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Joined 12 months ago

Then pay enough that they don't need a side hustle.

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He's an absolute twat and a Nazi, but maga are empty vessels..

7 more...

She was fired from a rural DA office in CO for for being a bad lawyer she's always been terrible.

Hopefully she goes away forever

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Lock him too...if Trump is innocent why not get the trial over‽

Stupid attention whore Nazis gonna nazi.

I got irritated with the asshole mods on AITH and gave myself a new alt aita_mods_are_all_incels. They really really didn't like that, some incel girl mod actually sent a message saying she's not and deleted it.

Fucking tools the lot of them.

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43 years ago... fucking Regan is responsible for a fuckton of this bullshit.

Remove this this stupid fuck from office.

Nah I think twitter's hit job is more to benefit the people musk owes money.

At this point before they fucking rule on anything they should be forced to prove they're not compromised or getting money from the involved parties. Looking at you Clarence Thomas you corrupt piece of human shit.

Florida is awful and I'm a moron for coming to this idiotic hell hole.

Pretty sure that guy was part of W's legal team that put him in office....just saying.

One of them is going to piss themselves... And I'm not sure which.

You can get a cheap oscilloscope that uses USB and your computer.

Not that I have an electronics problem

I'm afraid to ask. What happened to online? I remember fucking around online with GTA 5 but it was just running around with others having fun.

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Shit bags gonna suck off other shit bags bullshit causes, trash the lot of them.

Dude.....I'm 42 and that hits me in the feels. You couldn't have said it better

With Bailey's

I love your energy and old white business owners suck but if you think it's only rich white assholes vs rich assholes I've got a sane place in Florida to sell you.

This makes the movie make way more sense

And thus the Phillies cure began.

It also lines up perfectly with part 3 of 2001 Space Odyssey.

First time I heard Airborne my thought was they kicked ACDC out of the studio and too their music too.

For traffic court probably not real "you fucked up" court.

Weller makes great gear that just lasts

This fucking asshole Nazi...that's not how democracy works.

Seriously...I actually have an Evo tank after years of frustration with's amazing.

Welp I was wondering why relay still worked. Fuck spez. Also quality has dropped drastically, but that's not news

Moving them sucks

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I felt bad about doing Meathook Sodomy from Cannibal Corpse...Hammer Smashed face was fun

My next project is to make an oscilloscope clock

Looks like it

I regret leaving every day

Presence has Achilles last stand which is hands down one of Zeppelin's best songs

Meathook sodomy

Definitely me ...I mean it sucks now...but I mostly quit after aita_mods_are_all_incels as a username got me super duper banned....but they are definitely useless fucks

Uncle Acid still sounds like Uncle Acid/Sabbath

He had the super majority change the goddamn rules just for him. Because Florida doesn't need a governor? He is a royal Asshole

So...I've actually had great success with LP boxes...(I'll look up which brand, I've bought two and one sucks) plus there's a company that makes a 35L XL plastic tub that holds records perfectly too. That one up at The container store. BCW is the best brand box...I've used them multiple times