17 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
  • Head admin @, a general-purpose Lemmy instance
  • Creator of lemmy-ui-next, an alternative Lemmy frontend
  • Lemmy contributor


They are basically local-only communities on at this point, unfortunately. There is no federation to any other instance for any user posts on those communities.

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I think it's not really on your side, most likely either just something wrong on itself, OR a side-effect of the measures implemented against recently.

I think there are two separate things I want to address here:

First, agile isn't a project management methodology, it's just a set of 4 abstract priorities and 12 abstract principles. It's very short, you can check it out here:

Nothing here says that you're not allowed to write documentation, write down requirements, etc. In fact, the principles encourage you yourself as a software team to create the exact processes and documentation that you need in order to meet your goals.

"Working software over comprehensive documentation" does not mean you aren't allowed to have documentation, it just means that you should only write documentation if it helps you build working software, rather than writing documentation for the sake of bureaucracy.

"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools" does not mean that you should have no processes, it just means that the individuals in your team should be empowered to collaboratively create whatever processes you need to deliver good software.

Secondly, in terms of practical advice:

  1. Talk about this problem with your team. Is it hard for others to figure out where requirements came from? Maybe they already have a good method and can share it with you. If it's hard for everybody, then propose improvements to your process, for example, propose some type of design document process as part of building any new features
  2. There are no perfect answers to the question of "how do I safely make non-trivial changes to systems", but the general approach is to ensure that:

a. You have metrics about how your system is used.

b. You have automated tests covering any requirements, so that you can feel confident when making changes to one part of the system that it isn't violating any unrelated requirements.

c. You actually document any confusing parts in the code itself using comments. The most important thing to cover in comments is "why is this logic necessary?" - whenever something is confusing, you need to answer this question with a comment. Otherwise, the system becomes very annoying to change later on.

If you are missing any of the above, then propose to your team that you start doing it ASAP

  1. At the end of the day, somebody is responsible for making product decisions. Is it your team? Or maybe some separate product owner? Sometimes, you just need to communicate with whoever is responsible to figure out if any requirements are still relevant, or if they are now safe to change.

Drake meme

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I think voting based on quality of content (and NOT whether you agree with it) is the best approach for healthy discussions. If somebody is a low effort troll, then for sure downvote (and maybe even consider reporting).

OTOH, if somebody makes a well written and thoughtful post about why Totoro is the best Ghibli movie ever, and meanwhile you think Totoro is not even in their top 3, then I would still recommend NOT downvoting 😃

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There is a bug in 0.17.4 that stops front pages from updating shortly after the server is restarted, thus resulting in “hot” and "active" showing stale posts.

I have fixed this issue on already, you can check our front page to see fresh posts. The fix will soon land in the main Lemmy codebase as well so other instances can take advantage, you can track the issue here:

I have also advised other instance admins that regularly restarting their Lemmy server will work as a band-aid workaround until the proper fix is released, so some admins have already implemented this in order to get their post rankings working again, but the proper fix will come in the next release of Lemmy.

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There is currently a bug in Lemmy 0.17.4 that causes post rank calculation to stop shortly after the server is restarted. It seems like is affected as well.

You can track this bug here:

I pinged Ruud about this, he can restart the server for now for the ranks to refresh, but I am also working on investigating and fixing the root cause.

FYI to all admins: with the next release of pict-rs, it should be much easier to detect orphaned images, as the pict-rs database will be moved to postgresql. I am planning to build a hashtable of "in-use" images by iterating through all posts and comments by users (+ avatars and banners of course), and then I will iterate through all images in the pict-rs database, and if they are not in the "in-use" hash table, I will purge them.

Of course, Lemmy can be improved to handle this case better as well!

Thanks for releasing it so quickly!

This "sunaruas" sounds like a cool guy 😛

I'm a simple man:

“What day is it?” asked Pooh.

“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

“My favorite day,” said Pooh.

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Awesome work, big thanks to all who contributed!

Well, I'm an Estonian citizen at least 😅

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This "ads as posts" thing was one of my two biggest concerns with Threads federation. I really hoped I would turn out to be wrong about it, but at the end of the day, both Facebook itself, as well as big social media influencers, rely on advertising for their profits. For anybody looking to avoid ads on Lemmy, it seems like direct federation with Threads is not a good idea currently. On, "no advertising" has been one of our 4 core instance rules from the start.

My other major concern was Threads having the ability to enforce their feed algorithms on federated instances through sheer number of votes on things they show in their feeds, but judging by what you're saying about the engagement, at least that concern has not materialized (at least yet).

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I really like the overall concept of Lemmy, so I decided to set up to support the Lemmy network with my skillset. I have previously had the privilege of being responsible for running large platforms online (end-to-end, everything from operations to software engineering), and so far, this experience seems to be extremely relevant for running Lemmy in its current state.

As for paying for hosting, my initial plan was to to just pay for everything myself as kind of a hobby, but the userbase at has been very gracious in first asking me several times to share costs, and then actually sending money once I set up donations. I'm not sure yet if this donations-based funding will be sustainable, or if it will fall off after the initial hype dies, but for now it's really awesome to see that there are several other people who believe in and want to share financial responsibility for it.

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Not sure what you mean by ton of fascists originating from, but please be sure to report users if you notice something weird, rather than trying to create random defederation in the fediverse.

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Do you think Lemmy is decentralized enough right now, or are you worried about some of the bigger instances growing too much?

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This doesn't directly affect me, as I've exclusively bought digital games only for over a decade, but it still annoys me based on principle. It's basically a bait and switch - it would be far more honest to just say "it's digital only" than to sell a useless physical box.

As a test, I ran this on a very early backup of images from when we had very little federation and very little uploads, and unfortunately it is finding a whole bunch of false positives. Just some examples it flagged as CSAM:

  • Calvin and Hobbes comic
  • The default Lemmy logo
  • Some random user's avatar, which is just a digital drawing of a person's face
  • a Pikachu image

Do you think the parameters of the script should be tuned? I'm happy to test it further on my backup, as I am reasonably certain that it doesn't contain any actual CSAM

The problem is that if you have two communities with exactly the same purpose, then that will encourage people to duplicate posts to both. This splits up discussions into two separate comment threads. Also, merging these communities at the client end will cause you to see any duplicated posts twice 😅

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The fragmentation is not inherent to how Lemmy works - the exact same fragmentation can and does happen on Reddit. Just a random example:

On Reddit, it usually works out in the end in one way or another. Either mods decide to team up and combine their communities, or the users just naturally pick one community as the "winner".

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It helps, but it's still not a silver bullet. For example, a Lemmy app could contain no malicious code in its open source repository, but malicious code could still be added to a binary release in an app store.

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Reddit admins are just protecting from being further overloaded!

In all seriousness, it's best to direct people to rather than any specific instance - the list of instances there is constantly being updated and can be used to spread out the load between different instances. Even so, your post would most likely still have been removed from Reddit, regardless of what specific Lemmy url you're posting.

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Big thanks to all maintainers and contributors!

As of Lemmy 0.18.1, cached copies on other instances do not disappear if the original instance has died.

In theory, it might even be possible to actually clone a cached copy into a new local community. This would require some database hacking, so not recommended unless you're familiar with Lemmy code and SQL.

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This approach makes so much sense from a business perspective.

How many here have this experience: out of my entire friend group that I grew up playing video games with, I can't think of a single person who kept pirating games after acquiring disposable income, even though we all exclusively played pirated games as teenagers. Without piracy, none of us would have had access to any games, and very likely none of us would still be into gaming today, spending probably thousands of euros every year on games, consoles, PC components, etc.

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Yeah, kind of a strange choice to split like that. Are they intending to start crossposting to both communities?

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Good luck with the update! One great thing about 0.19 is that it allows users to check federation status between instances, will be awesome to get that for as well.

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Also, there’s no way to report a user to their home instance so long as they don’t post anything in a community on their home instance.

This has been fixed in 0.19 thankfully. But for instances running older versions, what you said is still true.

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You don't need a new a account for this, just make sure you have "Show NSFW" enabled in your profile.

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Nice post, I enjoyed the storytelling. Glad it's all sorted now 😁

Btw, regarding this point:

All in all, this has been a fairly frustrating experience and I can’t imagine anyone who’s not doing IT Infrastructure as their day job being able to solve this. As helpful as the other lemmy admins were, they were relying a lot on me knowing my shit around Linux, networking, docker and postgresql at the same time. I had to do extended DB analysis, fork repositories, compile docker containers from scratch and deploy them ad-hoc etc. Someone who just wants to host a lemmy server would give up way earlier than this.

I think you're totally right, but at the same time, I think the collaborative troubleshooting that happened on Matrix (and has happened many times in the past for other issues) is pretty healthy, and not something that is always possible for other open source software.

That user has actually not been in contact with any of our admins, I'm not sure why they are claiming otherwise.

In any case, I shared my position on piracy on a few months ago, and it has not changed. TL;DR discussions about piracy are fine, but explicitly facilitating piracy on is not allowed, and if any such content is reported on then I will most likely err on the side of removing it. Having said that, I am not planning to defederate at this point, as they have not been causing any issues for (but, of course, I do reserve the right to re-evaluate federation with any instance if at any point they start causing problems for

Quoting my original comment about piracy on, just for full context:

There’s nothing inherently illegal about VPNs, P2P, seedboxes, torrents, software for torrents, etc - as a software engineer, I have no trouble understanding that these things all have legal purposes. There can be no realistic case made against someone just because they use (or discuss the use of) any of these things. You can post and comment about stuff like this all day long.

Also: discussing piracy topics in general (like commenting on the legality of it, just saying you do it, whatever) without actually using servers to host anything sketchy is fine as well.

On the other hand, telling people “go to to download the latest avengers movie” is very sketchy - you’re not directly distributing anything, but I think a case can be made that this comment is directly facilitating piracy, and if someone sends me a legal letter to remove such a comment, then TBH I will most likely just comply rather than deal with the hassle of trying to figure out how legal it is. Just being frank here - I don’t want to create false expectations of servers being a safe haven for content with sketchy legal status.

Reposting my comment from another thread to spread awareness:

There is a bug in 0.17.4 that stops front pages from updating shortly after the server is restarted, thus resulting in “hot” and "active" showing stale posts.

I have fixed this issue on already, you can check our front page to see fresh posts. The fix will soon land in the main Lemmy codebase as well so other instances can take advantage, you can track the issue here:

I have also advised other instance admins that regularly restarting their Lemmy server will work as a band-aid workaround until the proper fix is released, so some admins have already implemented this in order to get their post rankings working again, but the proper fix will come in the next release of Lemmy.

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0.19.2 was a simple upgrade, did not even require downtime, so I'm not surprised it wasn't noticed :P

The sad fact is that some people keep constantly spreading false rumors about Lemmy devs not working on mod tools. Anybody can just take a few minutes and go through the past Lemmy updates in this community to see that moderation improvements are basically worked on constantly (and this is not some recent change either). But there are plenty of users who never bother to actually check this, and so the rumors keep spreading.

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Hey, admin of here. I have no behind the scenes knowledge of what happened to vlemmy, but I have heard (in this thread and elsewhere) that some communities have been suddenly left without a home. I hope it's OK for me to direct a message to such people here.

If you're looking for a new home for your community, and don't want to do it on for any reason, I would be happy to welcome you at! If you're interested and want to know more about how is run, you can check out our administration and federation policy.

We recently upgraded our servers, so should be no problems in accepting some new users. In general, is not going anywhere - we have even already paid for some of our infrastructure up front for a year.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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There has been some very loud opposition to this, but thankfully it's a minority. Great to see that our constitutional right of not being discriminated against based on sex finally also applies to marriage as well.

By the way, shameless plug, we have a small Estonian community going at ! - if anybody wants to chat about Estonia or with Estonians, then English posts are more than welcome as well 😃

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While it's true that the hosts of popular communities will get more traffic, it's actually not as bad as it first seems.

Every Lemmy instance with at least one subscriber in that popular community will act as a mirror. That means that users who are just reading posts and comments will not cause any additional load on the home-instance of the popular community, because they are consuming local copies of the posts and comments.

This will actually help scaling a lot, and is in fact exactly how many centralized platforms scale (by creating a bunch of read-only copies of content).

As long as we can distribute the Lemmy userbase between different instances (and avoid creating one or two centralized super-instances), we can take a lot of advantage of this mirroring and the scaling will be quite good!

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Our frontend is globally distributed (so if you're in the US, you get it from a US server), but the backend server and user data are hosted in the EU.

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Ahh I see, in that case, you are triggering the "upload" to yourself by putting the URL into

If you put any URL into that it doesn't know about, it will first always try to download whatever is on that URL, and that's how it ended up getting the screenshot. It wasn't "pushed" by Lemmy, it was "pulled" by, and it was only possible because you notified that something is there at that URL.

I think people will eventually get used to the idea that the name of a community is not just the part before the "@".

I mean, even regular people have no difficulty understanding that e-mail addresses like and are two different "identifiers" and, most likely, two completely different people. Given a bit of time, I think the understanding that "!" and "!" are different names

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