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It's not funny or strange. That's how colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism have always functioned.

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There's never going to be justice under some court, especially one owned by a fash cultist.

No. It's not "social media". It's capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, etc. It's always been a struggle of oppressed against oppressor. People fighting for their land and lives against violent overlords. Not much new here. Blaming apps is a counter-productive distraction.

And it wasn't a "bureaucratic agency" either.

Legislators made a law classifying invertebrates as fish. And judges interpreted the law as written. This is the clownery that happens when people with zero expertise control the law.

This is exactly what that fool was advocating for....

If you want a law then make a law, don’t have an unelected bureaucrat issue an edict.

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Every judge is a bad apple. Just fossilized cultists in robes judging everybody else.

Are there any of the rules being weakened that are pro-company/anti-consumer/anti-worker?


Since they won't answer, let me answer for them...

No. They have no examples or citations for any of their nonsense.

The best case scenario is that boeing is put out of business and nobody else dies for some CEO's paycheck.

When are we taking to the streets with guns?

After we disarm the extremely weaponized cops, military, etc... And we don't even need guns.

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Spoiler: It's clickbait. This robot has no "brain". It's just more phony language from "AI" grifters.

I'm not a crypto hater but... I used Brave for like a year or two. My mind almost melted from constantly closing ads for crypto business/scams. I made about $30 overall. Not worth it. Switched back to Firefox.

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It's not about "bad people" or incompetence. It's about fundamentally violent and corrupt systems of controlling humanity and destroying the planet for personal gain...

This rube goldberg system of injustice was literally invented by slavers.

Because it's imperialist and racist to pretend that USA is America.

They gonna be hawking these cliff notes machines even as the last breathable air disappears.

Pretty sure every politician in usa buys stock in the first shitty company and then subsidizes it until it becomes a permanent fixture.

This is worse than it sounds since Zuck worships a genocidal god.

God damn it, i wish Clinton had won so bad. It would be the exact opposite and corporations wouldn’t be getting this free reign. Fuck. \s


this is about a tweet coup attempt from 2020 2024.

There was just another coup attempt recently. If you think that these coups are planned in a few weeks, that's not how it works.

what does expressing overthrowing a country in 2020 have to do with c/technology?

Elon and pals want to coup Bolivia to steal their lithium for use in "technology".

Do I really need to explain this stuff?

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Chiquita never ended. It's not the next. It's yet another.

Endless handouts for leeches. Denial of basic human needs for everybody else.

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I love to see those quotes around "AI". We need much more of that at least.

The AI bubble trying to leech money from the prison state. Hopefully this is a sign of it's collapse and not its intransigence.

The LLMs blocked themselves?

I'm not so worried about stormtroopers using linux as much as guns, bombs, prisons, cops, torture, genocide, nukes, etc.

Is there any evidence of empire not being involved?

Maybe the countries who put it up there should have had a plan for taking it down? Or at least pay for it?

Their failure is a huge opportunity for the usual grifters.

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Whatever it takes to force expensive, unsustainable EVs on the imperial core.

Sooner or later capitalism ruins everything.

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This is the same company that fired a bunch of people for opposing genocide, right? That didn't help morale? \s \s \s

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Wow whoosh. The point is that "AI" isn't actually "intelligent" like a human and thus can't "hallucinate" like an intelligent human.

All of this anthropomorphic terminology is just misleading marketing bullshit.

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The equivalent of 3+ years of tesla profits? Sounds totally reasonable and sustainable lmao.

The purpose of the state is serving capital, not people.

Capitalism = legal entities that we don't need doing things that we don't want.

TBH I hate the term "hallucination" in this context. It's just more BS anthropomorphizing. More marketing for "AI" (also BS). Can't we just call it like garbage or GIGO or something more accurate? This is nothing new. I know that scientific accuracy is anathema to AI marketing but just saying...

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When AI meets phrenology... Is there a scam that hasn't been recycled yet?

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The dark side of piracy is capitalism violently enforced by the state.

Dubai, cops, and cybertruck... Is this cards against humanity?

I don't know if I've ever been in an airbnb that's actually somebody's house. It seems like they're mostly "investment properties" that people rent out. I'm sure that's great for housing. \s

More generally "gun control" is never about controlling the cops, military, MIC, etc. There's bi-partisan support for the state maintaining its monopoly on violence.

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ITT hella denialism.

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