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Joined 5 months ago


To be fair, the things that have happened around him are completely unprecedented for a president.

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Why not educate someone who is earnestly asking? There is so much information and misinformation, just typing "Biden Israel" into Google and expecting full context is hopeless.

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Thanks for the recommendation! I'm a huge Behind the Bastards fan, anything in that vein is super fascinating to me.

The reason that your favorite games are your favorite is because they aren't soulless cash grabs. They're made by people with imagination, passion, and ingenuity. AI simply can't create something brand new from existing parts, it can only give it a fresh coat of paint.

Furthermore, AI will always work like this, because that's how the models are trained. I don't think we'll have a model that learns to create on its own within any of our lifetimes, if ever.

Unfortunately, jackass conservatives don't believe in such a thing. If they did, there wouldn't even be a need to "meet in the middle" over actually banning literature.

Meeting people in the middle works for things like "what should we spend tax money on", because those are things that are not zero-sum - you can actually divide the pie up and make everyone reasonably happy. Conservatives are not happy until they have it 100% their way, as you've seen time and time again. You give them an inch, they take the whole damn yardstick.

First it was "you can't say gay", then it was "you can't ask what people want to be called", and now it's escalated again to "if you ask, you're a literal sex offender".

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It literally is just statistics... wtf are you on about. It's all just weights and matrix multiplication and tokenization

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Wtf is wrong with you

Glad to see lemmy users are just as snide as reddit users jeez

My best guess is that they instead aggregate your data and serve ads based off of basic demographically information - instead of data they've harvested from your Google account. E.g. they'll use your age range, gender, region, etc

Bro most people aren't the extreme left and leftist politicians aren't enacting book bannings and banning people from talking about the fact that they exist in school.

"Bro... You're not gonna believe this but... An orange man will become president and act like a clown."

I feel like it's more ethnocentric than racist, which is a bit less bad. Some developers have had negative experiences with offshore talent. I've personally had mixed experiences, and some of that comes down to communication issues and experience issues. Sometimes you get an offshore developer who is really skilled, but generally the very skilled developers get their work visa and come to the US.

You also get absolutely garbage developers in the states, but of course nobody ever mentions that. Lol

I think the Corsair 4000D does iirc (my case).

From my experience, discord might have one of the best chat searches out there. It's stupid fast and you can search metadata like time, sender, attachments, etc.

Iirc he has influenza B and MRSA at the same time

Yeah, I've found it funky but usable. Unfortunately they resolved a bug where you always show online if you're on a laptop in balanced power mode and it's plugged in lol. That was a great feature

Are you stupid