Tech With Jake

@Tech With
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Joined 12 months ago

Matthew 6:5-6 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

It's the foundation of his argument that Christians shouldn't impose religion upon others but should lead by example.

My SO and I recently found out that Walmart (I see the Great Value brand) has actually become one of the more expensive places to buy goods from. We've done comparisons from Trader Joe's, Fry's, and Safeway. We've found that Walmart is the least value. Take what you will.

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Google photos is just cloud back up like iCloud backup for iOS devices.

Google photos is also on iOS devices, so you could have your photos on any of your devices.

Got myself a Logitech G502X and the Powerplay charging mouse pad. Now I can have my wireless mouse charged 24/7 and never have I think about plugging it or docking it.

It's definitely a good outlook and very positive for the Fediverse as a whole.

I would say off only with the capability to view temps. IoT devices are shit when it comes to security and turning on remotely just scares the hell outta me. This is from someone whose whole house is decked out in IoT stuff.

WiFi and ZigBee can interfere with each other as well since they both run on 2.4GHz and pending on what channel you're on, will royally screw with the other. Moved (nearly) all my Smart Home devices to Z-Wave and has had better connection to nearly everything.

The iMessage lock-in is too real for some of us. I know some iPhone users who won't even install FB Messenger (I know, I don't use it either. Fuck the Zuck) because it's not Apple/iMessage. I finally got my family on Signal and "OMG! We can send videos and pictures now!" Yeah, been saying it for years lol.

Less that they don't want other companies using it and more so they don't want other other companies translating it into something they can use.

Basically, translating an instruction manual from German to Spanish.

No one is breaking any copyright laws or IP to do this. It's the same how Steam created Proton to run Windows games on Linux. It's translating code from one language to another that's readable.

If Linux becomes the dominant gaming platform for gaming (not gonna happen, wish it would tho), there is no reason for a "Proton for Windows" could/should emerge.

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I mean, technically you could build it yourself and just use PS/X controllers. I know it's a lot more work than just buying it premade but at least you could fulfill your own dream in the meantime.

What service are you moving to? I'm curious of other alternatives.

Late to the party but this why I like Ventoy. It only looks for removable drives and then all you do is drag and drop your live images onto the removable drive. Pretty hard to mess anything up.

Bro... That TV is over 7 years old, meant for health centers, and probably weighs 2 - 3 times the TV in OOP.

While yes, it is annoying, nothing modern has a center stand.

It's definitely a cost cutting feature and you definitely can't expect a $200 TV to have a weighted center stand these days.

Maybe organize-tool would help? You have to set the parameters but I love it for getting my home folders organized.

Cause they don't already abuse the OT system?

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Oh, I drive Linux only. I have Windows 10 running Atlas playbook on standby but hasn't been booted in months.

I think the entry barrier for installation/setup is what will be what stops Linux fully taking over. If OEMs start loading a very user friendly Linux on their "normal" desktops/laptops (Best Buy, Amazon, etc.), then I can see Linux being the majority.

With all that said, I want Linux to be the majority and running on everyone's computer. I'm just being a realist at this point in time.

Heroic Games Launcher is great for GOG. I use it on all 3 to get my games running.

Assuming you're in Australia from the instance, so time zones might suck but I'm always down to play HD2 with others.

Sorry, I look 12 without it even tho I'm well over 30. To each their own. 🤷

Fair enough. Text is hard to read sometimes. Cheers!

100% agree with you. It's why I use and set a limit to what it can charge. Stuff gets more expensive without me noticing, welp. I gotta decide if it's worth it to keep paying.

(Sorry, sounds like a shill. It's just saved me multiple times in the past.)