1 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

☀️ Always make an effort to benefit others.

Recognizing their hard work, it would have been helpful if they had occasionally issued public appeals for donations, similar to FitGirl. Numerous sailors are eager to assist such a great site and would be prepared to donate or advocate for their continuity.

Their main issue is prematurely assuming negative outcomes without providing the community with an opportunity to extend meaningful support. Additionally, their communication has been somewhat ambiguous and mysterious (and still is), causing confusion among users.

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Send a modmail here or you message me directly here in Lemmy.

When it comes to linking to content, it's essential to understand that simply providing a link does not equate to sharing the actual content. Each URL on the Megathread serves the specific purpose of leading users in a particular direction.

If this practice is deemed negative, then one could argue that every search engine operates erroneously. Search engines display results and guide users to specific destinations, mirroring the functionality of our approach to linking.

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The Megathreads of both Piracy communities are 100% fully synchronized, allowing you to select and utilize the one that suits your preference. 👊🏻 I am unable to speak on behalf of the PiratedGames Megathread as it is not under our care.

I've added it to the Megathread, thanks for the suggestion ✌️

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Thank you for setting up this new ship ✌️

Currently, the .co domain is experiencing a DNS resolver issue (comes and goes). I tested it on Cloudflare, Quad9, and NextDNS, all with Firefox.

Edit: .co domains are all working again, but you can use .org as well.

Updated :)

It was a temporary domain error, seems fine now.

We welcome all sailors as we proudly construct this new ship together in our vast maritime endeavors.

It's still there at A new pinned post will be made at a later date so everything makes sense.

No need to panic mateys, try these great alternatives:

You can also visit Movies & TV section in the Megathread for way more options.

I changed it to something not Reddit-ish, Yaaarr!!