2 Post – 207 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Love the game so much. It is such a fun concept for a game and they executed so well. I’m still in the first phases of the game and unlocking new content and I’m hooked.

I think Washington state has outlawed them except for things like safety signs and I think that’s great.

This is from like 15 years ago, so maybe it’s not true anymore.

Smart, I wouldn’t want anyone to know I lived in Michigan either

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Exactly, I was surprised that 989 was even a valid area code tbh, just doesn’t look right

I read the purple one on the dog’s brain as “DOG” and honestly I think it could be an improvement.

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When the old school RuneScape wiki moved to a self hosted solution it was night and day the quality difference. I’d argue that OSRS (and probably regular RS) have some of the best wikis in gaming.

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Wow, 1993 to 2024, not a bad first-class support lifetime.

I’m not gonna comment on the Linux portion because you seem quite passionate, but both Libre Office and Open Office are cross platform apps. So they’ll work just fine with your OneDrive / Dropbox / Backblaze / whatever to give you the wonderful fully cloud synced experience on either Windows or Linux.

Regarding Section 1.0, the portion “ (“Lemmy.World,” “we,” “us,” or “LW”).” You may need to include the term “our” since it’s used quite frequently throughout the document.

I mean I assume you have to start somewhere to be able to improve, right? Like breakthroughs with TVs, no one would realistically use a vacuum tube when you can make an OLED display. But if we didn’t start with the vacuum tube we wouldn’t know what to improve on.

It’s gotta be posted every time:

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Absolutely no shot I can afford 40 TB of SSDs for my NAS

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It’s possible the “mystery” they refer to could be related to the identity of the hacker(s), how it got onto the routers in the first place, or the purpose for the attack

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One day last October, subscribers to an ISP known as Windstream

In case anyone only reads the headline

So should ext3 be deprecated for the same reason? Seems it also has the 2038 problem.

E: Seams -> Seems

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The kernel I didn’t even know I needed

The problem with this philosophy is that it’s basically how ads started on the internet and now we’re here.

Oh it’s just a small, non-intrusive side bar ad, thats okay… oh it’s just ads on both sides… oh it’s just an additional ad on top and on the bottom… oh it’s just an easily dismissed pop up ad… oh it’s just a short video to watch before I’m allowed to see the site… repeat ad nauseam (no pun intended)

A new preferences dialog has been added to Software Manager that has, among other options, a toggle to show unverified Flatpaks — but the distro makes clear this is “not recommended”

I’m not entirely sure on the absolute best, but I always use Switzerland. I believe they have extremely strong privacy laws that protect individual privacy and I believe they have a relaxed view on downloading so long as it is solely for personal use, though uploading / sharing torrenting is still very much disallowed.

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Cloudflare provides at-cost domain name registration. It won’t be as private as, but if you end up using them for your site, then it would be one less entity to trust if you have your registration and DNS with them.

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Fortune reported that they only own 49%, and if that’s the case it would make sense why they might not have known about this, since I don’t think that would be a controlling stake (though I don’t really know the exact definition of the term).

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Canada finally got their flag

Torrent Freak is not a piracy website. They are a news publication that talks about torrenting and piracy. They describe themselves as follows:

TorrentFreak is a publication dedicated to bringing the latest news about copyright, privacy, and everything related to filesharing. We are not a news aggregator but focus on unique and fresh stories. TorrentFreak is where news and copyright issues collide.

For this specific article, they mention that they

estimated based on sample data from several sources, including I Know.

The source article in question:

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I have not tried it, but I’ve heard good things about bazzite as a good steam deck clone that has a strong community committed to Nvidia support.

Worth looking into at least!

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As the other person said it’s likely that xz is already installed on your system, but almost certainly a much older version than the compromised one. It’s likely that no action is required on your part assuming you’ve not been downloading tarballs of bleeding edge software.

As the other person said, just keep doing updates as soon Mint recommends them (since it’s based on Ubuntu LTS, it’s a lot less likely to have these bleeding edge vulnerabilities).

I’m sorry I don’t have an answer

Elmo fire gif

I think end-to-end refers to the “open source”, not the GPU acceleration. I know GPUs have always been a black magic to get working and so you often have to use proprietary, closed-source blobs from the manufacturer to get them to work.

The revolution that this is bringing seems to be that all that black magic has been able to be implemented in open-source software.

Could be wrong though, that’s just how I interpreted the article.

I hear you, but also I would be shocked if Apple were to roll this out and it be an absolutely terrible experience. Like their MO is “luxury” products with “premium” experiences, it would not be fitting of the brand to have a piece of crap experience on their flagship announcement.

I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.

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With no clear idea how the routers came to be infected…

My favorite character

your conversations are not used to train chat models by DuckDuckGo or the underlying model providers

Looking at DigitalOcean, a similar ish Droplet would be around $100/mo.

At Hetzner, a similar ish shared host would be around €30–40/mo, or dedicated for €50–60/mo.

Not sure where OP is hosting, but they may have gotten cheaper.

On Hetzner, if you go with OP’s recommendation of 2 vCPU, 8 GB of RAM, and do the storage add on for 100 GB of bulk storage, it’d be about €16/mo.

Not something that I need but absolutely beautiful UI and congrats on the 2.0 release!

I hate that it’s not possible to change your email address easily (or even at all) with some services. Tell me your website backend sucks without telling me your website backend sucks.

The crazy thing is it’s not even banking or finance websites that are ass backwards (as you would expect), it’s other random sites that just for whatever reason don’t have a proper account management.

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I started out by setting up a Pi-Hole for my house and learning and failing small to get my head around how Linux worked and how to actually use a command line / SSH / the works.

From there I went to the website (specifically this guide) which was extremely helpful in understanding the basics of services, networking, DNS, etc. I’d say that if you’re able to get a full setup going with Traefik on Docker, that’s a really good setup for success for self hosting just about anything that can be Dockerized (which is basically anything).

Now I’m able to just read the documentation for a service at, figure out how I want to customize it for my specific setup (e.g. putting gluetun in front of specific containers, setting up cron jobs to automate some container tasks, and creating a suitable backup) all with my knowledge of how this stuff works which I gained through lots of trial and error with the above guide.

That’s really all there is to it: just diving in, making mistakes, and learning from them until you start to build your knowledge of how stuff works and are comfortable going above and beyond copy and paste.

I’m a water engineer!

Sourcing, recycling, and transporting

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This is genuinely good art, I would buy this if it were on canvas

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