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It is a tool like any other. If you know how to use it, you can get benefits.

Calling it AI is bullshit though. LLMs are great if you are trying learn or you need quick feedback and you know the right answer.

Remember folks these clowns play lower rate than you.

When they should he paying a premium

Why would firefox deal with a known scammer?

I guess at the end of the day all of these entrepreneur are scammers.

Some guilt over the war, hoping y'all don't become irans bitch.

I think US should honor request of Iraq to remove bases if that's an earnest request

regulating tech companies to give it away responsibly

Is the regulation in the room with us right?

Ain't nobody regulating shit in any meaningful way. Parents gonna need to learn how to parent or their kids will be fucked.

This has always been the case though.

Patents as well as intellectual property laws, are entirely unnatural and only exist to prop up Capital.

Most people won't understands this concept due to poor education they received. They will spout the propaganda that benefits their owner daddy and they will feel super smug about it too 🤡

That's only the ones who were ID'd...

Israel sure is defending itself here

Israel gets away with killing Americans now too... I don't think others can do that without serious FO

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Are bomb threats IRL denial of service attack?

Damn... That's even a better example tbh.

But yeah... Big dick daddy only gonna daddy protector shit if you are on the right side of the propaganda.

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Younger people don't know how to use computers...

Did chatgpt write this shite lol

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You are not wrong but OP also is lamenting that normies won't do it due to how social order is structured. Not much to do about it besides educating people around you.

You aint convincing boomers that privacy is a right that you have to protect. But younger folks are one shiti event from being believers and we got a lot of shit floating down our way.

Critical mass should hit in like a generation or two!

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The best we got on the browser front. Use forks tho.

Their team does it, my team would never!

Americans but not like that 🤡

Business Model is data mining... But back then it was poorly understood or believed not possible by the mainstream...

Joke is on us 🤡

You are making up theoretical situations to shill your point...

Why are you bootlickong this hard?

If job requires in person, market it as such and hire as such. Pretending that 90% of paper pushers need office is disingenous at best

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Yeah but this guy is a "consultant" he is here to fix your "situation"


Always has been we just seeing for what it is after generations of failure

I work in consulting.

Haha lol OK? Literally notorious bootlickers... I hope you are a partner. Because otherwise you are bootlicking for against yourself

Be angry, but some people are trying to play their role in capitalism successfully.

Yes everybody here who doesn't agree with you is a poor entry level employee from a shiti state U.


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Every other month they start some trend to sell you shit... you would think people learned by now but here we are.

Single super food aint saving your ass from a shit diet!

No. It it makes normies feel good for trying

Trust me bro.

Believe it [or] not battlefield still won't work on Linux because fuck you peasants

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well... you see back in my day we had cool bros in "clans" running their servers mostly paying for it themselves with some donations. admins would boot bad faith actors as needed.

then something happened to that model... and here we are now... FPS genre has no been the same IMHO

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you wouldn't understand "progress"

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Narrator voice: they didn't

Look at what they do, no need to listen to what they say.

Israel is a bad faith actor.

Is that is true how is he not charged?

What's the story?

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I see... Why do these YouTube celeb types always seem to be involved with some sus DMs with minors and how they all never get in trouble.

Seems odd.

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These people don't understand that they are arguing against their own self interest.

The state is justified for acting on fake calls... Sucks to suck peasants.

Sure buddy, there is no way this system would be abused 🤡

I guess there is a place for violence in Gaza then.

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we live in a country where half the people thinking that "immigrants eating pets" is a hot topic issue worthy of discussion on national stage...

the regime works in mysterious ways

i agree and i don't buy unless it runs on linux now... but my steam library was purchased when i was on microshit's dicks.

but sometimes we got to take the L and move on. I just won't buy EA trash going forward.

Regime whores would rather vote for the "opposition" over voting third party... There is a lesson in there, folks...

Remember how web 2.0 started... Look at it now!

Don't be a corpo collaborator!

Clown as timeline we got going...

Migrant eating pets is the political crisis of our time!

a small price to pay so that our greatest ally can live its best life on blood soaked land for the lord's chosen people.

then why are data centers using these fossil fuel power plants?

why are they getting lower rates to use them than an individual taxpayer?

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