tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

@tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 2 years ago


I sure AF would download a car then seed a car for all my homies

There probably are, there's a reason why super high security systems aim for airgapping of sorts, and even that's not immune.

I use Firefox for desktop and PipePipe on mobile, no issues yet, when I do no more Youtube because fuck ads. This is why I datahoard as my meager datastorage allows.

It doesn't matter in the end.

Waste time on the internet, maybe modding or other nerdy projects

Personally no, and neither does anything/one else, its a very limited religious-brainwormed concept mostly used to just go around and call things 'souless' which is all in fun when its a terrible movie or something, not fun when its people and the concept is used to harm them. Its all material and its near countless interactions in many, many forms all the way up and down, in forms we know well and those we have yet to study.

During NDEs your brain glitches out as you're basically dying (and if you're really dead technically you're not human anymore anyway, just sayin, the pop-mythical soul seems to imply permanent human-ness lording all existence in a linear fashion whether directly or by symbolic language) and having OBEs is nothing mystical, in fact reasonably easy to recreate when fully well and alive, so its hard to say those as some concrete evidence for a pop soul concept or against it. I think its the brain making stuff up for now since life is hard and filled with stuff it can't handle.

A lot of things people call 'soul' in pop reference can be taken away quite easily by mere illness, time or even falling out of social graces.

2 more...

I'm going to be on the job hunt soon, this will be helpful.

Out of body experience, the illusory perception that you're hanging outside of your body, people that have NDEs (near death experiences) report it a lot but you can trip that sensation while very alive, people with hard core dissociation type conditions for example, other more boring things like sleep deprivation, trauma and stress, or simple meditation and perception games.

If I hear a song and like it, that works, I'mma download it since shitty rural internet, I may not be able to listen to that song on demand.