12 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

An Atomic Budgie must be flying quiet fast

Love to see some Touhou memes around here!

Windrones coping is always fun to see

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He got some heat in 2019 after an untastful statement he made regarding the Epstein case. A massive backlash happend, followed by him leaving many of his positions, esp. at MIT and at the FSF. Eventually he made some public excuses and got re-integrated to the FSF board, to the displeasure of some.

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This, but unironically. When seeing some illegible logo, even if you cannot read the text and/or don't know the band, you can probably tell the genre of metal their playing just by the design.

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Du hast mich gefragt

I've been trying Librewolf as a Flatpak on my work machine lately and it's going great! It's really a no-BS Firefox + privacy settings by default; love it. But in general I keep the default Firefox that come with my distro.

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Gatekeeping, in a form of "If you know you know"; but also it becomes a fun guessing game in fest when checking people shirts!

As long as you don’t start crafting paperclips, everything will be fine.

You mean OP's picture? Yes, of course. Apparently it took place in Oakland in 2015!

Always love to see article of non programmer people using Linux or Emacs!

Pallas's cat president!


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Omg are you Sagittarius A* ?! Such an honor to meet you here!

House of Leaves reference, presumably? But this might be unintentional.

Welcome to the community!

Seconding all the previous comments recommending Linux Mint: since you come from Windows, you'll probably feel most at home there. It is also possible to do all common tasks without ever opening the terminal.

Mint should run fine on any hardware, but to be most safe, try to use something that is at least 1-2 years old and stay clear from dedicated GPU as first (in particular Nvidia).

I'd also advise that the packaging situation for distributing software in Linux rn is somewhat messy. Thankfully, multiple format (apt, Flatpak) are directly available in the Linux Mint Software Center. In case you need to use some proprietary software (Chrome, Spotify, idk), you'd probably want to go with Flatpaks.

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That’s a pretty large and dark staircase you have there mister. I surely hope nothing scary is hiding in it!

I NEED to see a tiny frogs village

Had to walk 20 miles, uphill both ways


TBOI vibe

pfetch anyone ?

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This! Similar journey for me going from K&R to GNU!

You don't seem to understand

Based? Based on what?

Gotta water that RandomForest.

Happy cake day btw!

Push me to the edge

Not enough Pepper


Knocked Loose fan confirmed :3

Least insane English orthography

I'm currently running Alpine on my RPi4 as a host for some Dockers, including pi-hole and it works great! The setup is surprisingly painless and you'll end up with some insanely fast boot time. Highly recommended !

Instruction unclear: I took the "okasmeme" labeled purse out of the purse and now reality is collapsing. wdid? halp

Nobody told me Russell's teapot landed! Great news!

This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing!

Is Kirby OP's Roman Empire?

Sulphur Aeon - Gateway to the Antisphere

Such a great album


Ils savaient.