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Joined 10 months ago

OP, I know it's not your fault (probably) but that title makes it seem like the killer was found dead. If you had reformatted like: "Man arrested in connection with slain cheerleader foud dead in her mother's bathtub" it could have been made a little more clear. It isn't actually important to the story that the cheerleader was found in the bathtub and the title would have been much easier to understand without that bit of trivial information.

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Lol, personalize all my ads IDGAF. I'm not seeing any of them anyway. Thanks Ublock.

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I'll answer because I found the information. It appears that the attacker would need to rely on physical access to the machine OR another exploit that lets them access the computer remotely.

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Of course it's the Russians selling this shit...

In case anyone was curious about the click-bait: "The new excavations bring to light exciting new information about this unique woman and her time."

It's just part of some quote and there isn't really anything exciting.

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Why is Sony particularly bad at security?

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Thanks to your comment I gave termux another try and finally figured out what I was doing wrong (pgk updates never working). DO NOT install termux from the Play Store, use FDROID. If you use the play store version you have an old and outdated version with old and broken package repos.

Nah, I'm pretty sure he was feuding with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church over it, even called him an alter boy.

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More importantly, does the attacker need physical access to the computer or can this be performed over the Internet/local network?

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Another related question. Is the creator of Lemmy also the creator of torrents-csv? I ask because their dockerhub page hosts torrents-csv images as well as the lemmy one.

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Does Google have no issues with ad blocking as long as you pay for YouTube premium? I have premium because it's included with my YouTube music subscription but I still use uBlock Origin in Firefox. I have never seen any requests for me to disable it while on YouTube or any other Google owned service.

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I guess you just found out that your street has no parking...

Time to build a driveway and park on your own property.

OP is making a point that the visibility of queer and other minorities in history and in public is more important than the visibility of straight/non-minority people. Their point was that non-minority groups aren't hated and target for who they are unlike minority groups. It is important to display and teach about the humanity of different groups in order to prevent mistrust and violence against them by the majorities.

If you really didn't understand this then you should get your head out of your ass and wake up to reality.

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That's like putting all your porn in a desktop folder labeled "Sexually Explicit Images"

Can you even arrest a yacht? Surely they meant to say confiscated...

The title is probably just a bad translation because the site is I know its a big responsibly OP but maybe see if the title makes sense before copying it for your post.

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Please forward these text messages to to help get the scam websites taken down and spam numbers blocked. Yes, you can send text messages directly to email addresses.

I recently saw my first Tesla Semi and also Tesla Truck in the wild. The semi was pretty cool but the truck looked like a toy or a prop and was smaller than I expected.

That doesn't track. Why pay money and schedule a date to do poorly on the ACT? Should the scores not go up if only the people who know they are going to college take the test?

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Not to mention that the satellite connection was meant for emergency calls and emergency calls already attempt to used ANY available cellular connection (not just your own carrier). This feature is only useful for people who spend considerable time outside of cellphone coverage areas and those people would be better served by an actual satellite phone.

Take a look at that question again. OP Is asking why USB C isn't standard and you gave an answer as to why it would be standard.

For me, it was a combination of things. I was already an evening user of cannabis and had just started bowling regularly with some friends ( a few of which were smokers). Drinking and bowling go hand in hand and I got curious when my friends went out for smoke breaks so I decided to go with them. First couple times you smoke you get a really nice head-high and don't really even think about how easy it is to get addicted. By the time that little head-high no longer happens it's too late and you are addicted.

I hate Doorsdash so fucking much but I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to it. It's one of those terrible destructive relationships and I find myself screaming at the app every time I use it. I recently discovered a neat trick though, where if I order from the website then the app won't spam me with the double-dash popup but I'll still get my delivery statuses.

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But those companies have paid good money to politicians for that privilege. You can't expect them to have to follow the rules. To quote Jafar from Aladdin, "You ever heard of the golden rule? Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

The name of the company is NSH USA Corp., in case anyone else was upset by the click bait title.

It took me 24 hours, saw the headline yesterday morning and skipped over it. Didn't realize it wasn't about cereal until this morning.

I assume you support the temperance movement as well. As others have said, there are no limits on candy flavored alcohol. Alcohol has a much more detrimental affect on society than nicotine. As far as I can tell, most of the regulations surrounding tobacco only serve to entrench and strengthen the international Tobacco companies by removing any chance for competitive markets.

Do these 3rd party apps let you get rid of Shorts? I absolutely despise accidentally clicking on Shorts and would prefer if they actually stayed in the Shorts section so this doesn't happen on my Home feed.

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Here's some flame bait:

Why would you want to listen to your music in this inferior format? I get it if there aren't any modern recordings or quality transfers but to actually sit down and enjoy the low signal to noise ratio of a record just boggles the mind.

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Really makes me think of the movie "Her". I've wanted a T-shirt with a dedicated phone pocket since that movie but this tech seems like a better option.

¿Porque no los dos? I don't want to get into arguments about which side is more morally just in their killing but the reality is that both sides are responsible for atrocities and the murder of civilians to further their territorial goals.

No, then the VMs would get their own subnet. You want the NIC bridged so that the router actually sees the VMs.

Before the test was mandatory, people only took the test if they thought they needed for entry to college. Now there are more people who don't want to go to college yet still must take the test. It's logical to assume that the people who would not go to college or feel that the test is a waste of their time will not perform as well as the people who view it as a barrier that they must cross for their desired life outcome. The simplicity of the test doesn't really matter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most French smokers roll their own?

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When a computer is locked down by an employer it doesn't just mean you can't install software, it means that you CANNOT RUN software that isn't approved.

I honestly think this would not be a bad way to go once I retire. Just develope a fentanyl addiction and move to Canada for a medically assisted OD. A lot better than dealing with the coming water wars and dying like an animal while desperately fighting for survival.

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Kbin isn't really a fork, but it does have a similar feature set.

Those injuries seem crazy for a water slide! Did the person ride one of the top edges all the way down?

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I imagine that many religion/mythology researchers felt that burn.

Just a little nitpicking, the words you want to be using are "offSITE" and "onSITE" not "offSIDE" or "onSIDE" (this isn't a football match).

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Any time something happens outside Chinese borders, China turns into a condescending husband, "just calm down."