Tanis Nikana

@Tanis Nikana@lemmy.world
4 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i'm a turtle

This is because you’ve accepted a meeting that happens at a location not in the building; for example, someone else’s PTO reminder that they’ve invited you to. Decline that invitation, and you’re fine.

I’m an author of two books, and whenever someone asks me for a copy (or even says they want to read it), I straight-up hand them a free ebook. I just want people to read me.

“She skewers you.”

“We’re getting skewered again? Doesn’t she, y’know, ever change this up?”

“‘Fraid not. Stabby implements of various sorts are the focus of this love story. Anyway. Skewered. You.”

We walked in, sat down, Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, sat down. Man came in said, "All rise." We all stood up, and Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures, and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he sat down, we sat down. Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog. And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry, 'cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American blind justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, and the judge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us.

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I usually spend my time in MahjongDS, played through Delta on my phone. However, despite it being a really good mahjong game, it’s in Japanese only.

Honestly, that one’s pretty good. Three in the back seat and one in the passenger seat and they all get to play locally-networked riichi on long road trips.

Sorry, driver, no room for a fifth.

(Source: once landed daisangen while riding bitch)

“Wait, you got prosopagnosia?”

That’s fuckin’ right, I can’t even find my own wife in the grocery store unless I memorize her outfit.

But every time is the first time I see her and she’s always so goddamn stunning.

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I saw ‘em in a Facebook ad and my first thought was “those are so dumb.” But just like Krusty’s Klown Kollege invading Homer’s head, these glasses kept haunting me—the perfect glasses to accentuate my Final Fantasy-esque style.

The day I got them, my wife told me they were cute, but I thought they were so fuckin’ weird, but I kept ‘em cause she liked them.

And they grew on me.

And now I have two variations.

(Also those glasses are called “Audition,” sold by Aoolia.)

wait wait wait, lemmy get this right

The pun was there the whole time!

You post comments really quickly. You made your Lemmy account yesterday, and you’re nothing but a fascist mouthpiece. All of your comments just reek of that… desperation.

“You just ask yourself fuckin’ questions and think they’re from people?”

Yeah I’ve been on Reddit for like fifteen years and Lemmy for one, I know the kinda shit folks ask. Saving you the effort. Click the upvote, it cures depression.

“They say swearing is the crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker.”

Yup, I had two strokes, I deserve a crutch. My Japanese is clean as the driven snow. My English is as dirty as snow driven upon.

I am in MASSIVE LESBIANS with her.

She’s like if Hayao Miyazaki created a librarian!

“Tanis, your English sounds fluent and competent!”

Yeah I worked hard at it but I got some fuckin’ obvious-ass issues I gotta work at with this shit.

“Shit, mang.”

Yeah, shit’s bad. Can’t even walk into Sizzle Pie without their pizza size chart giving me a seizure cause I can’t fucking process it with my busted brain meats.

Eyeliner’s gonna be a biiiiitch.

“Why doesn’t my child talk to me anymore?”

She will sincerely ask that, not even understanding that she said the answer with that fucked up letter.

That is really specific. You okay, buddy?

Yup, there’s three rules about food:

  1. Don’t eat what will kill you.
  2. Eat stuff that tastes good.
  3. Eat stuff that’s good for you.

As long as you never break rule one and only occasionally break rules 2 and 3, you’ll have a good time.

As a trans woman, cool. Real fuckin’ cool.

My worst fears got written down by someone else.

I don’t wanna get shot.

I wanna die of old age.

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Just doing my part!


“I’m a stand-up comic.”

“Ooh! Heckle me!”

“I don’t know anything about you and don’t wanna say anything mean about you. Just enjoy the moment without getting a performer to do free work for you.”

“You’re no fun.”

“Don’t have to be on all the time, let me eat my burger.”

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Cops who… aren’t bastards?

I don’t follow.

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If history is okay with our degenerate friend Fry here being his own grandpa, who are we to judge?

Played some Go today.

I’m a stand-up comic and game show host. I migrated from reddit, where I founded /r/feminineboys and then passed it to capable moderators and abandoned the site as Apollo died.

It’s slowly but gently coming back to life after being battered to hell in the pandemic!

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Around my neck there is Serah Farron’s engagement pendant from Final Fantasy XIII. My wife proposed to me with it, almost a decade ago!


Just finished the first level—platforming action is super smooth, enemies and environment is well-themed, sprite art and animations are excellent. Didn’t expect this to be quite the banger!

I know anecdote doesn’t mean data, but I met my wife on OKCupid. We’re both asexual trans women, and the notion of finding someone so compatible like that would have been terrible had we done it in real life, locally only. She was in Boston, I was in Portland. And asexual trans women are a minority of a minority, so it would have taken forever in real life.

Then again, OK Cupid has since enshittified.

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Portland’s done it too. If you want plastic bags, they’re big and reusable and fairly expensive. Paper is really the only option at most places now. That said, I really wanna see the reusable cheap plastic ones banned, cause no one really reuses them.

I’ve bought a house, got married, published two books, do stand-up and host a small game show, survived two strokes, transitioned, and have a lot of friends who think I’m tolerable.

My brain instinctively rejects that image. Not cause it isn’t accurate; it’s showing what it’s supposed to.

But really, that the shape of it is hostile and threatening and it looks vaguely biological and some creepy shit gets sent up and down my spine about it.

I’d turn into a big old land tortoise and then just be a turtle.


  • strong shell
  • feets for marching
  • cute tail bump
  • adorable smile
  • can flip friends over when they need help
  • turtle

What in the hot stinky AI garbage is that article?

We won’t include that which seems to destroy us. It’s a social contract and fascists don’t hold to its terms.

You know this. That’s why you’re here.



4,000 weeks. 750k hours. That’s what the average human gets.

This is how I keep count.