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Deep Rock Galactic

Since a few people already mentioned it in this thread, are you playing it on Deck? It's one of the main games I play with a few buddies regularly but I always found it to be a bit cumbersome on a handheld but maybe that's because I generally dislike fps with a controller (even if using gyro).

You have to keep in mind that this is only about the kernel module (and only for Turing GPUs and newer). The userspace components stay proprietary. You are still not going to use the mesa graphics stack using an Nvidia gpu anytime soon.

The game runs and is supported with its anti cheat for a while now but I assume the performance isn't great.

Talos Principle 1 + Gehenna (Had it for years in my library collecting dust), finished it to 100% and am currently playing Talos Principle 2. These games are absolute gems and not even expensive for what you get, too. The people at Croteam are genuine masters of their craft.

A great game I haven't seen mentioned yet is The Talos Principle (1) that also has a really good native port using Croteams Serious Engine.

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Outer Wilds and its DLC is my absolute favorite game of all time and the best I might have ever played. Full stop. There is just so much to it that one doesn't expect from the surface. It was an experience I still think back to every now and then.

Currently playing Cruelty Squad and enjoying it quite, too.

du -sh ~/.cache/* | sort -h

Basically servers and Pis.

If you wanted to host your own site and services, a Linux vps was (and still is) the only choice. Back then it was Debian, nowadays I use Arch on everything. Same with Raspberry Pis when the first one became available in 2012. With university I started using Arch on my laptop and later when Proton and Wayland became good, I moved to it on the Desktop as well.

Most shells usually default to a truncated version of the hostname that only uses the hostname up to the first dot. Of course one can change that by setting the PS1 env var and using (in case of bash) \H instead of \h.

Personally I deactivated pre-caching quite recently actually as I noticed as well this getting quite excessive for certain games. So I now wait until this is a thing: Seemingly the issue seems to be with games that have a big workshop like A Hat in Time or just huge games like No Man's Sky. I got 10GB and 5GB shader cache updates daily for these games respectively before I turned it off.

Sadly with The Talos Principle 2 they moved their entire studio to the Unreal Engine 5 and retired their own engine in the process. Apparently they lost a few engineers working on the engine and also couldn't have kept up with modern engines without some serious investment (no pun intended). On one hand it's probably for the better as we got a really pretty game where they could focus more on the game instead of bringing the engine up to speed but it's also sad to see the entire industry converge around engines like Unreal.

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I am running alarm / Arch Linux ARM aarch64 on mine for years already. Just make sure to use the linux-rpi kernel and use rpi4-eeprom for bootloader updates as these are not installed by default.

I could mention that my bare metal server runs a rather unusual setup in that I use Arch Linux on ZFS headless as a kvm hypervisor and lxc containerisation host. I maybe want to migrate it to something else like NixOS at some point since I use nix on Arch on my desktop already but since I know Arch the most of any Linux distro I just went with it and it's running rock solid for quite a few years already.

I learned that using nix on arch for the home directory in addition to pacman and the aur is quite an unbeatable combo that I prefer to having everything managed by nix. The problem with nix and nixos I see for one is that it leaves some performance on the table for reproducibility and that many packages are or cannot be packaged for nix. Additionally arch already is quite reproducible albeit not as much as nixos. Writing your own meta package with a simple pkgbuild to manage the system base seemed like a good substitute for me.

This is actually a really great point. If I have to treat them as different platforms as a developer, since for example my code isn't platform agnostic/cross-platform for whatever reason, why should these market share studies do it any different? In the end it's the software or rather the developers/companies deciding if it's worth their time and money investment these market shares matter for.

GOG only distributes the Windows versions sadly.

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Even if I don't use this distro and just use plain Arch myself, I know that CachyOS is a bit more special as it at least compiles the arch repo packages for a newer x86 target and with additional compiler optimizations again that improves performance on newer CPUs. You can achieve the same on an Arch system with the wonderful ALHP project I use on one system but Cachy certainly makes this more accessible.

I guess it's good to mention alternatives but imo Kyoo seems to be overkill for a homelab use case as its design goal appears to be to scale much better and serve a high user base and huge library. Just looking at the dependencies or compose.yml should make this apparent.
Consequently the setup is much more complex and heavy to run compared to Jellyfin e.g.

+1 for the Technitium DNS server. I run it in Docker on a pi4 because I need a proper local dns server first that does DoH and ad and tracker blocking second. It does the latter just as well as pihole and adguard with support for many more list formats but pihole and adguard do dns just on a really basic level.

I recently discovered Tinykin, neat little game.

I am surprised no one mentioned HCL yet. It's just as sane as toml but it is also properly nestable, like yaml, while being easily parsable and formattable. I wish it was used more as a config language.

Metro 2033 Redux and Last Light Original and Redux have Linux native versions on Steam already, just not the original 2033. Granted, the original games are not even purchasable anymore though, only Redux.

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Honestly the reason I've put yay/paru's build directory into ram/tmpfs long ago. It's almost never worth it keeping all those packages checked out. You also do your ssd a favour by not hammering it with compile workloads.