling be used in the future against Apple?

Lol, read the room bot.

Works great in Ubuntu.

My guess is Microsoft doesn't like it because Google came up with it. Ms has had some issues with recognizing open formats before. Could be you are using old versions of apps too.

It's an ok game.

Had a few plot points in the UC quest line that were cool. I liked that zero g casino fight.

Inventory management was shit, but that's pretty common to the creater.

Base building didn't really interest me in Fallout 4, and didn't do much for me here either. The crafting was weird. I don't like using my combat feats to make better sandwiches.

The ship customization was cool, but since you are just jumping to your destination it didn't matter much for my playthrough.

The proc gen planets were predictably empty feeling. I was worried about that after they said they were putting 1000 in. No way they could hand generate enough content to fill that, which was their strength in The Elder Scrolls.

I suspect they got caught up in the No Man's Sky hype and forgot to use their core strengths. Combine this with not enough innovation on their weaknesses and it was mid.

If they would have done an Expanse scale game, set within our solar system, where you had 2 large terrestrial planets, a number of asteroid bases, and kept their scale in check they may have been able to pull it off. But it felt just too stretched out.

I think that 7/10 review guy was right.

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I suspect they imploded.

These super deep subs are traditionally not reused very long, because the stress of the water pressing and then releasing weakens them. The more compression-decompression cycles they take the faster they degrade.

From all the reports, they got a lot of reports of issues that they ignored. I read that one of the reporters who saw it found it to be very jury rigged together. Apparently it was not certified in any way.

Even if they did survive and the ballast worked correctly, they would surface quickly (decompression sickness?) and cannot open the hatch from the inside. The thing doesn't float above the water, so its going to be a pain to find. Also they didn't paint it bright orange with blinking lights, its white, gray, and blue.

Overall, a lot of poor decisions and ignoring advice lead to disaster.

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It's not a principled stance, it's simple economics.

They already take 30 percent of sales.

It is a benefit to them to put whatever will guarantee more sales, and a couple cents from an ad impression is just going to get in the way of that goal.

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The funny thing is that it is the Apple phones making it worse intentionally.

Trump is not very coherent either if you have listened to his speeches. Would be nice to see some young blood in there.

Or that time when he threatened to blow us Kid Cudi's car, then someone blew up Kid Cudi's car? Sounds like there needs to be some more investigation here.

The Australians have a cardboard kamikaze drone. The hard part would be sourcing enough electronics in a warzone.

Both are so high because they are well known properties with long term fans.

Popularity sells.

It's a local thing. My town doesn't let you ride on the main street sidewalk, but you can everywhere else. There are signs posted at the end of the street that you would never notice.

That being said, ride in the road. Assert some dominance.

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You can run smaller models locally, and they can get the job done, but they are not as good as the huge models that would not fit on a your graphics card.

If you are technically adept and can run python, you can try using this:

It has a front end, and I can run queries against it in the same API format as sending them to openai.

I've been seeing a lot of alpine based containers recently. Used to see a lot of Ubuntu, debian, redhat.

I think a lot of it depends on if you are spinning a lot of containers up.

Not all dads abandon their kids to go get cigs at the gas station my guy.

Yeah, I think folks here are not giving them enough credit. It wasn't just some random dude drawing lines for no reason.

The purpose of a lot of what Britain was doing was to prevent unification into a new Ottoman Empire successor. They intended the internal conflict in the region.

And it worked at keeping the Middle East busy and Europe safe for the most part (if you don't count the incalculable death toll having them fighting amongst themselves has caused, and random terrorist attacks).

That seems pretty high. You are bringing those numbers up.

Yeah, it refuses to give you the first sentence from Harry Potter now.

Which is kinda lame, you can find that on thousands of webpages. Many of which the system indexed.

If someone was looking to pirate the book there are way easier ways than issuing thousands of queries to ChatGPT. Type "Harry Potter torrent" into Google and you will have them all in 30 seconds.

Roblox content generation is hella preditory though. Just make sure they know that they probably wont be able to get any real cash out.

Honestly you probably don't even need to exist to do that.

Humans have been trying hard to do that on their own.

You think he's got 8 billion? Someone spends to much time on Tiktok, lol.

We need an ai to listen to music and tell us what to like by playing it on repeat till we do. Just like the radio stations.

I absolutely liked the castle, was very cool, but aside from a few story missions it didn't feel like you were in school.

You can run around at night without issue, didn't have to attend certain classes until you wanted. Maybe some more persona style social simulation aspects mixed in would help. Idk.

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Perfectly good computers do make random bit flip mistakes, and the smaller they get the more issues we will see with that.

Even highly QA'd code like they put on the space shuttle put 5 redundant computers in to reduce the chance they all fail.

Not every piece of software is worth the resources to do that though. If your game crashes just restart it.

According to most sites TOS, when we write our posts we give them basically full access to do whatever they like including make derivative works. Here is the reddit one (not sure how Lemmy handles this):

When Your Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Your Content and any name, username, voice, or likeness provided in connection with Your Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed anywhere in the world. This license includes the right for us to make Your Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit. You also agree that we may remove metadata associated with Your Content, and you irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content.

The one with the heavy armor.

This is where I was. Decent game, just lost interest after like 2 weeks. There was a bit too much fishing around in the inventory and clicking through menus.

There were definitely a few cool moments in it, but I think they got to engrossed in the procgen planets to really give it all that handcrafted feel. Having 1000 planets forced the content to be too spread out. And other games have been out for years that handle the procgen better.

7/10 review guy was right. Decent game with some cool parts, but also a lot of issues and annoyances.

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Yeah. And it would have been this way no matter if he did nothing, attacked Hamas directly, or bombed Israel.

The conflicts in the Middle East is very devisive. Folks have been fighting over that area since before we have written history. No matter what you do someone is going to want you dead.

I think his approach of guarding without direct invasion is probably the right one, but neither side will be happy with it.

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Could you unscrew the plastic case and 3d print something in black?

Lots of people play lowfi hiphop as background noise. It's the modern equivalent of late 80s smooth jazz elevator music.

If it's going to get scalped anyways, I would prefer we did it in the open auction style the first half year, with the RPI foundation getting the proceeds.

These scalper bots are adding nothing of value. Fuck em.

If you passed them a sheet of music I'd say that's on you, it would be your responsibility to not sell recordings of them playing it.

Just like if I typed the first chapter of Harry Potter into word it is not Microsoft's intent to breach copyright, it would have been my intent to make it do it. It would be my responsibility not to sell that first chapter, and they should come after me if I did, even though MS is a corporation who supplied the tools.

We fucked it up on our own with SEO long before chatgpt came along. Google has been going downhill for years as people learn to game the algorithm.

It will speed it along sure, but the core problem is that is profitable to dump garbage on the internet and put ads on it. The monitozation is the root of this.

They sell hardware, everything they make is there to want you to purchase the next version of it.

Their lockin game is on point. I was reading an article about how kids bully other kids who are not using apple products because their icons are another color.

I think ideally we should all use something that's open source, e2e encrypted, and platform agnostic, but you are not going to get either Apple or Google on board with that since you can't really make money off it.

This is true, it can really throw off the tone. But for a game that is supposed to be about going to school, it didn't really feel like it.

Maybe they did try it and had to drop it because it wasn't fun. Not sure.

Yeah, I have a network attached brother black and white printer. It's pretty great. It handles 98 percent of my printing workload, no fuss, I honestly don't remember the last time I changed any toner. Has a scanner on top that works if I need it.

If I want something big/nice and in full color I can always go down to the print shop. But for your common printing it's great.