21 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Damn, America's really fucking dumb.

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NOT that I support everything the Israeli government has done, and honestly the whole thing is a clusterfuck of epic proportions if we're being honest. But, there's a reason Israel has the area blockaded and controlled in the first place (or as you put it, has a boot on their neck) - Hamas' goal is the eradication of the Jewish state and Jewish life and culture in the region. They hate Jews, pure and simple. At best, any Jews they might allow to stay if they had their way, would live under strict Islamic control like in other parts of the middle east. If I lived in Israel, I could be the most left-wing person you'd meet and I still wouldn't advocate for the suicide of my people, because I'm not insane.

Hamas does not share western leftist's and liberal's sense of justice or fairness. They are a militant Islamist terror organization. "Leaving them alone" and hoping they chill is a fantasy.

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Well, fuck her. I was happy I made a new friend. I was very wrong. Full disclosure: I disagreed with her regarding celebrities and assault allegations. I learned (well I guess I already knew) when I disagree with a cis woman about something - I'm "not a real woman anyways". My identity hinges on being a good little pet for the cis. Fuck that.

(For the record, my first instinct is to believe the alleged victims of sex assualt. I know it takes a lot of courage to come forward. It's just that when large sums of money are involved, I prefer to let the courts decide. How monstrous, and manly, of me).

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We should be allowed to vent here in an LGBTQ+ space without being tone-policed. I'm sorry (believe me, I'm sorry) that transphobia is a problem in the cis queer community.

Humans truly are the monsters in this story.

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Why are you talking down to them? Don't be rude.

TERF island gonna TERF. Wish Scotland could dump their asses, like yesterday.

No need to be sorry at all. I think it's important for people to know that actually, a lot of the transphobia women like me face comes not from violent men, but rather other women. At least that's been my experience.

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It should also be noted here (you know, TL;DR) that it's also fixed in:
Firefox ESR 115.3.1
Firefox Focus for Android 118.1
Firefox for Android 118.1
Thunderbird 115.3.1

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Is okay. Aside from my cool-ass cats I've got a cool-ass wife too. She's my joy. She fills my heart.

It's just, well I feel like it would be more fair to her for me to have more platonic friends too. I try. I tried.

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I'm an LGBTQ Canadian and I'll never step foot in the States.

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It's possible to both root for Ukraine and not revel in human suffering. The music on this just seems wrong. The brave defenders are doing what they have to, but it's too easy for those of us who are bystanders to watch a video and feel disconnected from it.

Wtf? No. Fuck all the way off.

The person you're responding to has also commented "You are obviously referencing hitler, a man who lead his country to the greatest heights it had see in a long time, until the western world decided he was evil."

Their opinions are obviously worthless.

Hey, watch the friendly fire there.

We have a very clean coastline in Canada. Perfectly straight.

Here in Ontario is pretty good for me as a trans person, well at least in terms of my being trans. I feel fortunate.

Why would I harm others for my own pleasure/sustenance when there is an alternative...?

This, for me, has always been the very simple point and it pains me how many people just don't get it.

I'd hug you right now if I could.

I love that my simply existing can trigger a nazi like you so easily. You must know your anger changes nothing at all. Just a scared angry little person you are, raving and ranting.

I'm in a better position to know than you, and you're just wrong. I suspect deep down you know that though; you're just a bigot.

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Sweet of him to name it after one of his children.

This fact is extremely inconvenient to vegans.

A person who eats meat is responsible for more plant consumption than a person who eats vegan. Livestock don't live on sunshine and air you know.

I just want to be a plumber and eat mushrooms and shit, lol.

Omg, who fucking cares?

Well fucking said.

But my cats have all always smothered me with love, and that's something I've always loved about them! Maybe because I find cats very easy to communicate with, whereas with dogs I always feel kinda ackward.

Taking context from your other comments: no I don't eat animal products.

I know exactly who I am.

I mean, to answer the question you asked all those times - yeah, you're an asshole.

Hey, fuck you.

Oops, changed! I've got a serious case of dumb today.

Fair enough on showing true colours sooner rather than later, but last day of Pride and the big bash still feels like cruel timing. I almost never go out to Pride, especially not alone. Should have trusted my usual instinct on that one.

I hate to correct OP, but actually it was the 16-bit Genesis (Mega Drive) version of Sonic that was released first. The 8-bit Master System and Game Gear versions were released a few months after.

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Sweet chili heat flavour are, or were last time I checked.

Wow, what a complete and utter piece of shit.

Why should he be too old to be on a show like this? Video games are for everyone :)


Us retrogamers are gamers too, and there's a ton of great emulators on Linux.