1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I managed to recreate almost the same screenshot in 5kb (and with much less compression artifacts!)

before adding the text and circles it was only 1.6kb

it's a case where jpeg compression ironically results in the picture getting 60x larger and more blurry because everyone recompresses the images and jpeg is designed for large photos and not pixel art

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I'm pretty sure that "motorcycle airbag vest" is not considered a standard piece of safety equipment by law

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To save even more data, replace every symbol with A. Then just store the amount of As.

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driver is john cena, who has the catchphrase "you can't see me"

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looking at wikipedia it seems that there's even been research about the concept:

Binghamton University did a study on undergraduates from a midsize university in the northeastern United States. There were 562 participants with 305 identified as female and 257 as male. Of the 562 participants, 427 were exclusively heterosexual while 113 were not exclusively heterosexual. The participants were asked "Have you ever friend-zoned someone else?" and "Have you ever been friend-zoned?" The study found that 65.7% of exclusively heterosexual males have friend-zoned someone while 92.6% of exclusively heterosexual females have friend-zoned someone. The study also found that 75.2% of exclusively heterosexual males have been friend-zoned before while only 41.2% of exclusively heterosexual females have been friend-zoned before

unless the participants got severely misled about what the term means, I think this shows the idea is not going away any time soon

(also I just noticed, this was posted to an "antique memes" community)

even if you write in assembly, you still may not actually understand what is going on in the machine since processors convert the instructions to "micro-ops", and let's not forget hardware bugs like those caused by speculative execution

Considering it took this long for them to figure out "empty user agent means it is a bot" and "well-known vpn may be used by bots", and old.reddit still apparently bypassing this, I'm going to guess they are not going to have much success.

are you sure? There's only 1 way to find out

This description could be anyone.

CIA assassination is the leading cause of death worldwide

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for a large project, you can probably look at the history of issues, if there are lots of issues that are 5 years old, it's almost certainly legit

C++ is std::__cxx11::list, std::allocator > >::erase(std::_List_const_iterator >) /usr/include/c++/12/bits/list.tcc:158

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All 9k stars, 10k PRs, 400 forks & professional web site are fake?

Technically, it is entirely possible to find a real existing project, make a carbon copy of the website (there are automated tools to accomplish this), then have a massive amount of bots give 9K stars and make a lot of PRs, issues and forks (bonus points if these are also copies of actual existing issues/PRs) and generate a fake commit history (this should be entirely possible with git), a bunch of releases could be quickly generated too. Though you would probably be able to notice pretty quickly that timestamps don't match since I don't think github features like issues can have fake timestamps (unlike git)

though I don't think this has ever actually been done, there are services that claim to sell not only stars but issues, pull requests and forks too. Though assuming the service is not just a scam in itself, any cursory look at the contents of the issues etc would probably give away that they are AI generated

On windows 11 I'm having a hard time finding apps that it doesn't work with. Firefox,, inkscape, audacity.. all work. And every single application made by microsoft also works

your underflow error is someone's underflow feature (hopefully with -fwrapv)

Considering this was written in 2001, I'm not all that worried

bandcamp was sold to epic games in 2022 and again to songtradr this year, and half its staff got laid off recently. CEO said that it was not profitable enough - though it was already very profitable. So it's likely to start squeezing every penny out of users and artists in the next few years

and the carbon fiber hull was cheap because it's shelf life had expired.

are you a goldfish.

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So I re-read the article and it says "Yan victory"

the memes lied to me

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When you meet a bear in the woods, there is a 0% chance they will notice how the situation bears a resemblance to the popular meme and proceed to mansplain about how bears are more dangerous.

This is and has always been the one and only reason women choose the bear. But one question yet eludes us: how did the cycle start?

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it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it

Lawmaker, 5 minutes later: "Who is responsible for this farce??"

slow inverse square root:

float slowinvsqrt(float x)
    const long accuracy = 100000000;    // larger number = better accuracy
    if (x <= 0.0f) {
        return NAN;
    if (x == 1.0f) {
        return 1.0f;
    if (x < 1.0f) {
        return 1.0f / slowinvsqrt(1.0f/x);

    int max_power = log(accuracy) / log(x);
    long pow1 = pow(x, max_power - 1);
    long pow2 = pow(x, max_power);
    double current = 1.0;
    double previous = 1.0;

    for (long i = 0; i<10*accuracy; i++) {
        current = sin(current);
        if (i == pow1) {
            previous = current;
        if (i == pow2) {
            return current / previous;

Is there something I should be keeping an eye out for, or preparing for so everything goes smoothly at least with regards to this community?

On the 6th of May, 2028, travel to 2 Augusta Hills Drive, Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States. At exactly 4 PM local time, place an orange traffic cone on top of the nearest garbage can and await further instructions.

grandma has a lot of friends

Every rare fish is the only one of its kind

noticed that the story is now being summarized in dictionaries, haha

It was I think a stream clip from 'pirate software'

While I agree 100% with your main point,

"it’s a graph of commits” makes no sense to a layperson

You're probably putting your standards too low. Every coder should know what a graph is, the basic concept at least. If you can understand fizzbuzz you can understand graphs too.

the word “diff” makes no sense

diff is short for difference. And that basically explains it

every large group of people is going to have some psychopaths / terminally stupid

if you accelerate it to exactly the speed of light, it will destroy everything within about 15 billion lightyears (galaxies further than that are safe because they recede from you faster than light)

It's just the paradox of tolerance again. Too much freedom causes a power vacuum, which almost inevitably causes some small but determined authoritarian group to gobble up that power until they get so big they can overthrow the whole system. And then you're back to square one, except now the system is probably fascist.

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looks like work on the android client started in 2011 (or at least, that's when it seemingly started using version control)

the app was released in 2014

so it has likely inherited decisions from ~14 years ago, I'd guess there is a several year gap where having a native desktop app was not even a concern

Also the smartphone landscape was totally different back then, QT's android support back then was in alpha (or totally nonexistent if the signal project is a bit older than the github repository makes it seem), and the average smartphone had extremely weak processing power and a tiny screen resolution by today's standards. Making the same gui function on both desktop and mobile was probably a pretty ridiculous proposition.

I read on a pop sci magazine years ago that "this is not the first time we have offered a design, but nobody was willing to buy one so it didn't get built"

it's set down diagonally so it fits

monospace means the width of the "whole" character is always the same, but the width of the visible part of the character is not (imagine how large the dot would have to be for that to work)

steam's drm is a complete joke though? Tons of game developers add their own drm on top because it is so trivial to bypass steam's own.

Their main product is a marketplace/content delivery system

completing leetcode style tasks as fast as possible

turns out that 2^53 + 1 is an even number