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Joined 1 years ago

Musk: People who WFH are lazy and should come back to the office

Musk: .....but I aint paying the rent on that office!

To expedite the process, Mastodon instances should just defederate from them entirely. Don't let them access that data through ActivityPub.

When Twitter had an exodus to Mastodon and a lot of new instances popped up, several were quickly defederated because they were scraping data from other instances, which made a lot of people uncomfortable.

There were also a few far right instances that spun up that were also defederated and blocked within 24 hours so the communities ability to respond to situations like this is very much there and I'm sure that the vast majority will not want to have a single thing to do with meta

Unless Apple drops the price of their devices by at least a third, it's not really going to happen.

Another thing to consider is that Jamf will certainly not be dominating the Apple MDM management solution arena in a decade either.

Companies with a mostly win estate with win infra, aren't happy with paying another $40 per user, per year for Jamf and Intune will be making up a lot of ground for a one shop solution, even if management is not as featured or complex as what Jamf offers.

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Saw this elsewhere

oh, here's some JUICY rumored details about meta's plans for the fediverse

tl;dr "Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners."

can't entirely verify their validity but it's still worth posting just in case

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I don't think she has enough consistent cognitive functionality to know wtf is going on really.

She's being propped up by Pelosi rather than being allowed to decompose horizontally with dignity.

It's indicative of just how corrupt the political class is in every western country

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The hubris that people like that guy have, precludes them from having any doubts about their judgment or ability, while seeing anyone with a contradiction opinion as "just not getting it".

They are high huffing their own jenkum

Artists United Against Apartheid didn't play gigs in South African to protest the situation there.

If they had, it would have been a degree of complicity with the regime.

TBH, every major artist should loudly express that they are deliberately skipping playing in Malaysia for specific reasons.

I think its a case that those who moved recently (my account here is recent but Ive been on Lemmy.ml for 2 years), had seen the writing on the wall.

When the effects start to kick in, there will be another few large influxes then when the majority left on Reddit wonder why the site went to shit overnight and where everyone else went, they will leave too.

It will be very similar to what happened with Digg all those years ago.

You could summit Everest in a matter of minutes with the leaps youre making there.

Was about to say the same.

Medium seems to be where all the people who used to post bad take blogs went to instead of self hosting

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It's similar to when a work colleague comes back from holiday and you can hear them recount their holiday stories to everyone else.

Yes, it gets boring quickly but the novelty will soon wear off and at some point the comedies will become self aware that they are repeating the same stories over and over and die a little inside.

Take it upon yourself to post comment other than Reddit or about how everyone posts about Reddit

Reddit is one of the most valuable websites on the entire internet. It's being miss-managed,

Understanding why those 2 points matter is important:

  1. Users are pumping the site full of free content willingly

  2. A subset of those same users are moderating that content for free & others are creating tools and apps to make interaction with the bare framework a better user experience

  3. The management know it's a goldmine but are clueless in how to monetize it fully

Point 1 was how sites like Facebook and Twitter became huge and made billions off selling that data and the data points generated

Point 2 is how they fell down because they didn't understand that they were content moderation businesses but failed to invest in that or use the Reddit model of getting users to moderate it themselves

Point 3 is what will cause Reddit to either collapse or die a slow death when the majority of its user base begin to realise they are producing and curating content for free and for a team that holds them in contempt.

A lot of users want to leave because they see that contempt but don't get that they are still willing to offer their labour to others for free if they would just build a new playground for them. And not even a fully featured one because Reddits framework is a rickety piece of shit. Just enough of one for them to decorate themselves with 3rd party tools, which is basically what they did with MySpace.

[Edit to add] Extended point 2 which underlines the point that Reddit is very much like MySpace in that the users are shaping their experience of the site, not the other way round

In a democratic one state solution jews would be in the minority in Israel so it would no longer be a safe haven for them, Israel would effectively no longer exist.

Jews lived peacefully in Palestine alongside everyone else prior to 1948 for centuries.

Does any nation have the right to exist when its creation was based on ethnically cleansing those who lived there?

Suicide is also a bad idea and you are going to regret it if you find you've put yourself in an unstoppable position. This is evidenced by people who miraculously survive their attempts.

Also, no matter how little you think you mean to anyone, it's going to hurt them.

My friend killed himself back in 1991 and 33 years later, I still think about him at least once a week.

We used to share music so new stuff I hear, I think if he would have liked it. He was an incredible intelligent and astute person so I think about all the insights he might have shared with me.

Most of all, I've still no idea why he did it. The 'daily' issues he had going on were not insurmountable and despite conversations we had ranging all manner of subjects, there was no indication of him being troubled by deeper issues.

He got a lift into town with his stepdad to collect his bike, went to the top of a car park and jumped off.

No note. No indication. Nothing.

Considering that Tesla & SpaceX have been dependent on government subsidies or selling carbon credits, they are not really a success in their own right.

Both have been propped up.

Through a haze of cocaine

It's not a compo face article. That was pulled from her social media as she was murdered.

The thing Elon fails to understand is that someone didn’t just write Twitter on one go and gift it on to the world.

He did actually say at once point about scraping all the code base & starting from scratch!

the average media person’s mentality is geared toward mass distribution

Even this 'writers' take is that their path was to move away from community and threaded conversations into monologues.

The guy is a self important twit full of bad takes

Like with a lot about Reddit, things have been implemented that sounds good on paper but little thought has been given to the consequences.

As for the electing mods/vox populi....[barf]

and the blue guy is a lot less likely to try that shit on me or the people i love.

So it's only "a lot less likely" not a definitive won't ever?

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I would tell anecdotes and stories but would constantly go off at a tangent. Someone said I had "Tangentism".

This is one of the main issues with all new builds in London.

There's plenty of places going up but they're all being sold to overseas investors as buy to let and do it keeps making rents exorbitant for locals.

It sounds like its typical of what they would do: offer money to bigger instances and the admins might be tempted to help pay for server costs, etc then spurn smaller instances to break their morale.

Its a land grab basically and the response should be that any instance that takes a penny from them is instantly defederated.

Aral Balkan has been posting about surveillance capitalism/centralised networks and corpotate landgrabs for years and said this the other day

I presume because it’s split up into a million loosely connected pieces, we should be largely insulated from corporate invasion and interference.

Pretty much

The headfuck is not that he didnt hide who and what he was, or that his ambition got him where he wanted, it was that a lot of people said "...but hes a funny character"

One of my luxuries is that I shave using straight and safety razors (it's actually more economical & less of an environmental impact that using shitty gillette style razors) is to splurge a bit on the shaving soap and brush

Nothing like a nice, frothy lather!

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Sunday now but yesterday I went into town and saw a 4k restored version of The Wicker Man with Edward Woodward & Christopher Lee. It was a lot funnier than I remember especially the scene with Brit Ekland trying to tempt Edward Woodward in the next room!

Today will be fiddling about with my modular and maybe have a go at starting to code a tool for work

its been a long running joke....

Its not just the ads but the algorithm pushes young men down the alt right pipeline.

But it's not about replicating what Reddit was about, then or now. It's about getting back to what we had before the centralisation of the net but with the lessons learnt. To build a more egalitarian platform without the necessity to drive engagement at whatever cost.

We don't need to, nor should look to set up tooling with what we learnt from Reddits failures. We're building a new, better experience of the web and we definitely shouldn't be looking to just migrate the user base from one site to a bunch of federated servers. We need people to definitely experience a cultural cleanse. Not to just have an exodus from there with all the bad habits and aggressions. We know where that path leads.

We are on the cusp of a potential paradigm shift of the internet and we can shape what it becomes!

Exciting times!

Little bit of pop trivia for you.....

The version that was covered by Tight Fit that was an 80s one hit wonder in the UK, was produced by Tim Friese-Greene.

He also produced "She Blinded Me With Science" by Thomas Dolby and was also a co-writer, producer and player on Talk Talk's final three albums!

One that I was surprised to learn that I like to share is Grace Jones 'Private Life' was originally by The Pretenders.

Hynde is quoted as saying: Like all the other London punks, I wanted to do reggae, and I wrote "Private Life". When I first heard Grace's version I thought 'Now that's how it's supposed to sound!' In fact it was one of the highpoints of my career - what with Sly and Robbie being the masters, and Grace Jones with her scorching delivery.

Not really a cover but it used such a huge chunk that it pretty much is...

Beyonce "Crazy In Love" is basically The Chi-lites "Are You My Woman"

Do a "site:reddit.com your username" search & you'll find that all your comments are still there.

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Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”

So he'll be a leader, not a slave and as a leader, not a slave, will probably have slaves....

Sauce (9th paragraph)

Lately I've found myself info dumping on people about some tangentially related subjects that I've been reading about over the last decade:

  • Loss of the 'third place'
  • Privatisation of public space.
  • Decimation of the high street & how removing, not increasing parking spaces will be instrumental in reviving it
  • How out of town retail shopping parks contributed to the obesity epidemic.
  • Why the UK has seemingly unique weather compared to it's neighbours

All of that didn't happen overnight. It took literally years for all that to get baked.

It was at least 2 years before Imgur was created & then after that stuff like RES & mobile apps

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This is the shortsightedness of US politics:

On the one hand you have a spoilt rapey trust fund brat that's too stupid but will implement fascism in behalf of those whispering in his ear verses a near dead self proclaimed zionist actively taking part in the genocide of the Palestinian people and in doing so has side stepped Congress multiple times to carry out that participation and promises to do stuff if you vote him in but despite having control of all 3 branches of govt, does fuck all.

So who do you vote for?

It's either eat the shit in some fake consensual choice and fucking smile about it or get force fed it whether you like it or not, and you all do this every 4 years but never stop to ask why you're all eating shit