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Joined 1 years ago

Your resident Admin for and fediverse systems.

Have they paid for any of their offices?

15 more...

They should have instead focused on fewer communities. If what they built was organic at all i don’t think they would have this problem,

but.. the lack of tooling is rough. We need mod tools, mod queues, mod bots, mod discussions and all that stuff

maybe one day..

Have these instances blocked the known shit lists yet? There are some well known block lists on mastodon that every admin should have here

Lemmy and Kbin should ship with these nazi block lists built in

Users should absolutely have mute/block/privacy controls. These should be used to build the community they want and see what they want to see.

Users should not be left to "fend for themselves" against abuse/hate/racism having a platform.

A person of color should feel safe.
Women should feel safe.
LGBTQIA+ should feel safe.
BIPOC should feel safe.

They should be able to login, find their community and participate without needing to deal with DM's of lynchings, being publichly shamed with racial slurs. Power belongs to real community and real engagement, not abusers.

Dealing with a bad opinion is vastly different than platforming hate, abuse, or racist turds. These people who perpetuate this don't have any logic or reasoning to debate and defederation isn't censorship, it's healthy.

I've heard the inverse reasoning that the API is limited because of OpenAI crawling it - which makes no sense if CEO is part of reddit board.

I just don't care at this point ;)

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AMD Is awesome.

So awesome, back when their slogan was "AMD ME" i had that shit on my license plate.

i'll see myself out.

Nonsense, their outlet is staying on the shithole instances, not forcing the rest of the world to see it.

The population doesn’t care about the technology. If we make social media about activitypub more than it is about social media and connecting people - we’ll be shooting our own foot off no mater what meta or anyone does.

Instances and fediverse are great because of the mods, admins and people. Activitypub is the protocol and it’s an open web standard. We should expect web standards and join them but remember the product isn’t the protocol - it’s connecting people

i for one look forward to bridging to p92 and showing them what great communities can be like.

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There is some enormous potential opportunities on the horizon that we're well ahead of here. The real issue is, Reddit will have to join us on the fediverse or they will be history.

What we have to do as instances/admins/fedizens (whatever you want to call yourselves) is build the future we want. It will be quirky - but at some point that quirkyness is exactly what people want in the end.

I expect we'll see import/export like other fediverse tools have in short time. BUT.. unlike reddit/twitter/fb - if your server dies, you hop on another and you're still part of the "fediverse"

I'd also like to see "channel/magazine" relays here like we have on mastodon so servers can relay and fill the gaps in core channels nicely.

Powershell is dope.

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It's bad everywhere.

KBIN is pretty dope too :)

Mastodon is federated so you can follow your kbin/lemmy from there too - that's the interesting part about all of this.

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Interest rates didn’t seem to do much but cause a slight pause. who is buying?

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It's unfortunate that Beehaw started so many communities with such generic names with so few admins. The "beauty" of federation/lemmey/kbin aka "Reddit style" is that communities are supposed to be self-organizing and have their own representation/moderation.

I think the bigger problem is Beehaw decided to launch so many generic names copying Reddit's busiest and most generic reddits without thinking through the moderationand traffic overhead.

it should be instances have their champion topics and they're federated or if they have the manpower/technology and funding they can go for the big generic names.

I get why things were defederated - but blaming open registrations is a cop-out (a big lie... you can't know people by their registration info). It was bad "systems thinking' that led to an overwhelmed system that will continue to be overwhelmed.

We’re happy to launch our KBIN server and look forward to federating!

I hope we see more positive news coverage

Note to self - don't add flashing LEDs to any security devices

http3 is available in nginx 1.25 if you want to run their current release.

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Meta is joining fediverse and bluesky will hopefully federate soon. People will "get it" soon enough...

Feel free to join - we're federating and running KBIN. I run too.

It's better to spread the word of "Federation" aka the "Fediverse" Lemmy/Kbin and whatever else comes into this format.

The real beauty is how well these systems can interop with Calckey/Misskey/Pleroma/Mastodon and PixelFed amongst Tumblr and Mozilla showing up.

Lemmy is just one thing - but the awesomeness is the variety and interopability.

Thanks for the update! Is it safe to pull the current branch and update today or still working out some kinks?

Switching to Caddy won't change/fix anything.

I disagree with you 100% :)

What i'm saying is people like you will never be convinced of anything so it doesn't matter what Meta does.

But for the rest of us, I'll enjoy following people i haven't followed because i refuse to have meta apps installed but will soon be able to connect without them.

Activitypub is going to be here no matter what.

I'll make it so awesome the people I like on Meta will move over

And i'll continue to ignore the people who are just espousing hate and vitriol because they don't matter anyway.

It's about the people - not the protocol. the protocol helps us break the walled gardens down - but we have to welcome the people or it won't matter.

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saw this reported by someone on the official Matrix chat

Wordpress is investing in activitypub and just released the latest plugins to publish to fediverse and the parent company owns tumblr which has said they’re joining the fediverse (who knows when)

You're not thinking broad enough.

Meta joining and be successful means Reddit has to think about federating or not being successful.

Wordpress is going to have all their blogs on activitypub soon. Tumblr says they're joining - Mozilla is hirring product and developers to build out their platform.

Also, Meta is a multi billion dollar company - they know how to do UI/UX - they can spend their investment/R&D on solving problems we can't and we can be nice and welcoming to the users who show curiosity.

It's a shame we're too short sighted to see opportunity here. We really have nothing to lose since it's not like meta will suck all the haters back in

Having meta join doesn't change shit here other than have a huge corporation break the wall down on what federation means to the average joe - and that's a good thing.

Meta will meta no matter what they do - but if we can break the walled garden down and make it easy for users to move that would be great.

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Having them join fediverse doesn't give them an inch, it gives us light years. I can't believe people don't realize the upper hand we have here.

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The point of activitypub is to not have walled gardens. If meta is successful then you bed RTeddit is probably going to have to federate.

Tumblr and Wordpress is already coming.

Mozilla is too.

Which means there is nothing to worry about because admins will continue to shoot their own foot off. Not sure why it's such a big deal for people who will never use it anyway.

lol, facebook is joining fediverse

Here's the thing - people who already hate meta won't use it - so nothing changes for those folks whether meta is here or not.

ActivityPub is a W3C standard, so I hope meta shows up and connects. That breaks down the walled garden.

Users can choose to follow or not follow or block themselves.

(It's really Instagram joining btw, not classic fb)

Different paradigms for different tools. I think niche on mastodon and calckey is meh - people need agency. Niche on kbin seems fine because people have agency regardless of server they’re on.

no idea, i run 1.24 - i do QUICK termination on CDN either Fastly or Cloudflare

It's not about Meta, it's about the people.

I welcome the millions to the fediverse with open arms and hope they find our side a bit less surveillance-y and more pleasant.

Path of Exile seems to do it right. I'm always online anyway. If gamers stopped being dicks and DDOS'ing that'd be better.

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