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Joined 1 years ago

Miracle whip Pete?

It is just a matter of incentives.

Remember Google is paid by advertising dollars. So the incentives are to feed you the maximum amount of ads with the minimum amount of content so that you don't leave for something else.

Half the time it would just be a Sysco product list.

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Everytime I read a bill with a moniker like this I'm immediately sceptical

Probably should put some push bars on those ambulances and give them permission to get things out of the way.

Though it should be noted the root cause of the issue is car first infrastructure which likely contributed to the accident to begin with.

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I do enjoy the rust compiler error messages. They are nicely formatted

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The word cancelled has lost all meaning.

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I'm starting to wonder how many of these aged politicians start to have dementia but manage to continue.

It's really starting to make me pretty ageist when I consider voting.

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I feel like at this point it should be obvious but because they have their fingers in so many pies a lot of people don't notice.

Google is an ad company and basically everything they do at this point serves that. They should have changed their name to doubleclick.

I go there to buy Nintendo games because I don't trust Nintendo not to do weird crap with their digital goods.

I always preferred mercurial as a user but all the tooling and everything else built in the last decade has been for git so it makes sense.

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I understand it's not for everyone but I jumped ship to Linux 10 years ago or so. The defining moment was me disabling Cortana only to have her reappear after an update.

At least with Linux when I'm fighting the OS it doesn't feel like the OS developers are fighting back.

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It took me a while to realise this because by the time I learned about Debian they were already well into the secondary characters.

My favorite part remains naming the unstable release "sid".

Kagi pays Google for API access. They also query other sources of data as well as their own index.


I've been on Linux for a while and at this point must people use their computers as glorified thin clients for Chrome.

This has made Linux way more viable as a day to day OS. Valve is working very hard to make games viable and is seeing some success.

The major blind spots remain industry specific software outside of software dev. Things like Adobe suite and Microsoft office for example. They often have a Linux equivalent but it rarely fits well into industry standard work flows.

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Be gone heretic, we must follow the old ways.

secure machines than Reddit servers

Not that I don't agree but there is a pretty big citation needed there.

We don't really know how secure Reddit Servers are and their attack surface is likely to be far larger.

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The idea is good I think but the implementation has only ever caused me problems and seems to have a bunch of frustrating edge cases.

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I keep telling people metric time is where it's at but they just look at me like I'm crazy

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Plenty of people are benefiting you just don't see it because it's internal.

The incentives are such that new thing is better and looks better on your year end goals.

Plus when an org gets large enough and siloed enough the left hand rarely knows what the right hand is doing.

They all have phones. Which is how most people use social media. There is no need for any of this shit because they will just use their phones with their data plans.

Isn't Starlink still heavily limited by the geography you are in. As in there cannot be too many subscribers in any one place because it will use all the capacity? If that's still the case seems doubtful it will ever bring anything cheap to the masses.

I suppose it depends on how you define content. Usually when people post it includes some discussion. Those types of posts get drowned in the bot posts however.

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Don't copy that floppy!

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That's often the case. They can have their cake and eat it too. Shareholders would expect nothing less.

I would be perfectly content if it was just a content update.

StarCraft 2 is not making any money so no incentive to fix it.

www.cookingforengineers.com is one I enjoy. The recipe charts are pretty much all you need but the more detailed bits can help.

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I don't see why not since progressive leftist describes where their beliefs lie and authoritarianism describes how they go about enforcing their beliefs.

Really depends on how specific you want to be with the definition of leftist though.

For example what is it about Palestine that is driving the current set of protests that the last 5 years in Ethiopia lacked?

In this case I would assume it's the fact that many western nations are involved with Israel in some way.

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It's the art of the deal, not the art of the bid

It would make me laugh so hard if the thing subtly tried to sell you crypto in its answers

What resources? The cost to print those messages is so small and shouldered by the manufacturer. The government doesn't care it's going to cost another half cent per cigarette wrapper and the majority of legally purchased cigarette cost is tax at this point.

I more curious if they will have to be printed on the big bags of smokes people get from the resi.

I mean they give you 100 searches to try before asking you to pay so the opportunity cost to find out is pretty low.

Perhaps I'm just stuck in my ways but old Reddit is what I want and how I still use Reddit.

Also I abhor card view in most apps.

Fortunately with Lemmy or fediverse you can choose your own interface and gravitate towards the one that displays content the way you desire it.

Just A B testing things likely

It was weird that they ever had them to begin with.

I wonder if the Soviets ever had installations named after white military commanders.

Lemmy is built on an async work stealing runtime and you can get very large instances from Amazon and the like.

I'm sure the instance isn't massive but number of containers and a single "host" are not great indicators of efficiency.


Generates nearly all its power using hydro electric, which is great but pretty dependent on geography.

South Australia

Wiki says a pretty big hunk of that is still gas


In Ontario Canada where I am from it would take > 4000 wind turbines all working at once (not including the batteries) to supplant our nuclear capacity. Even the largest battery storage are in the hundreds of mega watts and only for a few hours at the cost of about half a billion dollars.

I think it is more productive to approach these technologies as complementary as any proper grid should have both for the near future if we want to reduce global warming.

Yeah I know the limited Android extensions had long been a complaint but I mostly just needed ublock