
3 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Please for the love of god don't use merge, especially in a crowded repository. Don't be me and suffer the consequences. I mistakenly mention every person with a commit between the time I created the branch until current master.

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Who wouldve thought that well meaning and well educated people are against genocide


Sodium? Like, salt sodium?

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They shouldve releases redis under agplv3 if they really want those corpo to give back to community.

$1 Billion breakup fee sounds like a free $1 Billion dollar to me. Like, what kind of logistical nightmare does Figma have gone through to need $1 Billion as a consolation prize?

AFAIK, obisidian is:

  • Not open source, treedome is open source.
  • Uses a centralized server to sync your notes, treedome instead uses a single local file which you can sync, move around, however you want.
  • Uses graph, treedome is working with trees and tagging instead.
  • Uses plugins to add more feature to the notes, treedome doesn't plan to do this. We at least want a complete experience out of the box, with notes files that's fairly stable within a major version. I have to make it stable since the start because I'm already using it for work and personal.
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Sure its secure, but is it verifiably secure?

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Glad to know youre around! Sorry for the no contact, had no idea how to. You got email/matrix/codeberg user where i can contact?

what do you mean my password and anime recommendation shouldnt be mixed in the same file?

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Using it right now. The uptime back then was abysmal, the sites are often unresponsive. They seems to have fixed those things now, I have migrated all of my active project to codeberg from gitlab now.

Well I made this one with a specific usecase in mind. Please consult https://codeberg.org/solver-orgz/treedome#origin-and-namesake for why this program was made.

Thank you, and done also. Nice name btw

Thanks for the review! The reason for both of the cons are:

  • markdown: IIRC the WYSIWYG rich text editor that Treedome use doesn't use markdown to store its text because there are better alternative for a structured and stylized document that's also extensible. It's stored in JSON with Tiptap's own defined structure.
  • no plugins: never say never, but I intend to make treedome with a stable file format. Plugins may (will) introduce instability because it could change the way documents are stored.

did you just license your own comment?

More news at 10

Thank you! This project was made for my learning purposes, but I accidentally got a working product at the end, so that's nice!

really? how come? I thought they are mentioned because of the diffs if compared to master, which merge basically just... merge on top of my branch (?)

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Einstein did say...

Internally no, this uses tiptap's document structure, which is more complex than markdown but easier to expand with new feature, if any.

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I've used CherryTree extensively in the past, with the password protection on (encryption). The save time gets longer as the file gets larger, because it's encrypting the whole file (every single one of your notes) everytime. I dislike it and told myself to create a new one that solves it. Then, Treedome was born.

Yes, there will be conflict if you use it in two different computer, and those two different computer have different changes at the same time, and then sync it. For now to avoid any sync error:

  • use it one computer at a time
  • always sync it whenever you've made change in it
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So its not about transistor being too small that the electron just jumps from one circuit to another unintentionally?

Ive been able to run this app on linux, mac, and windows. Mac and windows build is not available tho, I dont think I can maintain it because i mainly use linux in all of my machines.

The WYSIWYG editor supports markdown shortcuts like (#) will auto mode to H1 tag. But internally its stored as a json file, courtesy of tiptap library. Self hostable server would be cool, but for now I only use syncthing to do my sync.

rather than just merging shit then fixing their nits do you have something in mind better/more practical? Merging stuff from any contributor without reviews sounds bad.

It is like onenote (which is the first serious note taking ive used actually), but it uses tree like structure and tags to organnize its notes. Im quite sure treedome isnt as featurefull tho.

True, but for me the non encrypted (they say its encrypted but i dont really trust it) and proprietary is a big turn off for me. I dont want my notes, which are a definite extension of my mind, to be owned/used/stored by someone else that have "profit first" in mind.

to those who was asking for tagging for your notes, here it is

CC: @true_blue@lemmy.comfysnug.space

Hello, relax guys Ive had my fair share of internet discourse. Youre by no means disrespectful at all. I know you come from a good place in your argument and its more than fair to questioned the decision of "reinventing the wheel".


It has spotlight kind of search for titles and tags. Theres also full text search. All is listed in shortcut in help menu.

I just use element right now, pretty good for phones and imo excellent for desktop (ux and usability wise)

It depends on the size of the images, but what matters is that a single big note cant slow down the loading time of other notes*

*sqlite is finnicky, this is just the experience on notes less than 500MB sized.

Nft storage? Who wrote this? Bruh

Deb support is incidental, its a compilation result by tauri (backend for treedome), not made by me.

I dont think youre imposing into anything lol

Flatpak could be nice, appimage too, maybe you could make an issue for this in the repo? It will be a long road tho

which one are you referring to? every link I can click in the post body goes to the correct site.