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Joined 1 years ago

First off, don't be like me - either use a mod manager (Vortex with the cyberpunk extension), or be sure to disable automatic game updating - otherwise you'll come back to your game after steam auto-updates it and wonder where all your mods went. šŸ˜…

Anyway, back to the list of mods I was running - no guarantee that they're all 100% compatible with the latest update, but the vast majority of them should be. You also can't go wrong checking out the Top of All Time list on Nexus - I'm sure there's some larger overhauls there that are great, but not something I used.

UI / Quality of Life mods:

Performance-increasing / bug fix / visual mods:

Mods around increasing immersion, depending on your taste:

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The story felt much more impactful to me than BotW. I was so glad they did give us a bit of linear story at the beginning, rather than starting us in the sky with none of the lead-up. I also made sure to watch the memory cutscenes in order, and basically binged the last 3 in a row because I was too excited to space them out more. And, the final battle + ending was exciting and cinematic.

Thereā€™s definitely critiques that can be made after the fact, but in the moment I was emotionally invested in a way that BotW never reached for me.

So itā€™s not the same as a fully featured wiki application, but I host a docker instance of VS Code on my NAS pointed at my obsidian vault volume, then SSH tunnel into it when Iā€™m on devices away from home. Foam (VS Code extension) helps add some missing Obsidian features (backlinks pane, syntax highlighting, some autocomplete, cmd-click to navigate wiki links).

I can share more implementation details if anyone's interested; caveat is that unfortunately it doesnā€™t work on mobile.

Other options I looked into:

  1. GitHub - gollum/gollum: A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
    • this requires you to use git in your vault, which didn't work with my personal set-up, but might not bother you?
  2. Raneto - Markdown Knowledgebase for Node.js
    • I couldnā€™t get this container to load anything in the browser; possibly less an issue with my vault content and more of an issue with my container set-up so maybe it'd work better for you.
  3. GitHub - Zavy86/WikiDocs: šŸ“— Just a databaseless markdown flat-file wiki engine..
    • this version looks like it supports PUID and GUID assignment for volume read/write, if that matters. I didn't try it though.
  4. Filestash ā€” Self-hosted client for your data
    • Taking a look in the docker installation instructions, I couldnā€™t find anywhere to put a local volume mounted to the docker container. I'm pretty sure it doesnā€™t actually interface with local files, so I didn't test further.

The admins have always been clear that theyā€™re not trying to replace Reddit, and Iā€™m quite sure they were not trying to be one of the largest instances.

If they werenā€™t trying to get large then how did that happen? Based on admin comments, beehaw was one of the more active instances when the first wave of migration happened; and a decent amount of the pre-first wave posts about lemmy I saw on Reddit were about how Beehaw was a good instance to join as it was defederated from lemmygrad.

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Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is one of my favorite indie games of all time. The city design really captures the feeling of wandering around an unfamiliar, large, bustling place. The diary mechanic at the end of the day is a great way to get in character, and I like that you can decorate the apartment. I did some light data-mining (mostly item info and dialogue strings), and I even have fridge magnets of some of the pixel art!

Depanneur Nocturne is also a great eveningā€™s worth of exploration and vibes, but I mention it because it has a reference to Spaceport Janitor and it made me SO happy when I realized that. :)

I was strictly replying to the part of your comment where you said they made a decision to try to be one of the largest instances ā€“ imo they did not make a explicit decision to try to be that, but rather the growth was a side effect of the circumstances around reddit users checking out the fediverse.

Is closing registrations is better than having an application with questions that weed out low-effort users? IMO itā€™s probably a wash. beehaw has only banned one user from the local instance that I know of, so the application process seems to be working overall. The issue is that other instances are growing too quickly and needing to moderate those users, not their own.

I do agree this isnā€™t great for the threadiverse and I wish it hadnā€™t come to this, both on a personal and community level. I was subbed to the knitting community on, it was the most active of those communities that I saw, and now Iā€™m locked out. Idk if I want to move to an alt on a different instance, or self-host my own so that Iā€™m fully in control of what I can see, or what. :S

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Grilled watermelon is very weird to me - apparently some people like it? But watermelon = chilled is very engrained in me, and I donā€™t like the mouthfeel of the texture of warm/hot watermelon. is working on an iOS app as well; sounds like itā€™ll be on TestFlight relatively soon. It targets iOS 15 vs. Mlemā€™s 16, so a bit more compatible with older devices.

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Itā€™s funny; I know the usual advice is to stick to com/net/org, but I think thereā€™s a certain crowd online thatā€™s all about the wacky TLDs. Iā€™ve definitely seen devs and artists with TLDs like .pizza and .rocks (not a portfolio, but as example). Iā€™ve seen enough of these sites that something like doesnā€™t make me blink and I trust Iā€™d be able to tell a phishing site from folks playing with TLDs, but I can totally understand how that could be off-putting without that sort of background.

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Yeah, this is the distinction I usually make - beating the game is rolling the credits, finishing the story, what have you. Completing the game is doing all the side quests / koroks / enemy camps / content in the game.

Ahh!! I got to see the exhibition of her work at the Seattle Art Museum and it was amazing. My graduating final project for my art degree wayyy back was all about repetitious physical marks that involve the body; I wish I'd known about her art at that time as I think it lives in that realm too.

having subscribed to multiple games communities, the issue then becomes content duplication; the same trailer or article will get posted in three different communities, and I don't actually want to see it three times in my feed. I'm not sure there's a good way to solve that, though.

(I'm subscribed to multiple communities b/c I'm not sure which one will have the largest comments sections, and those are what I'm really interested in.)

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I went back yesterday night to check out the Starfield sub and was surprised at how little interest I felt in even skimming the comments in case there were interesting theories. I grabbed the Imgur albums for screenshots I wanted to look at and left. the fediverse is my place now. :)

In my household beating the game has the same meaning as ā€œrolling creditsā€ - largely based on Backloggeryā€™s distinction between beaten and completed games. Iā€™ve started focusing on actually beating games/rolling credits in the past ~3 years and while thereā€™s still a few games Iā€™ve started and put down unfinished for various reasons, I beat 25 games in 2022 and 14 so far in 2023.

Iā€™d be interested to know what the difference in language means for you - would ā€œbeatā€ apply only to games that donā€™t have post-credits gameplay?

Yeah, it seems likely to me that humans as a species will survive through the various climate crises, but I think the question is - at what cost? A lot of the scientific research and tech developments that might help us cope with or reduce the impact of climate change seem pretty reliant on our global system of trade / supply chain, and COVID showed how fragile that system is. I worry that by the time it gets bad enough that everyone is on board with doing what we can to reduce our impact, it'll be too late because the systems that could create those new options will not be capable of operating at the level we assume is normal today.

The note at the end about the new system working as a URL system for user profiles is interesting, because around the time the change was announced I saw some people theorizing that the change is rolling out because Discord wants to implement some kind of profile page. pure speculation, but it'll be interesting to see what they do when the rollout is complete.

on that note, someone I know got the pop-up to change their username about a day before I did, and they weren't able to choose my username ā€“Ā and when I got the pop-up, it auto-suggested my previous username. so it seems there is a pre-reservation system that does a reasonable job of letting people with already-unique usernames keep those.

Hah, if where I work is any indication, Iā€™d guess the interview was filmed ~3 days before the event, there was a late night push to get this edit completed, it didnā€™t get fine-tooth-combed before release, and was handed off hours before the event. Shit happens when creative teams donā€™t get enough time to do their job!

Again, I think thereā€™s a certain crowd of internet users who are familiar with fun domain names and enjoy playing in that space. My example is particularly innocuous (a club of people who love stone megaliths in the UK). I also think the fun and playful names arenā€™t difficult to tell from phishing sites, but maybe I have a gut instinct developed from exposure to the folks who do use playful domains.

My point is that thinking these quirky links look dangerous is specific to a certain social or generational group, and it wouldnā€™t hurt for them to keep an open mind about TLDs.

(Adding an icon to remote fediverse instance links is a nice idea too.)

Oh for sure, on tumblr I interact pretty rarely - just like and reblog things. though I think I was on tumblr before there was fuss around changes to the reply system and I'd reply to posts occasionally (on smaller more personal chatty blogs) ā€“Ā but when I went back recently the reply system seems exactly like I remember so maybe they listened to their users whenever that kerfuffle happened!

thank you!! I have an iPhone SE (2016) and Mlem only targeting iOS 16+ above means no app for me ā€“Ā I appreciate you supporting those of us on older devices.

If you'd like to stop Steam from automatically updating a game, select "Only update this game when I launch it" from the game's Library page > Properties > Updates.

So I think in addition to disabling auto-updates you have to play in offline mode once an update happens, or launch outside of Steam. at least, with Skyrim the script extender directly launched the exe so Steamā€™s ā€œupdate on launchā€ wouldnā€™t happen, and Iā€™m not quite sure what the correct way to do that for Cyberpunk is. šŸ¤”

Building your own musical instrument sounds like a daunting project at the beginning but one with very satisfying results. :)

Not knowing much about marimbas or woodworking, Iā€™m super curious about the actual hand-tuning process! Is it carefully trimming the boards down? And how much do the tubes (?) at the bottom affect the tuning vs the wood pieces on top?

Oh, and I ate cool-whip on an jalapeƱo hot dog one time for a joke; I maintain that it was actually not bad!

I like the threadiverse well enough for general scrolling and chatting, but given the smaller user group right now, I think tumblr will be my replacement for fandom things like Dragon Age, TES, Zelda, and probably Starfield (havenā€™t checked the tags over there to see if people are posting fan stuff about it yet or not).

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