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Joined 6 months ago

Sounds a lot like they're hoping it's a phase and will "work itself out".

My oldest is NB, they're 15. I like to think we're about as open-minded as it gets, but I still had the thought that it might be something brought about by seeing people they look up to being a certain way and not from internal, intrinsic reasons.

I hope your daughter's friend ends up ok. If nothing else then knowing there are people out there that think of him might help with feeling isolated and misunderstood.

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Silly, that's a down payment for the next house to turn into a rental.

That's the one time in the new testament (that I can recall) where Jesus got pissed, started whipping people.

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I was handed one of these when I was on a church trip as a teenager. One of many many reasons I became disillusioned, but pretty funny in retrospect.

I can imagine it being more difficult to push than pull, especially in cursive.

But don't feel bad, I'm right-handed and write right-handed and my handwriting is also atrocious.

Does she have ADHD by any chance? That's a very consistent bit of behavior with myself and my ADHD homies.

High school dropout here calling bullshit on that. Being informed is not "elitist".

Samsung and LG have both bitten me. Bosch, however, is doing great.

Wait, that's like C with extra fewer steps

ADHD, eh?

I'd unironically like that recipe, please

I don't know if the people walking into a brick-and-mortar for a prebuilt PC are making decisions beyond "what's available" and "what's in my budget".

Fun trip down memory lane. Also, bitchin' domain name!

That's awful. Man, it sucks seeing that kind of thing and not being able to help.

That's super interesting! And I guess I can kind of see that point about masculinity, it's an awful thing overall the way we treat the notion of "manliness". Good on you, and thanks for the insight!

I am constantly pissed off that I'm in Bob Good's district, ugh

I've already got my copy of the book and have even started reading it! Good on ya, and good luck!

Literally this. Maybe let me see a preview of notifications, but that's not a make-or-break issue for me.

Also, when you start hosting more than 2-3 services, keeping them up-to-date might become a hassle which you can forget. For docker-based hosting I'd recommend you setup watchtower, which can keep your servives up-to-date for you.

I would caution against automatic updates! Notifications, yes absolutely. But automatically updating things is a great way to have things break suddenly when you're not in a good place to troubleshoot.

Don't do what I did and think you're ready for yard work before you're really done healing! Welcome to the club, btw.

My youngest had been falling asleep to "the sound of rain" that Google Assistant plays on request, I fear for the day when it goes away.

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I last used it seriously like 7 or 8 years ago and it was fine. I put it on par with GitHub at the time. The ability to self host for free without too much trouble also really affected my position on it.

I haven't really enjoyed the few times I've had to use it in the last couple of years, though.

This might be a little more than you're asking for, but I would recommend something like Node-RED with a feedparser. Reason being: it opens up a lot of options and could be a useful tool for things other than this one use case.

This is brilliant! Makes things more secure, too, as nobody can answer them just because they know you!

I would enjoy training a LLM on my aggregated command history and using that for auto completion, or maybe using an open source one trained on a larger set from the community, but I am very uncomfortable sending data about every command (as I'm writing it!) to any company.