0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What would be extremely rock and roll-- punk rock, even -- is donating all of the proceeds from that show to pro-union efforts.

#DonateItDave, or something

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I agree for the most part, but the one thing that I think they'll have trouble with is bots. I think they truly underestimate the work that mods and contributors did for free in raising the quality of content, and now they have to build the plane while it's flying after having booted the ones building it off, and now it's just pilots and passengers. Those uniquely impactful few that have been brushed away will hurt the most in a brain-drain kind of way.

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Here's the interesting bit for me:

To begin verification, you must have at least ten gold and 100 karma, according to the code.


users will have to maintain a certain level of activity and accumulate a designated amount of gold and karma each month to remain eligible for payouts

Sounds like an attempt to drive up reddit gold sales? I deleted my account and still had that one free gold award from forever ago. Feels like the easiest way to do this is have a second account that buys gold and awards it to the primary earning account to meet the minimum.

Quick maffs $20 to get 10 gold awards, which also gives the recipient 1000 coins (worth 2 gold awards for another account, so you'll probably see subs devoted to a black market for discounted gold awards for that accumulated coin) and 10 weeks of reddit premium. It honestly sounds like a very complicated subscription.

I'm here to support.

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

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Wow do you even respect your dog?

I haven't ever encountered a ceiling fan that was primarily decorative to the point it would be considered swappable with recessed lighting, where are you getting this impression?

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I didn't realize until now, but I've been very fortunate to be able to take the bus to work recently, and the lack of fear of other vehicles on the road is probably a huge contributor to how much better I feel after the commute. I have that anxiety ever-present in the back of my mind while driving a sedan.

This is a strange response for me because de-federating is an active step on behalf of its admin, usually after a vote amongst its users, at creating a virtual boundary between the two entities. How is that burying your head in the sand? And yeah, is big, but aside from the obvious loss of content/users, what other effect will that have on the mass of de-federated instances?

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graft [ graft, grahft ]

  1. the acquisition of money, gain, or advantage by dishonest, unfair, or illegal means, especially through the abuse of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc.

  2. a particular instance, method, or means of thus acquiring gain or advantage.

Well I'll be. TIL!

StarCraft and chill?

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Generally when people say or suggest that, "Guns are a problem," they don't mean the literal inanimate objects are the sole issue; it's a shorthand way to refer to many things including access to firearms, lack of background checks, proper training, lobbying, and much more.

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So then it didn't run after the car wash -- unless we're ignoring the mandatory steps needed to get it working again, the headline is pretty accurate. Or are you considering "bricked" a permanent condition?

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Never used Apollo but after seeing how Huffman lied about it, plus al of the misleading messaging, it was more than enough to cut that tie

It's a freeing feeling when you decide to put money into what you want instead of what has the biggest ROI.

That guy has the BEST impersonation I've ever seen, it's repulsive! Not just the voice, but the hands, the sucking air through the teeth, the head tilts and mouth movements, all spot-on. You know how you have to wonder about the mental state of horror game/movie artists looking at reference material all day? Same feeling about Shane Gillis.

I think Ars Technica has it wrong with that wording, the FAQ from Google support linked in that article says:

Can I still upgrade my Pixel device after 24 months?

Yes, you can still upgrade your Pixel device after 24 months, you just won’t be able to renew your subscription to Pixel Pass. You can purchase or finance your next Pixel device directly from Google Store or Google Fi Wireless, and you have the option to trade-in your current Pixel device towards your next device. Current Pixel Pass subscribers received $100 towards their next Pixel purchase good for 2 years, which can also be used alongside available promotions.

So you can upgrade your phone for the current term, but you can't renew your subscription and upgrade again.

What's stopping you?

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I'm sure that counts under, "Other data"

It doesn't seem that heated to me? Also I've never spoken to anyone who thinks that the actual gun objects are the problem; it's understood to be synecdoche.

I think responding to a literal interpretation of someone else's words as if that's what they meant as a way to criticize the way they expressed their point is more damaging to the discourse because it's a bad faith response.

What happened yesterday?

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What are you basing this on?

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Never resign! What honourable player would deprive their foe of a well-earned mate? What of endgame practice?! Playing from a losing position is good for you.

I hear you, and those things seem nice at a glance, but I don't agree with your sense of guarantee. We're seeing an upending of things that "usually" happen, or that "definitely can" happen, especially with "self-managed" entities such as the SCOTUS. Have you seen judges actually get held accountable recently, even locally?

You just made an inefficient evaporative purifier!

Can you please start linking studies? I think that might actually turn the conversation in your favor. I found a NIST study (pdf link), on page 32, in the discussion portion of 4.2 "False match rates under demographic pairing":

The results above show that false match rates for imposter pairings in likely real-world scenarios are much higher than those from measured when imposters are paired with zero-effort.

This seems to say that the false match rate gets higher and higher as the subjects are more demographically similar; the highest error rate on the heat map below that is roughly 0.02.

Something else no one here has talked about yet -- no one is actively trying to get identified as someone else by facial recognition algorithms yet. This study was done on public mugshots, so no effort to fool the algorithm, and the error rates between similar demographics is atrocious.

And my opinion: Entities using facial recognition are going to choose the lowest bidder for their system unless there's a higher security need than, say, a grocery store. So, we have to look at the weakest performing algorithms.

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Gonna add an unsolicited recommendation here. One of the main things I held onto Amazon for was wishlisting for holidays. I've since migrated to giftopedia and I like it, so if you are me, give that a try.

It's not unprofessional at all; at worst, it's discourteous, because notice of departure has zero to do with your professional conduct, it's a courtesy. You can professionally quit on the spot, look:

"Due to a change of personal circumstances, I will be resigning immediately, effective at the end of the day. I will work with you to make this transition as smooth as possible within that timeframe, but it is not negotiable."

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The idea is the car reads your texts to you via TTS so it's less tempting to look at your phone while driving.

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That's why we have Mathcore. Also if this is you, please check out this programming themed prog album.

Strange, works for me. You can get the gist by searching for Black Lotus on that site. tl;dr the rarest versions of it can go for 8k+ USD

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We should probably discourage these posts here too. There seems to be a lot of content about reddit here on Lemmy sometimes... I thought it would die down.

You claim satire but it reads like disproportionately pedantic rage. Even if you disagree, at least the person you're replying made a good faith attempt to add something helpful to the post. Could you try explaining your point unsarcastically? It would probably generate much better discussion around the issue you care about. All this does is turn the comment thread into a flame war for no reason.

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There's a fundamental misunderstanding; the original commenter didn't mean to use the line-style "queue" meaning, they were using it by mistake and even admitted that in a follow-on comment. They meant "cue" by its distinct definition, not the one that overlapped with "queue" long ago. It wasn't a spelling correction -- it was a homophone correction. It wasn't a suggestion to queue up some Mitch Hedberg on yt, it was a cue for him to enter because one of his trademark jokes is about escalators.

I believe they're referring to the use of Uncle Thomas, which while perhaps semantically appropriate is definitely a racially charged moniker.

I don't think you're entirely wrong, but I think maybe you downplay the importance of a good team dynamic when choosing people. I'd take someone less skilled over a highly skilled but unapproachable jerk for the long-term health of the crew. In that way, I don't think it's bad to favor the more likable one depending on how we're defining likable, and I don't think that makes it simply a popularity contest either.

I agree with the sentiment from the others here, but I also wanted to add that as a general rule, you shouldn't behave in a way that would be detrimental for the community if everyone did it. Bots should be marked as bots, or the user preference switch to show content from bots is meaningless regardless of how positive or influential you think yours is -- as I'm sure most bot creators feel about their own work.

It's understandable that you want to have a positive impact, and that is commendable, but your bot shouldn't be an exception just by your own judgment, especially considering the problems with what the bot is doing that have been pointed out to you.

Just my take. I would prefer your bot, and all bots, be marked as such irrespective of function.

My hunch is it's to stand out in influencer videos for a shot at viral marketing.

70 years after the death of the author or 120 years, whichever is less. We can thank Disney for that one.

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What the actual heck, I have the exact same childhood NOPE memory of a pool with an orca mosaic. You're the first one to validate that, none of my family remembers! I think I might have almost drowned in there too.