
1 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I guess I shouldn't be expected to pay for games until my total is over a hundred bucks then?

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Little boutique place near us has an "Apple Cheddar Pie" ice cream in the fall. It's never quite as good as you expect. Gotta try it again this year, to see how they've changed it.

(On the other hand, their Lemon Curd Blueberry is one of the greatest things ever served in a cone in the history of humankind.)

He's not an "eccentric billionaire," he's a psychopathic robber baron fascist.

Fuck Oprah.

Her sanctimonious bullshit brought us Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Jenny McCarthy.

Her 'listening platform' has probably lead directly to the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

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Convicted PEDOPHILE rapist!

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For-profit healthcare makes this outcome inevitable.

"Yeah, we killed her. We'd killher again if we could. Whatcha gonna do about it?"

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Phone the cops. Now.

I wish we could really press the main point here: Google is willfully foisting their LLM on the public, and presenting it as a useful tool. It is not, which makes them guilty of neglicence and fraud.

Pichai needs to end up in jail and Google broken up into at least ten companies.

For-profit healthcare.

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Stop. Threatening.

Start. Sentencing.

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...nearly 5,000-page filing...

Really? They generated more content than the entire Harry Potter series to say "He can't get the money."

Sounds like they're trying to get their own $464M out of the deal.

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Yeah yeah, Linux is our saviour.

I call bullshit. Charge Microsoft criminally. Sue them into the ground! We will never get enough people to truly harm them just by leaving, so we need to FUCKING DESTROY ANY COMPANY THAT PULLS THIS BULLSHIT!

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Fisker said it hired a Chief Restructuring Officer in the hopes of staving off bankruptcy.

Ah yes. No better way to reduce costs than hiring another C*O.

As frustrating as this may be, it's even more frustrating when I see exactly the same thing among PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS!

directory structure and basic text editing are foreign concepts to them. If it's not in their IDE, they really don't understand it.

Also, 90% of them are hunt-and-peck two finger typists.

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Even better, don't use Twitter at all and don't support its insane fascist asshole billionaire owner.

Seriously, why even continue talk8ng about twitter? Let it die.

Honestly, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture was that her son made her a crown, and she was proudly rockin' it.

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Let him move to a small island without modern communication of any sort.

Then just as he leaves the US, tax him 95% of his net worth.

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This isn't a 'painful day for tech titans.'

Corporations don't feel pain. C*Os insulate themselves from it. They're getting steadily richer, probably making more money than you'll ever see in your life.

This is a good day for tech consumers. That should have been the headline.

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I' e come to realize that sadly, legslity is irrelevant. If there are no consequences, then there's effectively no law for rhe powerful.

The SCOTUS ruling that they can declare the president above the law was really about shiwing they can make anyone above the law, if they wish.

The last eight years have highlighted how the US is in fact, a caste system.

This is fucking garbage.

When a company gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar, it's not a punishment to put one of the cookies back.

Fines should be ten TIMES what the company made from their misbehaviour, not ten percent.

Make no mistake - Trump would do that and more.

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Capitalism, fucking everything up, same as everywhere.

You're not here to ask a good-faith question, you're here to state an opinion or theory.

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No she did not.

Is Trump getting the same questions?

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Actually, never mind. I don't want to know.


Doping refers to deliberate use of compounds or procedures explicity banned by WADA, in some clearly-defined window around a competition.

Pot is still on the list. End of story.


This whole endeavour is looking like a careful plan to implement a smaller, slightly less horrible idea in Win11, and then creep forward from there.

Remember the model to move the goal line, folks:

  • Overreach
  • Capitulate publicly and fall back to your true target
  • Repeat

Best of all, these large steps can be supplemented by nudging things forward with 'adjusttments.'

'Job security' has been a myth for more than half a century. A career for mostnpeople is nothing more than a job that you're enmeshed in, and can't easily leave if you want to.

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I was on reddit since 2006, and left a year ago.

Lemmy pretty much sucks because of a lack of content. The communities are there, but they're...sooooo quiet.

Join the communities you're interested in and ENGAGE!

Youtube is waging a war against their customers. If they win, they lose; and if they lose they win.

Let's cut to the chase.

This bill, and many like it, are created with a clear purpose: to subjugate women. Harming the LGBTQ2+ community is almost secondary, since they can do that just fine already.

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I was active - and I mean ACTIVE - on reddit for well over a decade. When the API fiasco happened, I deleted my mobile apps, and stuck to desktop. When 'opt out of selling your data' became impossible, I logged out for good.

Lemmy is both better and worse than reddit ever was. It will likely never reach the same activity level, but will also not reach the same toxicity.

It ABSOLUTELY matters that Trump is put on the same playing field and under the same scrutiny as Harris!!!

That's all. It doesn't matter what their respective positions are. It doesn't matter that Trump will give a rambling, incoherent answer and support Israel even if they declare babies as food.

It matters that Trump is held to the same scrutiny as Harris, simple as that.

Nobody cares anymore.

Step one: stop listening to anything from Ziff-Davis.

I have a lot less to say, and I'm more careful about what I do say.

I believe it's mostly because of the smaller community. It's easier to be an ass at a soccer game with 15,000 strangers than at your great-aunt's birthday. (Even if your third cousin is a neo-nazi.)

Unlike most, I survived the API garbage because I primarily used the desktop site.

But the subsequent response and then the removal of the "don't sell my personal info" option was clearly spez saying the quiet part out loud. Asshole doesn't deserve to get richer off of my effort.


The PDF contains the information. The screenshot contains a picture of the information.

It's a tree vs. a picture of a tree. A recording vs. a live performance.

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