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The best conspiracy ever conceived was the one that convinced people that conspiracies are absurdist caricatures of the very real threat of collusion.

All these crazy conspiracies just weaken the perception of the mundane real ones.

If I was gonna conspire, the first step would be to trivialize the idea in the first place.

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Yes and it's also terrible. It goes without saying really

Playing Mario 64 with a d-pad is just as bad now as it was on the DS

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Wish we had this instead of a growling guy in a mask headbutting a clown

I pirated it. It worked, I didn't run into any bugs like 1.0, and I had fun, on my steam deck no less. I didn't finish and I might go back to it at some point, but that doesn't say as much for the game as it does my attention span. I rarely finish games. I'd go as far as to recommend it now based on what I played.

I maintain that I'm glad they were able to fix it and market the improvements earnestly. They made good on their initially bad project, and that should be applauded.

flash: scroll: Buying lobbies 200ea

RuneScape was just a series of typing exercises for me. Eventually I got an auto typer but I'd still throw in my own messages to try to throw off the bot detection

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. It's harder to drift if you can fully saturate your thoughts with the book. The moments where your brain already understands where a sentence is going, that's when it gets bored and starts thinking of something else while your reading speed catches up. This made a huge difference for me and counterintuitively it significantly improved my reading comprehension and reduced those moments of getting to the bottom of the page, not knowing what you just read. It's like a disconnect between reading the words and processing them. It also just makes it less tedious to reread a section, since you're blasting through it so much faster. Seriously, give it a shot.

There's speed reading apps that will flash the words at a faster pace so you have to keep up. Just bump up the speed til it's a little uncomfortable.

Try speed reading. Like faster than is comfortable. I was the same way til I realized my casual reading pace is too slow to keep me interested. I still struggle to get interested but once I am, zooooom

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I hope so. I read atomic habits and it fed into my delusions of grandeur but nothing stuck. I don't think it was written for us

Never buy chain pizza at menu price. They all run specials all the time, that are around half off. They keep menu prices high so that they can constantly run buy one get one promos and specials to make you think you're getting a deal. They also happen to gouge people who won't bother checking the deals section

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Nah that trash isn't touching my phone unless I'm homeless and starving

Religion is a collective delusion and college graduation shocks me by how ritualistic it still is

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I didn't see a single hitscan weapon in the entire trailer. Even the sniper was leading shots. Chaingun seems to be back for all weight classes instead of a dozen different 'assault rifle' weapons with short mags. Maybe they actually learned their lesson on how to make a tribes game this time.

My new job has 18 people in a training class where we are asked to read the content out loud. The amount of grown ass adults that will literally make up different words blows my mind.

Search operators have been worthless on Google for many years now. it's extremely frustrating when you're trying to sift through the SEO hellscape

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I agree with your friend.

If there's a media that I want to continue to exist and similar works to be made, I will buy it. Depending on how much I enjoy it I will wait for a sale or pay full price.

I'll be dead before then and if I don't make offspring then so will anyone I care about. Y'all have fun destroying the planet lol

Haven't watched 'TV' in over 15 years

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Well there's a reason it's not a verified game. Valve is rightfully not targeting the steam deck for it because the gameplay experience wouldn't be good. If you want to still play it that's on you but I don't blame them for not supporting it. It shows that they are serious about cs this time, imo

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Please tell me that's how you got here šŸ˜‚

I'd be happy if I could land a web dev role for 40k at this point

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On steam deck I just install them with Steam forcing it to run in proton. Works great

Dogshit take tbh

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Ok Grandpa it's time for your nap

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Discord is just not suitable for any group larger than a WoW guild. I don't understand why anyone would ever think it's a good idea for software/mod projects. Anything that needs to be searched should not be on discord

It was severely mismanaged as early as the closed beta. I think they failed the execution so heavily that honestly the best option was to sunset it. The big blue update or whatever was actually a pretty pro-consumer move all things considered.

I might be ready to forgive them if they can execute this time. No f2p seems a little too reactionary especially in the current climate of fortnite, Apex, overwatch 2, Valorant, cs2, etc, but I'm cautiously optimistic for now.

Sounds like you're a millennial with gen alpha kids. The latest generation is struggling to read and write, while millennials are the best typists

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I watched multiple tech reviews bend the thing in their bare hands. Just because you didn't damage yours doesn't mean it wasn't a huge issue

Sent by my iPhoneā„¢

Xonotic is a fun spin on the Quake formula. Loved dueling with that guided rocket on aerowalk. Just a shame all the fallout that happened with Nexuiz

Open arena is just quake 3 with bad art assets, might as well play quake live to find real players.

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I'm just as surprised when people say they don't get it. Locomotion is the thing that makes me sick. 1:1 room scale walking? No prob. Teleporting, cool. Joystick movement? Taking a ride on the Vomit express.

I've been having some html errors in Connect, I'm back on Jerboa for now. I like Connect's UI a lot more though

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Kelceā€™s rumored relationship with the ā€œBlank Spaceā€ singer sent Swifties (fans of the singer ā€” which includes me) into meltdown.

Who the fuck writes like this? This is just SEO keyword drivel. Great, now the article might appear in searches for the song title and 'swifties' but it reads like the author had a stroke mid article and couldn't remember who they were talking about


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Fwiw the switch is also significantly more portable. I love my deck but I only use it at home in bed or on the couch. I wouldn't really try using it in public.

Free dlc you say... interesting

Steam deck runs everything that I'd want to play on it locally, way better than remote streaming. It's punching way above it's weight class. I'm almost done with elden ring on it and I'll be moving to cyberpunk 2.0 if it's as good as people are saying

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For general memes and doom scrolling I'm 100% on Lemmy. Content is somewhat sparse but that just helps me limit scrolling time. I purged my post history so my profile is blank.

I still sometimes use Reddit from Google searches to look up specific things or specific communities. When I make the mistake of clicking the home feed the default experience is so bad that I pretty much immediately close it.

Full adoption is still lacking due to the breadth of niche communities and information that is tied up on Reddit. Is there any reddit archival efforts to preserve the information?

T9 just adapted the earlier lettering that phones already had on the numbers. '1-800-COL-LECT' Never intended you to type it as '1-800-222666555-555332228', you'd just dial 1-800-265-5328. but that's what you'd have to do to write it with T9.

I use so many of steams features it's unfathomable to use any other launcher or even pirate anything because steam is so streamlined. Cloud saves, automatic local file transfers instead of redundant downloads, family share to my friends PC so half the time when I visit she'll have already downloaded and played my new games. When I get there they're just ready to go. Remote desktop to make any tweaks on my PC or casual gaming over stream. Big picture mode so I can lay back with a controller and chill, no futzing with m+kb UI. Steam input means I can easily drop in and out with any controllers.

I just got a steam deck and while I could install another app store on it, I've entirely stuck with steam just for the UX. I don't want to fuck with extra launchers and touchscreen bs.

I just played a coop Windows game on a Linux based portable PC on a 4K TV with a $24 USB hub for video out, using an Xbox and ps5 controllers over Bluetooth. This was completely seamless and controller navigated. Steam is insanely good.

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