12 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not sure but add 1 to the count.

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Steam. The support they have for multiplatform almost feels open source and they have been invaluable for the adoption of desktop Linux

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Hey a fellow ex-Apollo user. Yeah I basically made an ultimatum with myself that I'd never try another Reddit app, if Apollo dies I'm gone.

My guess would be he wasn't self hosting the AI network so the requests were going through a website.

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Would have been a sick burn if he disagreed with her

As shit as this law was to ever be put to pen and paper (figuratively), silver lining is it getting struck down sets a great precedence that'll help the fight in other States that have passed similar laws.

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Why is this article's tone written like its rooting for rents to rise?

"there should be far less supply going into 2026, giving rents a chance to make up some ground"

It almost sounds like they could be talking a stock price falling.

You want someone to just do the work for you? Not even gonna put it in a text file. Yeesh

Not sure how the girlfriend world react. But my wife would be pissed that I now have one.

NDA :(

I know right, this governor should have made murder illegal instead touches forhead

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Billionaires are people too and dont deserve death just a bad comme.... Pfffffff I'm just kidding sharpen the blade.

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Man I'm super interested in this hardware, if GrapheneOS supported FP it would be a no brainer for me.

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Being skeptical of data and their sources is a fundamental part of science.

10/10 name, good god that’s funny.


My wife and I went out of our way to buy a non-HOA house, cause fuck’em its my property.

Why do you ask?

qBittorrent /s

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Where do you live? If you want I can hire a 6'5" goon to get in your face, refuse to back off, and continue perusing you as you repeated tell him to get away and see if you feel safe.

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Literally read the first half of the first sentence. "California will ban people from carrying firearms in most public places"

SCOTUS point blank ruled this unconstitutional in the Bruen decision, specifically pointing out banning carry in most public places is unconstitutional.

FFS even he acknowledges what hes doing is unconstitutional "But he acknowledged many of these laws might not survive legal challenges".

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Believing a politician can unilaterally suspend a right protected by both the federal and state constitution is unhinged.

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I think most of those people don't understand what the $600 rule is and instead thought I was saying scalpers shouldn't be taxed on their ill gotten profits.

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Even after the Bruen v NSPRA decision many counties in California still behave like may issue jurisdictions. Which is both federally illegal and allows room for corruption like this to occur.

This is exactly what flatpaks were meant to do. Simplify the program deployment across all distros

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Finally. I for the life of me cannot figure out how to read the battery health of my used Pixel 6.

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Yes? I'm against both of the parties in my comment. Maybe I made it sound like I'm in the scalpers side with my tax complaints, I'm not. I just don't want this government overreach to be placed in a positive light just because its also affecting people we hate.

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Zelda TotKn't Skin

Probably not I'm sorry. Sweating enough so that the sweat evaporates as fast as it excretes from your pores is optimal. Skin being more wet doesn't cool faster (drops of sweat falling off you don't cool you), so excess sweat would just dehydrate you faster. Sorry

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Extreme slide bite 👌

What are you on. Life and death situations are textbook uses for guns no matter how antigun rights you are.

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No? A tumor is very clearly multicellular.

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Politicians like them know what they're doing is unlawful, but they also know that it takes time for courts to strike them down.

Until there's actual punishment for issuing blatantly illegal orders or laws (gun related or not) this will continue happening.

How well does SF run on the Deck?

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I honestly didn't know so I had to look it up. The original said "rhythm game"

Licensed concealed carriers have a lower violent crime rate than the general public. So its unhinged to ban these individuals from carrying thinking it'll stop criminals.

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This article is using an overly broad definition of school shooting to make the situation appear as if is worsening in America as opposed to improving.

"The report defines a school shooting as an incident where "a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time of day, or day of week."" & "Shootings that occurred during the COVID pandemic "on school property during remote instruction" were within that definition, the report noted."

This is a redicuilusly broad definition that inflates the numbers of shootings without indicating how many victims there are.

Using the study referenced in the article you can clearly see a reduction in the average number of deaths of "youth[s] ages 5-18 at school" from 1992 to 2020. Scroll down to the line graph on the study and filter out suicides (the trend line is less clear there and needs a separate discussion).

The article even sort of acknowledges this downward trend when it says "interpret these data with caution" given that latest figures are "outliers compared to prior years.""

I'm not saying this to pretend everything is fine and nothing needs to change. No its the opposite, something IS reducing the number of deaths and we need to isolate what it is and do it more. And its not gun control laws getting tighter. 1994 saw the advant for the American Assault Weapon ban and gun laws were arguably the tightest they've ever been in the US. Gun laws in the nation have only loosened since then such as: Permit-less concealled carry is in 26/50 states, all states are now shall issue CCL, and the AWB ended.

CC/OC has always been legal in the US and only after the civil war did laws restricting carry start to pop up (you can probably guess what group of people this was meant to target). NY recently used a law restricting the rights of Catholics and Native Americans as a historical justification for their CC restrictions. The state laws took awhile (and the fear of some groups carrying to subside) to become infringing enough before law suits began. Someone needed to sue and be able appeal enough times in order to be heard by the SCOTUS, which is difficult and time consuming. But the ruling SCOTUS made isn't what makes CC legal, it is a firm statement that it always was legal and laws infringing on that have always been unconstitutional.

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Yes. You're right, these people are vetted by the state and authorized because they passed BG checks and firearms proficiency tests. Which is why a law targeting this group is dumb (beyond just being unconstitutional).

I was jokingly suggesting just pirating the content instead

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