
2 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 5 months ago


Tobuscus was goat but then he got accused of something by his ex or whatever, never cared much about it, but he disappeared and now he just writes books or something. He was one of the old school GOATs next to MatPat, Markiplier, ERB. Sadly missed.

I lost brain cells reading this

Are you joking? I’ve saved thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, by waiting for Steam Sales and buying games at a reasonable price for me(I’m poor) rather than paying $60 a game. Nobody else does this(When was the last time Nintendo put Mario Kart on sale?)

The statement “Steam overcharges gamers” is self-defeating and hilarious.

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Lemmy McLemmyface

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Jokes on you I never update my proxmox

And while we’re at it, so-called “premium” domains are a load of bullshit. My last name .net(which is not a common last name, by the way) is $2795 for the first month, because somebody with a solid gold dildo up their ass decided it should be so.

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I ran 'rm -rf ~' because I fat fingered the ~ instead of the 1 and wiped my home folder

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I speak for myself and the rest of the 501st when I say we are READY for the return of the greatest Star Wars game of all time

No, I’ve saved hundreds of thousands. Between Steam sales and Humble Bundle, always being a patient gamer, I’ve amassed over 300 games id like to play but haven’t spent more than $500 on Steam over my entire life. I’m poor but $500 over a couple years I can do.

For comparison, at $60 a game, that would buy me 8 console or Nintendo games at full price plus a little DLC.

It’s the best price, bar none.

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Unraid is the absolute goat 🐐, been in production for years at my house and I’m debating deploying a second dedicated machine. 11/10 recommend.

No in fact that’s a violation of the GPLv69 and Richard Stallman is going to come to your house and format your hard drive

I run Fedora Server on a blade server in a colo.


  • Cockpit is the GOAT 🐐
  • Descended from RHEL so everything is supported
  • Podman is the GOAT 🐐


  • Podman is getting worse, for instance they recently deprecated systemd generate and tell you to use Quadlet, for running pods, you need to use Kubernetes. This greatly complicates my workflow.
  • SELinux, while secure, and easy to troubleshoot with Cockpit, is a major pain in the ass that prevents most containers from accessing their data directories. It can be corrected but is extremely frustrating.
  • Quadlet is extremely inconsistent, I can copy the working unit file for a container and it works, change the name and variables for another container, and one launches but the other won’t start. One will have the wrong name. Stupid things, like putting the name in quotes, reloading, removing the quotes fixes it. I have harsh words for the idiot who deprecated systemd generate.
  • something like Tiddlywiki, their documentation will put you in /var/www but Fedora uses /usr/www or something. You get used to the Fedora things but you can end up on a goose chase sometimes.

Those cons are starting to hit hard, and when I reimage this server next I’m probably going to Proxmox or Debian. Server 37 was good but I probably won’t bother with 39.

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I use Paperless-ng and it’s great. Headlining feature is that it stores your documents in PDF in a plain folder which makes backing up easy. Another software that puts your documents in a database is no good unless it has its own backup method.

Plus being on a network server means I can set up my printer to scan to there as a target, my phone to scan to there, computer, I can drop emails in the consume folder, etc. Easy peasy to get stuff in there.

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Fine I didn’t want one anyway

I have almost the exact same setup, but just say “meh”, type my password blindly while looking at my main screen and press Enter, and after login it’s arranged as it should be.

Yeah, it’s an issue, but it’s a non-issue

Okay this one made me laugh so you get my updoot

Now now everyone, let’s all keep our pants on

I tried hosting kbin on a pretty beefy server for a while and honestly, it’s dogshit to host. You have to clone and compile the entire code yourself. I use Lemmy.

Call me when there’s a docker pull and docker compose up deployment command.

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To answer your question about lack of dock and system tray, I use the top left hot corner to snap windows in Activities often, and I launch mostly from the built in Applications menu. Don’t use the dock much. As for system tray, it’s a fairly minimal work computer so I boot it every day, run slack, browser, etc. and I know there’s nothing really on the background. Don’t need an icon for slack, it’s always on my screen. In my GNOME-based work environment it’s either running and I can see it or it’s closed.

Set up Paperless-ng on your server, generally with Docker, and map the Consume folder to wherever you want. Expose that on the network as a Samba or FTP share depending on your printer.

Printers with a bit more than basic features allow you to “scan to target” and it’s basically designed to set up a Public share folder on windows and scan and your document just shows up on the computer. Same deal but map it to the consume folder on the server. Paperless automatically picks up and intakes anything dropped in the consume folder.

So you end up just hitting Scan on the printer, the printer will dump the output into consume share via either samba or ftp, and Paperless automatically picks it up and puts it in the Inbox for ya.

The page smells AI generated to me

I’m using pure GNOME with the exception of a single extension which tiles windows on my screen on a grid(gTile) because I have a massive screen and five windows. I also have an icon pack if you’re counting that. Rest of it is stock and I quite like it. It gets out of my way when I’m trying to work and the alt+tab and other features are always fast. Top left hot corner is a godsend.