1 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

No system is free from vulnerabilities.

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Russia: invades Ukraine

You: so the French are to blame for WW3

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No, it does not.

Anyone with good media equipment cares when they consider purchasing a game. Nobody needs this info every time they launch it.

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My Raspberry Pi is named 'raspberrypi'. I'm very creative.

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Yeah, people should use proper software to deal with their mental problems. Arch Linux, for instance, comes with a bare minimum, offering the user repositories with fresh packages and AUR to build anything they like.

AI? I took this photo myself when I was in France during the croissant harvesting season!

Disliking Linux memes is not a personality trait, OP!!!

People don't use Facebook, hence you find them on other platforms. They may be thinking that if they don't use it, then nobody does.

But you also have to consider where these people live. It might be "dying" there, while Facebook is getting new users in other markets. I remember watching a video about genocide in Myanmar and the role that Facebook played. Access to Facebook was free if I recall correctly, it was the internet for most people.

It'd be interesting to see data by country.

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Last time I checked, even most IT jobs required you to speak German. I'm not saying this is unreasonable in Germany, but I think it might make it harder to attract a fuckton of people.

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I would never do so now

Oh no... We'll never recover from this. In Russian we say: "назло маме отморожу уши". In English that translates to "to spite my mom, I'll freeze my ears off." This expression is used to describe a situation where someone does something harmful or foolish to themselves in an attempt to rebel against or annoy someone else, despite the action being against their own best interests.

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it seems a billion dollar company can’t compete with these folks who make their apps so much more serviceable

They are not competing, they are actively trying to kill these apps. Besides, those apps are nothing without this billion dollar company and its infrastructure. Their apps are not great, but you're still on YouTube.

Ultimately, most people stay with the default option, that's why they have to be aggressive. Look at the amount of screenshots even in advanced PC communities with ugly useless search bar enabled, which is taking 1/3 of the taskbar. I'm not even speaking about casual users who have no idea that it can be disabled.

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I think people don't pay for porn, people pay to be able to interact with the girl.

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My own server? YOLO

I can't figure out whether there's a monitoring tool called YOLO or you don't monitor anything.

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What does it really change? If you're in legal troubles, the same request will come from your hosting or internet service provider.

5 more... is still focused on FOSS and Privacy

Meanwhile at c/worldnews they remove replies where people disagree that Ukraine is run by fascists and Putin should take it.

QAs don't make nor design games, they test them.

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Isn't this one made by Ubisoft?

Me: again this boring repost


I don’t understand why he returned to Russia just to get killed.

Because in Russia you have to sacrifice yourself and suffer to be "real" politician, and not "stay in cozy Germany", "preaching from abroad". Navalny and other imprisoned politicians believe this too, they're the product of the same society after all.

You didn't say what's your goal. What do you want to achieve? For instance, if you work in IT you should probably learn Docker unless Podman is more relevant in your actual daily tasks.

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What cold war has to do with the objective fact that Russia invaded Ukraine?

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Why hate them? What did they do to you?

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Maybe you should read how software is developed, what roles there are, how business functions in general, and so on - all that before blaming anyone for anything on the internet.

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If only there weren't trying to make YouTube less usable. Currently if I listen to podcasts on YT and take a break, in a few hours it can completely forget that I was watching it, it'll be gone from my watch history. This is so frustrating with 2-3 hours long videos.

This is just ignorant.

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Yes. Real opponents that are against the war are either imprisoned or abroad. He might be getting out of control, but not for long.

I live in one of the grey countries. You can create an account, but Sony offers different stores in different countries, so you have to pick another country. They even sells consoles in many of the grey countries. The biggest issue is that you probably won't be able to buy anything without extra hustle because your card is not issued in the country of your PSN account. Also, this is technically against their ToS. But you can create an account to play Helldivers 2.

With that said, I can't speak for all countries. Maybe somewhere it's really impossible to create an account without VPN.

You lost it because you didn't save. You are a parent, it's time to take responsibility for your mistakes. Don't blame LO as if you were 13 y/o.

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Should we tell him that he doesn't need more than 1 discord account?

Linux is a bunch of code. It doesn't want anything.

English is incredibly easy. My mother tongue is Russian and I'm learning German, both have genders... which are quite often different. That makes things even harder :D

I'm glad we have geniuses here on Lemmy!

No luck with extundelete (segfault) and testdisk (sees some deleted files, but not /var/lib/docker). At least I can always throws it away and not worry about safety of my data! :)

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I always click to see if the phishing email is real or not!

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or a better alternative out there with a database of tabs as large as the two have

I don't know if it's good enough for your needs, but they have a 7-days trial, so you can check it out for free.

Well of course, my screens are in front of me.