7 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I find it to be suprisingly usless compared to classic aproach. But in my case it might be beacuse of the language i work with ( abap ).

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Dosent sweden already have a fairly high and fairly stable energy production through their hydroelectiric power plants . Wouldnt it be better to just build more of those.

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Cars. You seem to buy cars like smartphones( actualy probably even worse since buying phone on credit dosent seem to be as common nowadays ) . If you can afford the credit payment for the card dosent mean you can afford the car. In fact why everyone buys stuff on credit cards in the US . It seems insane to me to go to debt for a stupid cofee.

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I do certainly see a big quality improvment

Then give me 2 usb c ports on the phone.i can compromise with that

Finance courses promoted by various youtubers.

A lot of them seem to be mathematical questions

I am not suprised in the slightest. They are extremly pointless ,i simply do not really care that somone is on bahamas or whatewers. The only thing i even used facebook for were a specialized groups and Messenger. The only real social media i cared about was reddit and similars simply beacuse they encouraged discussion about stuff and provided anonimity ( and anonimity helps massiviely when your opinions arent exatcly popular ).

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Just the sorcery that makes wifi a thing is amazing itself.

The big problem with lemmy is that some niche communities did not migrated so when you Look for example for fairphone news you Look to reddit beacuse lemmy dosent have equivalent. Likewise i havent seen something similar to r/tailsof. You know the niche communities that were the bread and bucket of reddit with the few exceptions ( programers and Linux communities fully migrated and are obviusly standing out beacuse those pepole are always first to move to opensource alternatives )

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I dont know i actualy rarely have those types of scummy videos on my feed. But then again i might have Just trained my Algorithm well.

I use both. Lemmy by deafult. Reddit for the few very specific communites Lemmy is lacking . Also questions go to Lemmy since beacuse lemmy is smaller pepole are actually answering you instead of ignoring your questions or mods deleting them beacuse this belongs to the daily thread for small questions or the similars.

I mean its not only american thing.there are cupholders in european cars..... or there were cupholders. At least My father 2001 Audi has it.

The old soviet legacy. And a bit of actual disasters and from the 2 significant ones (hiroshima and chernobyl) half are beacuse of the soviets.

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Yup. Thats just enterprise software for you. Something was made requiremnts changed, and then changed again and then ypu have duct tape on top of a duct tape with a duct tape holding those duct tapes and a touch of super glu here and there. Also ducttapes are microscopic in size but the sheer quantity of them is unimaginable.

That's not true. There is a wise spending. Or to be more correct there is a foolish spending. Gambling your money away for example is f* stupid.

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I mean going from windows to mac os also needs getting used to beacuse Obviusly they are not the same systems . Each of those has diffrent design philosophy. And out of all linux GUI gnome is the simplest( In my opinion also the best looking one ). And most of the rest also takes very little of getting used to since they are very similar to either windows or MacOS( elementary ).

Oooh is that why ipv6 adoption is so regional ( Based on ) . Like france ,germany or india having more than 70 % while italy or poland hanging below 20% ? Also judging from this site it seems like ipv6 is actually getting adopted at quite the rapid pace. Even if some regions are faring way worse than the others.

Beacuse sometimes you have to go somewhere where going out of the parking is going to be near immposible so its Just better to back out when there is not a lot of pepole and have better vivisbilty when going out of the parking.

I couldnt care less honestly. We live in the 21st century and All my clocks switch automaticly and thats all i care about

It wont be all at once. Those changes usualy go very slow. Especialy in the buisness sector.

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Also the scale. With steam scale its likely that they could just buy a massive numbers of gpus and cpus from amd for much cheaper.

Even deciphering 1000 good lines of code is hard . I work in abap and 95% of my time is going through old ,or very old code written in diffrent programing styles . The rest is usualy writing a one or two lines of code.

I dont think they in reality do exist(or to be precise not the ones you think about). Most of the bilionares have their wealth tied to the stock so if they wanted for some reason to use a significant proportion of it they would have to sell their stocks which would crash their companies valuation if they even found enough pepole to buy those stocks,so i doubt they are bilionares in reality, alghtough certainly most of them could come up with a few hundred milions (or much much more if we are talking about actual asset like in case of elon musk buying Twitter , but that in reality Just changes the stock their net worth is tied to) . Now oligarhs and warlords from dictatorships and failed states are completely another thing and they likely by siphoning money from state owned companies actually are just that wealthy but we can all agree that they are pathological cases regardless of your political alignment. There are also a few cases of inherited wealth but those are rare beacuse as it turns out even if you have a butload of money you can Stil somehow spend it on stupid shit(not to mention the fact that bilionares and milionares tend to have quite a lot of children so that divides their wealth between them even further ) .

So as always its not as simple alghtough i definietly do agree that pepole nowadays tend to simp on wealthy pepole a bit too much. (alghtough it seems sentiment shifted through pandemic to eat the Rich category, but that might be Just my bubble of internet recomendations). They are still wealthy as f*. They really do not need another tax break and they Will indeed survive being taxed much more than ordinary citizens, it is after all the country and its pepole that allowed them to become so Rich in the first place(By the said country providing education or reasonable legislative framework protecting their Business or offering lower taxation when they were starting out) it is reasonable that they give something back through higer taxes. And bilionare/milionares charity is a tax break, Not a charity.

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I honestly found instaling Linux to be way easier than Windows, also suprisingly nvidia graphic card was easier to set up on Linux rather than Windows, beacuse pop os(And other sensible distros) Just bundle them with the os so it worked out of the box .

Anime manga light novels. I mean come on i was expecting it to be one of the few communities that would blow up here pretty fast alongside linux , pcbulding and software developer communities.

Honestly im considering buying one Just for the gimkick factor alone. I do like phones that have some gimmick. About the actual usefulness of said gimmick. Well i bought note once for the gimmick alone. Have i ever used the pencil. Only for solving nonograms. Nothing more. Folding phones gimmick on the other hand seems to be way better than the note gimkick, particualry the fold series, flips are questionable alghtough arguably they Look more cool. But the durability of both seems sketchy at Best, especialy since my notę 4 is still used in my family by my grandma and it still feels snapy to use.

So would i buy one. Not really. The thing with my old note 4 was that i managed to buy it used for a very reasonable price and im not sure i would touch used folding phone with a 3 feet pole, and a full priced 1000$ phones are a scam as far as i am concerned. If you want fun gimmick i Would honestly recomend rog phone 6 instead ( cool, should be reasonably priced, fun aestethic ) or a hopefully soon to be fairphone 5 (i never thought i would call removable battery a gimmick but here we are in 2023) . But If you swim in money by any means buy a flip or fold,why not.

I dont think Starbucks is considered a cofee in europe. More like an american desert cofee honestly. And how large even is that? Half a liter? Typical cofee in europe is at max half of that.

The thing is that they taste good. But there is no justification for their price tag( coca cola and pepsi sodas actually fall in the same bucket,quite good but why would you buy them for that price,especialy since it costs them next to nothing to make ).

Its also beacuse Apple dosent have cheap tier of phones. So you have the classic went from a 100 dollar android to 1000 dollar iphone case. Like no shit sherlock obviusly extremly cheap phones are crap. Also for some reason the most common phone Brand on the planet is somehow treated like a status symbol. I would kinda uderstand sony phones being status symbol or samsung foldables but iphones But truth be told I really dont get Apple users. I tried one and other than it being really smooth (beacuse my Main phone is a cheap huawei) it was worse in every metric that mattered to me other than sound while costing 4 to 6 Times as much .

Bluetooth earbuds today have this feature. Havent met any headphones that do this but it might have also been a gesture

There was Snowden , alghtough other than that there wasnt that many cases.

Yup. Its not uncommon for Windows to have to run 20+ year old app maintained(or not) by blood and tears of some poor interns

Yeach that was my personal preference but the profliferation of streaming services each with their own exclusive shows made me sail the black seas once again, so i was wondering if there is something to scan downloaded files. If its even possible in the first place to get a virus on Linux that way.

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I do aprreciate YouTube algorithm. Its amazing how well you can train it to suit your taste.

If its region locked i pirate it. I just cant be bothered to look for a vpn that's not blocked by this site. Alao if site is a shit i pirate it ,in my case crunchyroll . I really tried using it but Its just not working with my shitty internet and the buffer size is too small to load whole wideo while i do other stuff. YouTube and Netflix somehow works on my internet.

Speaking of air cargo. Why exatcly there are no moder zeppelins? They seem like a perfect way to transport cargo

Does it matter tho? I am currently on android 9 and I have yet to find something that dosent work on this version. Longer security updates are much more Important than the os ones.

Ok .thats apparently a controversial opinion but....why does that matter. Usb2.0 is still fairly fast connection ,i doubt it will impact anyone, unless someone dumps a lot of data on iphones for....some reason,honestly i am not sure in what scenraio you would move a lot of data very often from phone to pc or reversed. Its not a headphone jack scenario where they took a capability from a phone. You still can send data through will just take a minute instead of 10 s.

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Goblin slayer would be disapointed in you.