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The narrative that the average joe is to blame for this shit is so infuriating to me. Myself and 50,000 other people could start walking everywhere and it very likely wouldn’t come close to offsetting the emissions of Amazon’s fleet of trucks.

Yes individual consumption matters, but there’s a very small group of individuals called billionaires that contribute 1000x more than you or I ever could. BP invented the idea of the individual carbon footprint.

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forgive me for not caring too much but 100 bags of waste on the moon is not only nothing, but there’s not even an environment to destroy there. i’ll worry about moon waste after we start taking care of all the waste here on earth that’s actually affecting us.

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The economy is doing better precisely because regular people’s lives are harder. A “strong” economy means more and more off the backs of everyday laborers. Not to mention intentional raising of unemployment rates to combat inflation. The system is fucked. There’s nothing in it for me and you.

PopSci is tricky because on one hand, it’s great that there’s a lot of interest in learning about science and it should be promoted, but on the other, the vast majority of research is so complex that you literally cannot explain it to the layman without making it wrong in some way.

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This is called connected speech, I think your specific examples would be assimilation where two sounds blend together. There are lots of other sub-topics of connected speech too. I’m sure this pops up in most other languages as well because if you natively speak a language, it’s likely that you’ll naturally find yourself connecting words and sounds. Great question, reading up about this was interesting.

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for anyone who read through the summary, the full article is worth the read.

Those companies are the reason that energy isn’t produced with cleaner alternatives like nuclear, wind, or solar

oof owie ouch my pancreas 😖😖

He could introduce a plan to reform the courts, but it would ultimately have to go through Congress.

We live in a sick society, so don’t let anyone tell you you’re the one who’s ill because the full time cycle of work-eat-sleep wears you down. You’d have to be sick to enjoy this system.

The system that requires you and I toil away day by day is temporary. One day (maybe not soon) we won’t have to work our lives away, either because we’ll need to survive or because the collective consciousness will finally realize that we’re living post-scarcity.

Either way, that’s what I look forward to and in the mean time I just do what I can to make sure I’m not completely miserable.

If only we had some nationalized way to deliver parcels on an optimized route…

The chart in the article doesn’t specify a generation, so I seriously doubt it’ll come out on Playstation at all if plans don’t change

It really does work that way. In fact, I’d say attention is one of the most valuable things on the internet. Giving something your attention not only implies it has value to you, but it gives that thing actual monetary value for advertisers.

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you don’t know me buddy. I don’t use Amazon and I pretty much only drive to and from work. good fucking luck not giving Amazon money given that AWS hosts millions of companies websites.

/e ALSO top 0.1% isn’t a small enough group to address what I’m talking about. Try top 0.01%, that’s about where you’ll find billionaires.

Plenty people care enough to vote. Plenty of people also work very hard (and have been doing so for long before you or I were around) to disenfranchise and prevent the votes of those exact people.

I believe that the massive scale of corruption that exists within the capitalist system necessitates rebuilding from the ground up. Part of the solution is going to be intentional communities (I hope anyway) where we’re building communities with the intention of solving some of these large scale problems (scarcity, pollution, racial injustice, etc) in the community. There’s a collection of already existing communities on ic.org where you can find resources on how to build a community or where to find them. There’s every flavor of community whether you’re looking for a commune, a spiritual community, an eco-friendly community, permaculture, etc.

googles search engine already tends to confirm your bias if you word your search like these prompts. I’m not surprised that their AI does the same thing.

I agree with another commenter that this not something that people consciously think about when they do it. I think the main thing you’re touching on is groupthink. This is the reason that groups of people behave differently than you’d expect individual people to.

Positions of leadership (and therefore power) as an institution are traits passed down to us from Feudalists who organized society in hierarchies. I would say groupthink allows these kinds of social structure to continue long past the point that people realize there a better ways because they assume other members of the group are okay with them.

That’s all not to mention the fact that some people are genuinely skilled leaders or that people in positions of leadership are going to have a bigger influence in what is accepted in the group.

Of course Reddit won. Not to diminish the efforts of everyone who participated, but all we’re doing here is sowing the seeds for something that might compete one day. There was never a chance of a full platform shift within the set two days of protest or whatever. Give it time, we’ll see Reddit squeeze every penny it can out of its users after IPO. Then, maybe as time goes on people will be looking for other places to go and Lemmy or some other platform will be a more viable option. It took Reddit over a decade to get to where it is, so of course we shouldn’t expect an equal competitor to pop up in a few weeks.

I browse all and I would say there’s more content now than when I joined. It’s much easier to find content where actual discussion is happening too

Do you value your time?

you do realize that I don’t buy stuff from Amazon and there are still Amazon trucks around right?

Very cool add on. I don’t really browse on a standard browser usually, but this is something I would add to my browser if I did. I feel the same as you, tired of billionaires thinking their hoarded wealth makes their opinions more valid or worth hearing.

If it was an option, I wouldn’t buy oil. I can’t just up and buy an EV even if I wanted to (I do). Not that that’s even a completely green option. Also, 5000 EVs vs 10 times as many trucks in the whole fleet is cool, but it doesn’t make me want Amazon to burn to the ground any less.

I like your solution the best. It’s what Jesus would want.

As I said above, you people don’t know me. It’s absolutely not the same as BP because I don’t make billions off of poisoning the planet. Nor have I stifled alternative energy for a hundred years.

Kill rich people.