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Joined 1 years ago

I'm so glad we are reposting trash takes from Reddit under the guise of shitposting

The way things are going with data collection and advertising, the EU is bound to put heavy restrictions on it, basically killing the market Google is built on. They are trying to find a middle ground between banning data collection and full on everything being collected you do online, and if ad blockers just happen to die in the crossfire, it's not Google's concern.

And it's literally the same as the reddit one including the spez ist hurenchön text. Guys, this is not how you make an indepentent platform.

Players have been getting less and less patient with disaster launch and thus hated the game which is known for disaster launches. A few games get away with it but since Cyberpunk or maybe even Fallout 76, the general concensus is that a broken game is not worth the time, not even if it gets better later. Games that get away with it usually have some saving grace, like Jedi Survivor being playable but having unplayable performance on PC. Even then, it pretty much lost the PC crowd. BF 2042 was unplayable at launch on every platform, had no redeeming qualities and it even tore out core parts of the game, like the class system, in favor of systems that can be indefinitely monetised. In a game that costet AAA money.

The only reason Ubisoft is getting away with the "it'll be good later" thing is that a) they invented it in the AAA space with Rainbow6Siege and b) they actually stick to these games for a long time. EA gave 2 years for Star Wars BF2 to sort its shit out, put out a new release of the game with all the cosmetics in it and the the next week announced that they no longer support it. Neat. Meanwhile, Ubisoft has not only stuck with R6S, but also developed a new anti-cheat system so it doesn't die to cheater and are still sticking with it. Another Ubisoft title, For honor. The game was okay at launch but playercount wise it was DOA. Yet, the game is still getting updates and new content regurarly 5 or so years later. THAT is the difference. EA dips on the first sign of losing money while, for all the things I despise Ubisoft, I gotta give props to them for sticking to their games for long time.

Also, Battlebit has shown that BF has a place in the modern gaming, EA/Dice just refused to just make a BF game for the past almost decade. They made something that resembled BF with WW1 and WW2 paint, then a piece of turd, but not a single BF game.

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Except in almost every single instance, a sequel of a beloved game sold better than the original? There is a reason companies just prefer pumping out sequels instead of new IPs.

Love that they are spending billions on bunkers to "ride it out", when the moment they need to use the bunker, there is nothing to ride out, we are not coming back to the surface in the next few lifetimes if ever.

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It might be regional. Where I live they just skip the whole call the manager thing and the manager is the one monitoring the self checkout line and is the one you go to to ask for help. Thankfully I don't buy much of anything that'd be 21+ so I don't mind just going to the one open cash register to do that there.


I'm not so sure about Google nowadays. What started out as an everyday product killing, ended up as the first of many. They killed Stadia from one day to the other, and then started to basically sell and kill everything that is not massively profitable to the point they sold their domain distribution as well to Squarespace. That does not seem like something a massive monopoly with no regards to investor opinion does.

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Coffein simply blocks the receptors in your body that send the signals to your brain that you are tired, while sugar is essentially pure energy. I'm no expert on this subject, but afaik both coffein and sugar increases blood pressure, which is probably not an ideal thing.

I'm surprised there is no porn of Linux yet

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I have nothing but Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs to judge them on and based on that, they are very good at writing mysteries and cryptic stuff but they seem to be lighter on the gameplay side. From that, the writing will be good but hopefully it will have any gameplay.

I'm not american. My country had basically built out a strangle hold on traditional media, facebook and is building it on other sites like instagram and twitter. The only platform that not been affected at all is tiktok. Instagram and Twitter is tankfully heavily fighting back the government propaganda but on tiktok, there is just none. Not sure if it's because of the algorithm it uses or simply they don't consider it a threat but there is a ton of liberal counter-culture which I'm sure the government would not be happy about if they found them.


Recently got Lobotomy Corporation from a friend with the message "welcome to the cult". Now I'm addicted and I'm managing my nuggets even in my dreams. Send help.

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If you add the monthly costs of the loan he took to buy Twitter, profits are down by 500%.

I did try to start with that. My first experience was in may I think and ironically enough, it did not work back then. Probably improved a lot since then.

We would have gotten a communist germany. The first big enemy Hitler and his nazi party had to defeat were the communists who were operating similar death gangs to their gestapo.

I'm working on transitioning over. I mean all the subreddits I follow are hard to just replace on a whim but slowly I'm getting there. Probably gonna download one of the phone apps for lemmy too.

It's probably a thing where it's cyclical of how much people are accepting of broken releases based on parameters like 'when was the last huge broken launch?' and the current generation who didn't experience broken launches sunddently entering the gaming space.

The name U turn itself is dumb anyways (alongside shit like T-shirt, I kid you not I tought my english teacher was trolling us because I refused to believe at 12 that people in any part of the world use a '-' in a regular word they use everyday).

So one person kicking up a big fuss by burning a book is rising racism in the entirety of Europe

I can't stress enough how much a sleep mask and earplugs improved my quality of sleep. It cuts down on the impact other people have on your sleep and it can also help in a sort of rituale way. Our brains are very suspectible to rituales and putting in your earplugs and on your sleepmask can be a great way to signal your body that it's bedtime. You can also extend this bedtime rituale with things like brushing your teeth.

As far as I can tell, the difference between the brand colas and the non-brand ones, is that the brand ones don't destroy my guts. 2 cups of the cheaper colas and I'm shitting liquid for a week.