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Joined 1 years ago

Yes, because you have to a be a fucking moron to think Github is the place to splat a bunch of fucking torrent shit you braindead cousinfucker.

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Zombie Lenin activates.

iTs A fReSh AcUnT

Yes, your two week old account is fresh.

As opposed to your oh-so-ancient two week old account? Fuck off.

The board of directors for a company is supposed to act as an internal balance. They're the ones that do the overall governance and make sure shit isn't going sideways. Basically, they're the ones that are supposed to watch the watcher (CEO).

What likely happened is that the CEO and others in charge of decision making didn't give a shit that an ever-increasing number of their users were bots because it made numbers go up. Advertisers were still paying. 20 million users looks GREAT for an IPO. Who cars if they're fake?

The board did their job, which was to fact check everything that went on.

With 95% of users being fake this means that there really is no way to be sustainable but more importantly THIS IS FRAUD.

No users, advertisers are being deceived, users are being deceived, potentially the fucking SEC being deceived... yeah, you pull the plug as soon as you find that shit out and start pointing fingers.

Abortion provide clinics must have admitting privileges at local hospitals.

These places don't even have doctors, just assholes.

Did I fucking stutter, loser?

It's corporate horseshittery, same as everything VC-encrusted hellcorps do.

Welcome to how government works. When Trump was in office it was the Trump administration. When Obama was in office it was... you'll never fucking guess... the Obama administration.

I daresay the Supreme Court that made the Dred Scott decision was a bit worse but what we have now is pretty fucking sour.

The Federal government has been hellbent on killing off the remaining Native Americans for the entirety of its existence. They can't do it with force, so they do it with legislation.

The moment the last Native American leaves their reservation is the moment fuckin' Exxon or Nestle or some other cuntcorp rolls in to assrape the environment there.

Subs opened... with who moderating?

Reddit has no fucking backup plan if the mods decide to bail. What happens? Communities go unmoderated, or randos take over which is even WORSE since randos bring about the possibility of the sub being shat up on purpose.

As per usual with Russia this means that Wagner will be pulled out of Africa within the week.

I accidentally booped my two year old nephew's nose too hard once and that made me feel like a cunt for a week. He leaned forward into the boop then looked slightly sad for like .4 seconds before forgetting it happened.

Just how fucking much of a worthless piece of shit do you have to be to do something like this?

Oubliette this turd.

"Rent-seeking is the act of growing one's existing wealth by manipulating the social or political environment without creating new wealth. Rent-seeking activities have negative effects on the rest of society. They result in reduced economic efficiency through misallocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, heightened income inequality, risk of growing political bribery, and potential national decline."

None of which have anything to do with a tech company purposefully dumpstering usability in favor of profits.

Enshittification is the otherwise poorly-described process by which a company establishes itself with a new service or product and immediately begins finding ways to further monetize said product or service that in no way adds to their offerings.

Look no further than Reddit for a prime example. "We're totally a bastion of free speech and user-generated content, okay not that speech because the advertisers don't like it, but nobody likes Nazis so fuck 'em, but also we need more revenue so we'll allow SOME Nazis, and now we need to offset the lost advertisers so let's add gamification and awards and avatars you have to pay money for oh by the way we're getting rid of tits because advertisers don't like those, look you plebs are too costly and our precious advertisers are the ones that actually make us money so everything you do has to fall within their restrictions, fuck you all how about you just die in individual car fires, we were never about free speech, I am Spez, hear me r/oar."

I've never seen a mosquito that big in Texas.

Now the fuckin' dragonflies we have zipping around this year... holy shit...

I would immediately stop using Maps if I had to deal with any sort of social media infiltration. I already stopped using it in favor of Apple Maps if I have to do transit routing (Apple's a bit more accurate with timetables).

If I had the money I would absolutely be racing cars all around the world. It has nothing to do with boredom and everything to do with actually being able to afford doing what you want to do.

This geriatric cunt's prison name should be SCAREDY BITCH.

"Democrats are basically tankies!" - Idiots with your level of political comprehension.

Even with shitbags like Alito and Thomas in there, there was no way this went otherwise. Any other decision would effectively destroy the Supremacy Clause and bring the entire fabric of this country into question.

Gorsuch, Coney Barret, and Boof Boy were all handed their seats with the caveat that they vote down Roe for their sociopath handlers. They don't give a shit beyond that.

DeSantis would get skullfucked in a national election. He'd go into a debate, say "woke" 300 times in twenty minutes, and immediately his poll numbers would collapse so fucking hard they take the Eastern Seaboard with it.

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Suck elephant dick until you drown in cum, fascist trash.

There are basically no rats in Alberta, Canada, because the province has been very fastidious about eliminating the few that get in.

That's with major land mass on all sides.

New Zealand is an island and while it's a pretty damn big island that's already a huge step ahead of most places in the world.

Why would that be the case? You're pretty much already in the middle of it. Look up top. Microblogs, threads, magazines. Throw on some hashtags and you've got yourself a stew going.

You sound like you're desperately trying to play a losing semantic game.


Fuck off.

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An internet app for everything is literally a fucking web browser.

Which is all most apps are.

There's nothing technically keeping a unified Fediverse app from happening outside of any account conflation limitations that exist. But even then it should be possible to handle multiple logins on the same app.

Except it IS a search engine and that's basically all it's good for. By its very nature all it can do is collate information. It's the only thing AI is good at.

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A combination of DDG and Google. DDG's results too often look like a list of sponsors so when that happens I fuck right back off to Google.

Get an ad blocker, get Privacy Badger, use a VPN, experience the internet the way it was before corporate shitbags got hold of it. Mostly.

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Because you're a fucking idiot, that's why you'd do it.

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Shut the fuck up, assclown.