TechnoCat moved to

@TechnoCat moved to
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Myth: That this year, the year 2024, is indeed and finally the year of the Linux desktop.

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I'm grieved by the opposite: people that cover or go past the crosswalk and then stop.

Don Hertzfeldt's Rejected Movie:

Windows Me, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and Windows 11. These are all bad iterations of Windows.

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I didn't even know there were addons besides the multi container built in. I have containers for multiple Google accounts, work, Facebook, and Microsoft. Certain domains auto open in certain containers.

I know this is the internet, so my expectations should be pretty low, but I'm honestly really disheartened and taken aback by all of the comment sections on the posts related to this one. Everyone just spewing opinions, no facts, no research, just hearsay. We are a very disappointing group of people I'd say and we should try and do better.

I'm also really disheartened by the actions that took place in /c/vegan that this post is describing that caused policy changes. Another example for me on why anarchy and removing power structures is needed. Honestly, why should /c/vegan or any non-mainstream community want to remain associated with this instance? I am vegan, and didn't know that community existed, but seeing how hostile non-vegans are in there... Forget about it.

Just terrible all around. What a calamity of a community we're creating.

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I don't fully understand how to pick an instance to be honest.

Are the main things: operations, moderation, and federated instances?