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Joined 1 years ago

That's hardly a Linux-specific problem. There are plenty of Windows problems I've encountered where running some random dude's registry update script is the recommended answer. If you are running anything with Admin / Root rights in any OS you had better understand what you're doing.

4 more...

Linux is fine for people like you and me who are comfortable installing our own operating system, and trouble-shooting any problems. Most 'normal' people though will continue to walk into a store, buy a laptop, and use whatever came installed.

Of course, the year of Linux on the desktop actually happened some time ago without anyone noticing. It's called ChromeOS, and that's a whole different can of worms.

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Well, it's actually not that difficult if you really want to, but there's really no good reason to do so right now. It's basically just the same OS with an even more annoying UI.

Win 7 is peak Windows for me, but yeah, XP is fine. So is 2K or even Vista for that matter. With every release since 7 MS seem to have been actively looking for ways to make the UI experience worse.

Yeah, just because something utilises technology doesn't mean it belongs in a technology community.

Also, social media spreading misinformation hardly even counts as news these days.

Oh no, please tell me this isn't true. Surely the well balanced and entirely rational Mr. Musk wouldn't let this happen?