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Joined 12 months ago

Articles of impeachment is fine as this process stinks and I think this court failed, but we really, long-term, we need a constitutional amendment to make it clear that this is not okay.

I love the constitution, wonderful framework, but it needs the following amendments:

  1. Anti-corruption measures on the judiciary (looking at you Thomas). Provide some teeth to enforce recusal and avoid conflicts of interest.

  2. Term limits for justices and age limits on all elected/appointed officials at the highest level (justices, pres/VP, congress). Tie those to either the retirement age or a percentage of life expectancy (as we get older as a society, and work into our later years, federal officials should be able to remain longer too).

  3. Divestment requirements for all federal elected and appointed officials. i.e. no more insider trading, sorry.

  4. Replace the electoral college with a popular vote.

  5. Replace the filibuster with nothing. Fuck that thing. Let the legislators legislate. If, whatever it is, is a bad idea, it'll be shown to be a bad idea and the next congress will fix it. This is especially important now that Chevron is no more. The court just replaced rules created by executive offices with the most dysfunctional branch of government (congress) without any prospect of undysfuctionalizing themselves.

  6. Congress shouldn't be allowed to block supreme court justices without a vote. Once they are announced, they have X days to approve/deny or they are auto-approved.

  7. (edit) I can't believe this has to be done, but the President is not above the law. The president must follow the law while in office, following "official acts" or not. This is a fucking democracy, not a dictatorship.

While I know there are other ways to approach a lot of these and those ways are easier is not the point of my post. These are things that the constitution is currently WRONG about and it should just be fixed.

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This is a "should happen" list not a "will happen" or "could happen" list. No delusions here, just felt good to say it out loud, given today's news. I'd also take that unicorn. My kids would go bananas.

I regularly use mine as a couch co-op party system, though usually we are playing Steam games, not emulated games. I have played emulated WiiU, Wii, PS2, GameCube games, however, and have found that multi-controller support can be a pain with the emulators needed to play.

Hardware wise, it's rock solid for Bluetooth controllers up to four, but no more. If you need more than four controllers, you will want to wire them in with a USB hub. We've played plenty of six-person Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brawler using four Xbox controllers, one person with a wired steam controller, and one person holding the steam deck as the last controller.

If you go for older retro games, N64 or earlier, it gets a lot easier as retroarch is easy to play around with in game mode, where if you need to get into dolphin or something you have to go into desktop mode to make tweaks and it's just a pain, imo. This is why we typically play older stuff or steam stuff. Steam stuff is easy because it just works.

It's also super portable and I can bring the whole setup in a backpack and just requires a USB C laptop charger, my usb c dock and a HDMI cord.

  1. fair point, agreed. I typically like things that move with changing times so the same logic works in 100, 200 years. Ages are more static than dollar amounts. Not tying the gas tax or minimum wage to inflation or cost of living has put us in a major bind, which is what I was thinking about.

  2. Let them play that game (and hopefully get caught). Better than the in-the-open shit they do now. At least try

  3. I'd rather it not specify so we can play around changing it with laws instead of having it hard coded in the constitution. There are ones that I like even more than straight ranked choice. Just get rid of the EC, though maybe just dictating ranked choice would be the right move.

This is not really that surprising. Trump's line is that Biden "stole" the 2020 election. People who believe the big lie actually think that Biden circumvented democracy. There's no clear thing to fix this, that I can think of.

The only good thing with this in my mind is that, in their minds, they think they're protecting democracy by voting for Trump, which means, if you take away the lies and fraud, the norms/belief/expectations of democracy including peaceful of transfer of power and regular elections are still expected to happen. Once the liars stop lying to them, our democracy should kind of self correct. The downside is they're too far invested in Trump to recognize that democracy might be taken from them by a dictator and they'll believe they still have power.

Our best hope is that, once Trump dies or is out of the picture, no one else can capture their imagination the way he has and he was a one-off. However it's a big country and I think Trump might be just a blueprint for someone with higher aspirations than just narcissistic personal benefit.

My money is on Steam Controller 2, but what do I know.

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What is Reddit if not a glorified collection of RSS feeds with comments?

I went from Google Reader to Reddit. It scratched very much the same itch. I remember having quite the curated list of RSS feeds subscribed to. Still pissed that Google killed it.

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You're right. No one in the bottled water industry would lie. What possible motive would they have?

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Some of the recently reported ones have been traced back to Reddit shitposts. The hard thing they have to deal with is that the more authoritative you wrote your reddit comments, shitpost or not, the more upvotes you would get (at least that's what I felt was happening to my writing over time as I used reddit). That dynamic would mean reddit is full of people who sound very very confident in the joke position they post about (and it then is compounded by the many upvotes)

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"This book is a testament to how even the most stupid among us can write a fully fledged book with words, chapters, and everything." ~@tea

Yep. That's $1.04b taken from the pockets mostly people who should be trying to put it to savings, not giving away money on a pipedream. Giving it to a winner who statistically will likely have their life ruined by such a windfall.

It's goddam stupid. The "causes" the lottery pays back to, like education, should be funded by taxing those who don't need the extra money, not by duping people who desperately need every dollar they earn.

I thought this was Mario in the thumbnail, lol.

Linux supports network accounts of all kinds.

They even have a guide for that! https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linux/install

So emojis like this are the internet equivalent of the cockney rhyming slang, innit? I immediately translated that, but someone, in one hundred years with no knowledge of 2020s meme culture will think it's complete gibberish.

Yeah, loading and running is not my problem either.

Same with folding laundry.

Yeah, wouldn't need that unless it was something more, I suppose. Either a super fancy controller or something else.

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Is that where Ted's ego came from in HIMYM? I thought it was just Ted, but maybe all architects are horrible?

How is the game on steamdeck otherwise? I'm debating if I should do what I never ever do and buy a game at full price...

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Why did they say if like it was a bad thing? I want this to be a thing.

I look back and my parents let me read this in high school without comment...like wtf mom and dad.

Yeah, I agree. I want this game to be a success because of that stance. Such a breath of fresh air.

I guess the question is...can my life support going on a Baldurs Gate 3 binge right now, lol. Because that's 95% for sure what will happen if I load it up on the deck.

I want a tool that can do the same thing for whole communities. Seems like there might be a day where communities would like to migrate for one reason or another. While you could simply stand up a new community on the new instance and then attempt to get everyone to move over, that's bound to fail if the community is large enough. It would be cool if subscribership would also be able to be moved in the back-end.

"normal no sex before marriage and gays aren't real stuff"

While it might not be first in the list of things that Mormons should be demonized for, it's still very much an issue and is on the list. It should 100% be called out and they should be shamed for it. Just because other churches are assholes too doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.

Is Feedly still a thing and okay? I remember it being the stopgap between Google Reader and Reddit, however I'm not sure where it lies on the "free version is good enough" vs "completely gimped free version and the real product is the paid one"

Thanks for this. The one multiplayer game I've been consistently playing apparently got Linux anti cheat support enabled 2 months ago.

I think installing Linux on my gaming/work PC will be a winter holiday project for me 😀.

Now to pick a distro.

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It definitely feels more robust and a lot more activity in recent weeks/months. It takes a lot longer to get to the infinite porn posts in All.

Especially those who own horses (because they have money)

This was before my political consciousness, but I feel like 1992 has an argument, but maybe that was just because of Perot...

Looks a lot like Immersed's Visor glasses. Not sure which one is more likely to actually be released and actually meet expectations.

I see what you did here (by highlighting the point you were making by doing it on the comment taking about it).

Exactly. This is about protecting themselves from legal liability, not anything else. As the guy who hosts it is just a regular guy, not a corporation with limited liability/tons of startup dollarbucks, I don't begrudge him/them at all.

Our flag should just be the back on both sides.

And it should be a platypus instead of a beaver.

Yep. It's gotta be hard to distinguish, because there are legitimately helpful and confidently correct people on reddit posts too. There's value there, but they have to figure it out how to distinguish between good and shit takes.

This has been true for code you pull from posts on stackoverflow since forever. There are some good ideas, but they a. Aren't exactly what you are trying to solve and b. Some of the ideas are incomplete or just bad and it is up to you to sort the wheat from the chaff.


Trying this out now. It's awesome. Might have found a new doomscrolling default...

I really doubt this is the primary reason. I think it was multifaceted, but really the people in the business of designing phones were already using Bluetooth exclusively and felt that it was good enough. Some designs probably rushed it as a means to sell more premium headsets (Apple, Samsung), other saw it as removing an unnecessary redundant feature that was more prone to breakage and a waterproofing difficulty (Google). I think it really just came down to the personal preferences of the (affluent) people who were doing the designing, not necessarily a purposeful cash grab. It really was not great since wired headphones were way cheaper than their Bluetooth counterparts. Luckily Bluetooth has gotten much better and less expensive. I think there should be options for both.

Yeah, if I were LW, I would stop allowing new users. I feel like servers should be either user or community based, not both. One for users has nice things like alternate skins (e.g. a.lemmy.world or old.lemmy.world) and ones for communities are focused primarily on having good moderators and being super reliable so that federations to them work 100% of the time.

Yep, that's the one haha

I'd be surprised if they didn't.