
42 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thanks to Steam Input, he can use any controller

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It's trivially easy, but you'd be pulling in a lot of noise along with the signal, creating more moderation headaches for yourself (think of all the low-effort and spam stuff you usually have to filter out). You'd be better off scraping the content you want from primary sources directly rather than mirroring every post that goes to your old forum.

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16 times the detail

The game is outstanding, guys. Nuff said. Made by four people. It goes to show how out of touch big development studios are when gameplay takes a back seat and they can't make something with the fun factor.

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Thief: Deadly Shadows. A soulless console adaptation of an OG immersive sim.

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This guy single-handedly kept /r/pcgaming churning with news for the last eleventymillion years

It is outstanding, the ergonomics are much more comfortable than Steam Deck, and the disc-shaped pads are roomier. I'd love to see a Frankenstein mod of Steam Deck that adds Steam Controller grips to it. But honestly, I think the sheer length and weight of the thing is a limiting factor in terms of comfortability.

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Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. Played it on a monochrome green EGA monitor. The "copy protection," such as it was, asked us who Richard Nixon's running mate was and we didn't know enough English at the time to comprehend. After trial and error, managed to get into the game and didn't have a flaming clue what we were doing. A ripping good time, it was.

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For Karl

In practice it's not so easy without some manual curation. News sites post a lot of filler stuff and you don't want to start spamming yourself with every article posted to <insert magazine here>. Even on higher-traffic subs you don't generally see more than one or two posts from the same site on a given day. It's generally more effective with something repeatable and reliable like a weekly column where the expected "quality" is invariate. Certainly you can front-load the manual curation by building a set of filters into your scraper, but whether you filter the results at the front or the end of the pipe, you still need some kind of heuristic for what constitutes "good" content, and that's frequently a moving target.

Wazhack. Still haven't beaten it. It's a traditional roguelike (cf. nethack) presented in the unusual format of a 3D sidescroller. The dev is prolific about updating it year over year. Trust me on this one, game is a mix of hilarious and infuriating

Post your favorite demos that you played in the comments, guys. I have a number in the pipeline and will update once I review them all

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Similar reaction. Game looks aesthetically pleasing, but it feels very hard to innovate within the matrix of a sidescroller, so unless you are a diehard sidescroller player, might not offer something amazing. The game also crashed a lot for me so I didn't get very far and just gave up on it. There wasn't a big hook here that would have made me want to persist through crashes.


Haven't played this one, but take a look at Peaks of Yore. Make sure to turn off all of the postprocessing so you get simple polygons.

En Garde

Had CTDs with this one, too. Looks like I didn't miss much, but the core concept seems entertaining if they flesh it out.

Lies of P

I need to get around to trying this one. I have this habit of putting off bigger demos till the end.

My patience is rewarded. I always wait long enough for games to get an FPS mod. It's the only way to play, baby

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Nothing is perfect, but you can always change mods and extend them further. Third person games take me really out of the action and feel weird to me. Rigging a camera is easier said than done, but still, peering over the shoulder of some character just feels like a console game to me.

Game is as great as it ever was

I always use this as my "control" game on a new PC to calibrate mouse input and other settings

STALKER. The A-Life AI system is something else, and the open-ended survival gameplay and atmosphere are really in a league of their own. Similarly, as a latter-day choice, INFRA. That's a Source engine total conversion that has a similar uncanny and immersive atmosphere where you are just blown away at the total package, map design, and the thought process that went into it. Those are easily the two most immersive games I've played.

That seems reasonable, although there is no telling what a highly voted post might constitute under new management (is that too paranoid?). I'd personally take a scrap and build approach here, or at least manually approve the incoming results (hybrid approach) if they're being delayed anyway due to waiting on vote generation.

With Steam you're essentially paying a (sometimes) premium for a whole suite of features: Steamworks (drop-in support for matchmaking and multiplayer lobbies), numerous edge servers on a global CDN (faster downloads), Steam input (plethora of configuration options for any controller or HID), remote play (play local games with a remote player), shared shader caching, upstream contributions to the Wine, Vulkan, DXVK et al stacks, a highly open and permissive API, streaming video of your game while you play it, Steam cache servers (build a local fileserver to cache game downloads), the list goes on. And if you find a bug, you can report it on their bug tracker and someone will actually investigate it. It is a no-brainer.

Other services just give you a desktop shortcut at best. People say, "I don't need these features, I just want games." If they've ever launched a game on Steam, they've probably benefited from these features and more without realizing it.

No, that is worse. I actually lumped them both into one abomination in my mind.

No brainer, it is Max Payne

Not a huge surf fan but respect. Source Engine mobility is second to none. Looks fun

No coop yet!

Looks like a blast, will definitely check it out and hope to see you on there

Don't play official servers, modded servers (moderated) are where it's at. Many unique, standalone maps like Namalsk and Deer Isle. There are zillions of servers catering to everything from hardcore survival to basebuilding

Probably in the best place it's ever been, massive overhauls both on the official side and on the community mods side

Yeah, I almost didn't bother looking into it because of the name attached to it

6700/6800 XT are very fine cards. Go for OLED on the monitor if you can

This is not similar to Alien Swarm, it is more like XCOM

Yes. Run, don't walk.

I suppose not, although I can't think of a good reason a troll would want to pump up a trailer unless they had a vested interest in it

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That's the problem with high-budget games, they've mostly homogenized towards the center where everything has that one-size-fits-all console camera angle/aesthetic/UX. But I always keep an open mind; if people say a new game is neat, I'm willing to try. I've got the demo downloading now. The only thing we have to lose is our own time :D

I went on to play all seven (well, technically 6: see here) and the two reboots by a German studio that came out a year or two ago. Al Lowe's is a master of the lampoon style of humor

I mainly got it to develop against it, so it seems like it shines when docked. I have mild RSI, and I found it a bit cumbersome to play with handheld for longer than twenty minutes or so. It seems like there isn't an ideal posture/grip combination that feels natural. You have to hold it up and away from your body, and in so doing, it becomes heavy. Or you cradle it and then you have to crane your neck downwards. It's just a series of trade-offs coming from the unorthodox formfactor. I've seen this issue raised from time to time, but I concede that it's a minority problem.

I grabbed that one as well, already had Prey

Thanks, I noticed that and appreciate it.

Here's a Factorio mod that may intrigue you

The bomb has been planted

The Invincible seems to be more of a walking simulator by design. Provided the story is suspenseful and compelling, that seems fine. The main gripe I had was the extremely low FOV. Hopefully that is not by design

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Big if true