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Joined 11 months ago

That's the joke. Nearly every proposed implementation of AI isn't actually solving a real business or tech problem. It's just the next snake oil, like block chain, quantum computing, etc. There are real, valid use cases for all of those things. But most companies have no idea what they really are, how they might help, and even if they could help, what it would take to implement to see real results.

This is such an easy layup for any reporter. Haley had her own son via IVF. Part of the IVF process is to reject embryos kill babies and only implant the most viable one(s). Someone should ask her how many of her embryos she rejected babies she killed in order to have her son. Bonus for the follow up question: Why was this baby killing ok for you, but not for others?

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Friend, I've read this three times and still have no idea wtf you're trying to say.

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Same. It loads the page where the tweet would be, then it seems like 2 popups cover it up, both about logging in. I immediately no longer care about viewing what I wanted to see, and close the window.

One small point: Undocumented immigrants absolutely do pay taxes. They pay sales taxes, gas taxes, and contribute billions annually in income taxes. It may be true that not all of them pay income taxes, but many of them do.

And not for nothin, but there are plenty of citizens who pay little or no taxes too. And if you're worried about people not paying their fair share of taxes, it's weird to focus on such an underprivileged group when our corporations and billionaires are almost the whole fuckin pie chart. It's not even close.

... so you tipped $0, right? Don't leave us hanging!

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Boebert's family is like Sarah Palin's family if you sprinkled-in more meth and rape of minors.

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I'm with you, but I can't imagine any other outcome than an increasingly large group of sexually-frustrated men taking this out on women / men / animals around them. Particularly as other porn sites follow suit.

What's worse, I imagine this is either by design or a very welcome byproduct. In other words, one step closer to y'all qaeda.

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Nice. A completely toothless group of people performing a pointless and inconsequential exercise to determine whether someone everyone knows is unethical is, in fact, also unethical for doing this other thing.

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I’m not defending the police here, but

Oh boy, here we go.

could this man have had a heart attack due to the presence of drugs or alcohol in his system, combined with the fact that his heart rate was elevated by resisting arrest

Totally. He could have also died from a brain aneurysm, aliens, a very advanced case of SIDS, or a witch's curse. Or, you know, maybe he died from the whole not being able to breathe thing that was actually happening.

He does not appear to be in good physical condition. I see that his stomach looks a little distended and he sort of waddles as he took steps around the bar area.

He didn't look like he was in great shape? Only fitness buffs and marathon runners with no booze in their systems get to live though being cuffed? Tf is wrong with you.

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Shoot, my bad, you're right. I misread that as "he doesn't have to hand it over".

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He’s trailer trash that just happens to have money.

Have had money. Past tense. He's flat broke now and probably spiraling in debt, especially now that New York is deleting his businesses there.

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Gotta cut everyone some slack when estimating time since the pandemic. 3 years was 10 years ago.

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Your comment is such a huge straw man argument, I'm naming it Scarecrow. Wtf are you on about, friend. The comment above yours made none of the assertions you're disagreeing with.

Sure, but the comic isn't talking about legit password usage systems. It's talking about how a comma could break the csv formatting of a csv file that came from a data breach and dump.

Why would he even bother with all of the red tape and process to pass laws? He would just issue imperial edicts executive orders to do whatever he wanted. Laws have never meant shit to him. And why would they? He breaks them with impunity and never faces any real consequences. If he has an unfriendly congress, he'll ignore them.

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Encouraging cleanliness is not the point at all. The point is: "... policing methods that target minor crimes, such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking and fare evasion, help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness. " Source.

In the specific case that OP is referring to with Giuliani and NYC: "Bratton directed the police to more strictly enforce laws against subway fare evasion, public drinking, public urination, and graffiti."

As opposed to fucking what? Trump? Because more and worse Trump is what you'd get if you didn't have Biden.

He's not perfect. But he's managed to keep this crumbling nation together for at least a few more years. Every single option on the Republican side is a nightmare compared to Biden. If the Democrats can come up with someone better than Biden who can also defeat the Republican nominee, great, let's do it. Until then, we should all remember that there's a huge fucking cliff from where we are now vs where we'd be without Biden.

Don't get complacent. Don't take it for granted.

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Just imagine the average reddit, twitter, facebook, and instagram content. Then realize that half of that content is dumber than that. That's half of what these AI models use to learn. The "smarter" half is probably filled with sarcasm, inside jokes, and other types of innuendo that the AI at this stage has no chance of understanding correctly.

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I really think people either forgot or still don't understand just how close the insurrection was to succeeding. Change one part of Mike Pence's story and we'd be in a whole different -- and much darker -- timeline. There's plenty of evidence that suggests a different outcome if a similar coup is attempted this time. The law is on our side, and so are states' rights, we need to enforce them.

He doesn't have it to hand over

Yes he does. He has to either pay the judgement to her, or put it in escrow if he plans to appeal.

That's over three times what the judge in his fraud trial said Mar-a-Lago was worth (Trump claimed it was worth $1 billion).

I don't understand this statement. Are you suggesting that the reason you think he doesn't have to pay is because it's a lot of money?

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You can use Rufus to install windows 11 and bypass the requirements. It does everything for you -- downloads the latest win 11 service pack, removes the blocking requirements, and you can even tell it to automatically disable all of the telemetry and phoning home. You'll still need a license key when you install, or run it on a machine that was running a valid win 10 install previously. But I'm running win 11 on an 8 year old PC with zero issues.

Here is a good guide that explains in detail.

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They know. But that sort of work environment takes planning, good leadership, and broader company values than just short-term profit. So it's far easier and cheaper to throw you the occasional pizza party, company T-shirt, and 10% off mental health services.

My problem with the fingerprint reader in the display is that it just doesn't work well. I'm on a pixel 7 pro, and more often than not it will try and fail a few times, then require a pin unlock. My pixel 5 with the fingerprint reader on the back was nearly flawless.

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Folks in this thread be like "Both haircuts are trash."

ITT: Both haircuts are trash

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I have KP as my health provider. A few weeks ago I had a really bad eye infection after doing some wood work. I went in to get it looked at, and they gave me an antibiotic ointment, but said there was a good chance I had developed an infection over and around a small piece of wood in my eye, and I needed to see an opthalmologist asap to get it removed. So they put in a high priority referral and I was told I should call and would be seen in one or two days.

I called when I got home, and the opthalmologist's office said the earliest they could see me was in six weeks. I told them the other doctor said I likely had wood in my eye that would need to be removed, but that didn't change their answer. So I went back to urgent care the next day and this new doctor removed it and gave me a second ointment to use.

Don't get me started on their mental health services. I tried to do an intake and set up recurring appointments with a therapist. After they did the intake and accepted me for therapy, they said the earliest appointment was in six months, to be seen for one hour every six months. So I didn't even bother.

I don't hold any of the medical professionals at fault, there's just not nearly enough of them to provide quality care or any semblance of continuity of care. KP's statements about being fully in compliance with staffing requirements are absolutely Hollywood accounting. They're not even close in reality.

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... Says the random internet keyboard warrior using technology and infrastructure thought-up, designed, and built by thousands or even millions of engineers over hundreds of years.

It's crazy when you think about it. They picked up their lives, sold their homes in southern california, and moved to fucking central florida of all places. It's such a massive, massive downgrade in every conceivable category to move from socal to central florida. Then to have the company that mandated this (probably under threat of termination) pull a bait-and-switch once the employees and their families had moved, I'd be lawyering up and suing too. I'd sue them to make me whole -- put me back in the same neighborhood I left, in a same or better house (with the same or better loan amount and terms), and offset any losses (with interest) related to moving, my spouse's loss of job and income, provide equivalent income and job placement for my spouse until they find an equal or better job, and guarantee my employment at current job and comp for the next 10 years (with a sparkling golden parachute if they terminate me earlier).

Probably referring to this one: https://youtu.be/iYhCn0jf46U

Inb4 piped bot!

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It wasn't. Fisker's shitty response is what made it an even bigger deal.

For a second I thought you meant never showed up as in your pihole can't print to it. I was mildly surprised when my pihole automatically recognized and configured my brother printer on my network. But now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen it black holed in my query log either!

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The Kingkiller Chronicle

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I would imagine a lot of it has to do with food scarcity. There weren't trucks and boats and planes to transport food back then. You had to eat what was available in your specific patch of dirt. If there aren't a lot of food options where you live, and what is available can make you sick, you might start trying to prepare it and eat it in different ways until it stops making you sick.

For most people, rhubarb is one of hundreds of options of things to buy from a grocery store. To our ancient ancestors, it may have been one of a small handful of things that grew where they lived, and therefore a necessity to figure out how to eat it.

Is that a Bill Hicks reference in the wild? Nice.

You could just, you know, send those creators money directly. Nearly all of them have methods set up for that already, and I'm guessing anyone who doesn't would set something up in a hurry if you asked to donate to them.

It's a win / win. You get to sit on your moral high ground, the creators get paid, Google can fuck off.

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You're so close to the answer! Keep going one more step!

Let's go boys! Time to drop trou, get out your wallet, and pre-order the super platinum edition with a hilarious camo, useless rifle, and the day-1 DLC included.

Have you watched any of the presidential debates in the last decade or two? How is this even a question at this point?

I won't watch any more debates until they do this.

Maybe we should all move to Austin, if only they'd move Austin out of Texas and into a better state.

You're about a decade and a half too late on that idea. Austin is crumbling under the massive weight of newcomers (mostly tech). Housing, rent, traffic, you name it. It's no longer the haven of good jobs and cheaper living that it was 15 - 20 years ago.