
0 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

How about less "control everyone else" and more "control your own damn kids".

My daughter didn't get unsupervised access until she proved responsible enough to trust. I want to say around 13.

Just because "I grew up with it unsupervised and it ruined me" doesn't immediately equal "everyone will have this experience". Sorry your parents didn't understand what you were doing. Sorry you saw stuff that bothered you. Don't punish everyone else for it.

I'm far from a helicopter parent... Instead, my kid has come to me for help in resolving uncomfortable or problematic interactions. We've always been clear and honest about why we've asked her to avoid certain things. Even when it made us uncomfortable. Especially then.

She's 20 now. Most cheerful kid I've ever met. No idea how that happened directly, but I know I can trust her.

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"your hot wife obviously is suffering from sexy demons. I need to use my specialized equipment to vigorously purge them from her, once each evening, and sometimes just after lunch..."

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You are still removing others rights over a hypothetical. It doesn't miss this, it directly focuses on the point of blame. Punish the parents for exposing their kids. Irresponsibility is not excuse for harm... If a parent leaves hardcore porn laying around for a child to find and harm occurs, don't punish the uninvolved adult up the street.

Another form of media doesn't magically absolve parents from parental responsibility. Stop trying to play the "poor adults have no control over their kids!" Card.

The "but think of the children!!!" trope is tired and over abused to remove rights and privacy. Move along.

My cock can walk right through the door! 🐓

Good, now he can gag like everyone else dealing with him does.

This at the bottom of the article made me laugh so hard. Somehow the maga trolls are butthurt enough to think this constitutes far left.

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Even mobile version.... Cute

Status: runny.

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Ewwww. Dude those feet could have touched the food! Who knows where that food has been?!

I'll stick to my footjobs in a more healthy establishment like that dumpster behind the waffle house.

That 40% of cops will be able to keep theirs since they claim the time they spend beating their spouses as "overtime".

Bernie woulda won

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Correlation of "if accused by a Republican, investigate that Republican for the exact thing they accuse others of".

It's absurd how often they project their own crimes.

The United military forces of me are acutely interested in this device you describe for warfare.

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Turning his properties into section 8 housing would be downright poetic. If only.....

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Came for this, leaving satisfied.


Break out a kazoo for extra points!

Can't fix a tattoo with a shovel and garbage bags.

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Released: ✔️ Installed: ✔️ New game: ✔️ Crashed: ✔️

Ahhh... Good ol Bethesda!

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Buffy. Puppet masters. MASH. Salute to you good sir. You entertained and made this life a bit more bearable.

Hey .... There's no monkey in these videos.

Pack it up guys, it's just porn.

I was all prepped to watch monkey grooming dammit.

Ironically mine started without nefarious connotations.... The family computer in the mid 80s was a minor novelty to me for ages, only good for simple text games really. Then...

My brother grabbed a cracked game toward 1990 off a BBS. The game itself I don't even remember, but it had a cracktro that stunned me. Graphics I'd never seen, actual music out our little adlib card... Was crazy enticing.

Being stuck in the Midwest US while enamored with DemoScene is a hell of a drug. Every few kb down that modem was like crack.

That then opened a new world of games as well... Things my older brother had no interest in. Things my parents obviously would not have allowed. You know... The Good Shit ™️.

Obviously once codecs caught up video and audio quickly became a thing. My closest buddy and I would burn stack after stack of CDs to take a spindle at a time over to share between us and others.

Then the data hoarding set in... What good is just having these shiny things for yourself when you can share? True joy doesn't exist without spreading it to others.

The sickness persists... Stronger than ever despite becoming a pessimistic old man. Multiple gigabit connections: check. 200tb arrays just for torrents: check. Seed times tracked in years: check.

Remember when 14.4k was the most epic thing for grabbing those disks at lightning speed? I certainly do.

Many years back , a friend was a manager of a game shop. They let me bring in badly scarred discs of movies and PS1/2 games, pay a very small fee (I want to say like $1/disc?) to get a brand new copy of the disc as replacement. Was a service that was available to resell shops apparently, though she mentioned that it also has a subscription aspect that likely placed it well out of reach of mortals.

I'd even be fine with mildly increased cost on something like that for regular consumers, but alas no....

Was the officer Bob Barker?

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Awesome news, and I look Forward to what folks make of this.

Shout-out to "Overload", the spiritual successor that is great fun. VR version is included in case you need to aggressively lose your lunch. Fantastic game.

"lube up first honey."

"The latest word here on the scene is investigators have determined that the water here is actually very wet. Back to the studio for the weather and sports."

Expected giant glowing truck nuts.

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Taco Tuesday: not just the weekly romantic night for lesbians anymore!

I support any legislation that supports lesbians and/or tacos. All REAL patriots do!

The lizards will all start basking in that... Think their skin-suits will melt before they realize they are on camera?

Get that chest hair caressed by wind!

Quality Shitposting

Oh look, that dumb shit pile of ash is still a dumb shit pile of ash, but now it's even more hypocritical and has dicks in it.

I did not have great parents....

Seriously! I've been more active from here then I ever was on the corpo shit stain once known as reddit

Sigh... Dragging this back out again.


Somehow envisioning this made me very happy.

"... remnants of the duty still in my pants..."

Call of Duty: Black Plops

Looking closed at the moment to me...

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Fetchez la vache!