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Joined 1 years ago

FLOSS virtualization hacker, occasional brewer

Why do the $20 subscription when the API pricing is much cheaper, especially if you are trying different models out. I'm currently playing about with Gemini and that's free (albeit rate limited).

Don't be too hard on Collin. Looking back on the threads it's fairly clear he's been the victim of a social engineering attack on an overworked maintainer. People were pressuring him to hand over maintainership while expressing disappointment at the slow pace of development. The off-list contact by Jia must have seemed like a helpful enthusiastic solution to a burnt out developer.

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It's looking more like a long game to compromise an upstream.

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Buy games from indie developers on platforms like You may have a negative view of the other people involved in funding and marketing a triple AAA game but they all contribute and get a share of the retail price. You don't get to pick and choose who deserves to get their slice.

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Yes training is the most expensive but it's still an additional trillion or so floating point operations per generated token of output. That's not nothing computationally.

Well the account is focused on one particular project which makes sense if you expect to get burned at some point and don't want all your other exploits to be detected. It looks like there was a second sock puppet account involved in the original attack vector support code.

We should certainly audit other projects for similar changes from other psudoanonymous accounts.

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Time to audit all their contributions although it looks like they mostly contribute to xz. I guess we'll have to wait for comments from the rest of the team or if the whole org needs to be considered comprimised.

While shell based RC systems do offer flexibility they also have downsides including copy and paste leading to subtly different behaviour across units. Dependency resolution was also a bit of a hack on top of scripts to deal with concepts like run levels.

The declarative approach of a proper configuration is a better and more scalable solution.

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It's interesting they've gone from a simple reskin to a downstream fork. I'm guessing there won't be much of value to find though.

Self hosting takes time and energy and most open source developers join projects because they are interested in the project not becoming admins. On top of that building a CI system is an expensive undertaking when a lot of hosting solutions provide a fair amount of compute for free to qualifying projects.

Basically your only other option is to find the keys for each BluRay you own yourself. I did go through the hoops a while ago and wrote it up:

However it's a pain sourcing the encryption keys you need for each disk. While I work hard to prefer FLOSS apps over their propriety equivalents in this case I'm happy to pay the small fee for a perpetual licence of MakeMKV.

If the system is SystemReady then the EFI boot chain is fairly straightforward now. My current workstation just booted off the Debian usb installer like any other pc.

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How much theming does a terminal need? Personally my required features were a server and good font support. Currently I use the foot terminal:

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It really depends how you see the firmware boundary. You can either treat it as a set of magic numbers you load onto the hardware so it works or see it as an intrinsically programmable part of your system that you should be able to see the source code for or live without support for the device.

I certainly agree with a lot of that analysis. I also worry how signal continue to fund their app sustainably without compromising their users.

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Don't delete it. It's an area of the filesystem where the current user session data is kept. This includes things like sockets to communicate with other session components and lock files. It's usually hosted on a ram disk so takes up no space in the system and goes away when you shutdown your machine.

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Microsoft has been working with a number of open source projects for some time now. It shouldn't be that surprising anymore.

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Libvirt/qemu with either virt-manager or cockpit to control them. Alternatively there are various wrapper projects for qemu that hide the complex command line from you.

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A lot of projects would be better served with a plain Makefile although for widely posted projects something is required.

Qemu has used a single readable POSIX shell script for configure although recently most of the tests are in meson (avoiding some Makefile shenanigans in the process). While it's a new syntax to learn at least the intent is clear and reviewable.

For range it doesn't add much in most cases. But it also depends on how long between journeys you have. If you're traveling in a van and you are going to be stationary for a few weeks at a time then it can start to make sense, maybe with an extra fold out.

This seems like an excellent idea and hopefully provides a model for other media outlets to follow.

If you limit yourself to media created only by authors that past your particular purity test your going to have a very narrow view of the world. There is a reason the HP fandom is popular and I don't think it's because it's because it's made up of budding transphobes.

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The ISA may be open but I'm pretty sure the microarchitecture will be totally proprietary. Even with a kick ass microarchitecture they may still struggle if they can't use the latest process nodes to actually manufacture the chips.

Having said that I suspect the main challenge RISCV is going to face is the software ecosystem. That stuff can take a decade to build and requires a degrees of cooperation between all the companies building chips.

They are not getting around anything - they just won't keep you as a customer if you redistribute the patches. But no one is stopping anyone from exercising their rights under the GPL.

There is a lot of talk about their community reputation and really for me as a FLOSS developer this comes from the work of their engineers in the upstream. We don't care about the downstreams because the people that do pay someone to care about it for them. If anything the only real practical difference for us is it makes it harder to include RHEL/RHEL-like distros in our CI loops. However they are big enough to worry about that themselves.

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It's about time. I know there was a desire to avoid over regulating the burgeoning internet economy but we reached the era of monopolies a while ago now.

You can do one thing and buy it for Android and then run it under either mcpelauncher or waydroid. Sure paying for the thing multiple times sucks but welcome to multi-platform propriety software. At least I only payed for it once for the whole family.

A bunch of generative filler text won't games more immersive. Maybe there is some scope in giving the model hidden details you need to coax out of it LA Noire style but currently everything seems a bit gimmicky.

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I've heard of people waking up with accents but I'm not sure I've seen any cases where they speak an unfamiliar language fluently.

I'm very lucky that I get to work in an upstream focused open source job. But I also maintain a few small packages personally and those only get attention when there are contributions to review or I have a personal itch to scratch. I'll leave enhancement requests in the trackers and just mark them as such and occasionally have a go at them if I feel the urge. No one not paying should expect anymore from maintainers.

Isn't the GPU documented now?

There are reverse engineered docs as well:

So I may be biased but what is vmwares USP? From my limited experience it was a slightly more polished GUI for creating VMs and the ability to run on older pre-virt hardware. Is the experience still objectively better than the alternatives?

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This is the way 😉 although the Minecraft launcher is pretty good these days running under Waydroid is considerably less hacky as it's not having to thunk between android and Linux userspace.

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I'm just getting to the end of the Dragonborn DLC before returning to continue my first run through Skyrim.

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Google TV works because you can click through with the controller. But getting it plugged in is the first challenge 😃

An interesting piece but isn't this what VC investors do, not every play will result in a unicorn and those that do pay for the losses of those that don't. I expect more than a few billion will evaporate into vapourware as we crest this wave of generative ai hype.

I'm Chaotic Neutral (although my vertical monitor is on the left). It was an experiment that stuck because I like being able to read more lines of code at once.

British/French made an air-launched cruise missile with a 550km stand off range. They are fairly low profile so hard to detect and the high stand off range makes it safer for the pilots flying the launch platform.

They have been working on VirtIO vulkan support as well as native context support for their cards.

How many people maintain LibreWolf? How closely does it track the upstream?

It's certainly a distro that will help you understand how a Linux system is put together. It's fairly unmatched in its ability to craft your selection of binaries with just the features you want and no fat. However the downside of that is you get to keep all the pieces of your bespoke collection of binaries when some interaction gets missed. Adding new packages is super easy, especially if the package uses a build system which is already understood by Gentoo's eclasses.

I used to run Gentoo on my x86 desktop but given how frequently things like browsers need to be rebuilt it became a chore. Now I tend to run Debian stable with the occasional backport/snap/flatpak if I want a newer app.

However I do have a nice little 24 core Arm server which sucks a continuous 5w idle or fully loaded. When I got it we were doing a lot of Arm enablement work and Gentoo made sense from a developer flexibility point of view. It runs the ~amd64 profile because I got bored of unmasking stuff for ~arm64 when most packages just work when built on non-x86 these days. The rare cases that don't I can always submit the patches upstream.