
0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wish I could block their comments and not their link posts

I'm not saying he isn't a dick in this thread, but a theist may just as easily concern troll and say, "I just want nonbelievers not to go to hell" and that feels equivalent to me.

No one is being swayed by either of these arguments either way.

The user in question is borderline block material anyway based on the rest of their engagement, and they get uuuuuultra defensive when called out.

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Asserting that god exists/doesn't exist isn't anti-atheist/anti-religious, hate against (a)theists is.

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The news article is a poor summary of a YouTube video. If you just care to see the door being opened, it's around 5:13 https://youtu.be/EmqFoojMeD8 but the video itself is more interesting than that.

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Exif data is stripped when uploading to Lemmy.

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You should report them to whoever issues license plates there. They take this stuff seriously.

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Where's the source that this is AI? It's very clever which makes me think it's human, e.g. collected dust.

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Idea: script that connects and disconnects from a VPN over and over at set intervals to send "fuck you" in Morse.

She never lost it.

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one always thinks of a plurality of people

Speak for yourself! I don't immediately think plural when "they" is used.

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A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

Horrible headline.

Browser maker love-in

Chromium (used by most browsers)


doesn't support

Google-shunned JPEG XL

JPEG XL (because Google doesn't like it)

Very rarely are things lethal like that. Poison edibles tend to taste awful, and if you start with a small amount you will learn whether it makes you sick.

Now mushrooms on the other hand? No idea how they figured it out.

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(Not trying to defend/excuse fking Amazon lol) They're easy to skip, though. I imagine these will not be skippable.

Also, people have paid to have Plex play them trailers for years, as it gives a cinematic experience.

It's not for me, an ad's an ad.

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My threads ads are either corporate posts or some random lady posting how a black Santa statue at her mall is the most offended she's ever been in her life.

I can't believe all the warning signs

At least there are more removals than additions.

He's steppin' up

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I find thrifting to be more fun. My wife and I alternate moods on whether we want to shop for clothes, furniture, odds and ends, or books.

I hate that shit. People answer with "check page 72 of your car manual" and it's like ... you clearly pulled out the manual to pull that page number, I'm under my car right now, just copy the damned sentence.

I hated cantaloupe until I tried a locally grown one off the vine, and holy shit. I get it. I understand what that god-awful unripe bitter orange Play-Doh is trying to be. And it's amazing.

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The problem with TSA is that it reduces our privacy and dignity in exchange for security (that security may be theatre). HTTPS is different because it increases privacy which allows us to keep more dignity (security that is not theatre.)

TSA is like needing to strip so that your clothes don't get wet while going out in the rain, while HTTPS is like wearing a raincoat so your clothes don't get wet while going out in the rain.

In my city, we have strict parking designated zones and you have to take a photo. If it's left on the sidewalk or road, it won't let you end the trip, implies it will fine you, plus they'll send someone to move it.

The company I work at would fail this test about two thirds of the time.

My guess is digital zoom

Quartz is a great idea. Make a public repo for your public stuff.

Then, you can make a private repo for your private stuff, and send the generated files via email/Google Drive, or use a different static host that has password protection (not really aware of any off hand)

Banh mi

You could edit the title to remove the all caps, at least

I like nicotine+ as an alternative client

No, no, you misunderstand, see: they spend all their lose change and while that causes them to loose money on the food, they gain in the long run.

I started my engineering program at University not knowing what engineering was.

Thank goodness for that orientation session.

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Vote early, vote often

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Just guessing based on this open issue, kbin has not done this yet.

I actually find the various crises around science a good thing. It means that people are paying attention and are aware of scandals and issues, which gives me more hope of something changing because of it.

Contrast that with a system that never changes because it's perfect -- I know what I find more trustworthy.

I was going to post this exactly. Stop hurting your gums OP!

Yes, big platforms have stripped this for years. It is in their best interest to do so.

It's cute. Paper airplane vibes.

3.5 feet to a meter

I kept trying and it did restock a few times. Got one.