
0 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Non-American here. You all keep making up the vilest "jokes" about French people. The sheer level of ignorance and disrespect deserves nothing but contempt and derision. And that's what you'll get from me and most of Europe.

Better learn to cope 😒.

"did you used to be"

Followed by a quip about an IQ score. Something something glass houses...

"did you used to be"

Followed by a quip about an IQ score. Something something glass houses...

16 more...

.> tells someone to go away

.> "there's a lot of negativity on this platform"


An adult wrote that. That's why it's embarrassing.

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Oh nooooo someone called someone else stupid on the internet. Quick! We must don our white knight armour at the soonest to defend that poor defenseless specimen.

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#1 That does not sound like a child, or someone trying to write like one.

#2 They're adult topics and adult talking points, so we are, again, not quoting a child.

#3 You know this full well and are just arguing in bad faith because you dislike irony being pointed out. You can leave now.

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What is up with power-tripping mods.

I'm no native speaker of English either. It's just a matter of effort, or a matter of not being a troll. Either way they can do better.

Meme with a typo to drive engagement... Low tier bait.

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Someone had to mention it, otherwise people will keep doing this. I've seen so many typos in memes recently that it's definitely beyond the "mistake" realm.

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Probability manipulation can make anything happen. That's the strongest one. Although ofc big risk of tearing up the fabric of reality by messing with small forces probability and just destroying everything by accident.

Oh sorry I hadn't realised you had run out of arguments and moved on to ad hominem. Just went through your comment history. Seems like you're a sour old woman who hates men. Checks out, honestly.

You would need to be, to reach these levels of unhinged...

Probably sensory overload. You know, from autism?

This one is great, all men are surely the problem, it couldn't possibly be you. Gotta keep denying it of course.

Of course, the entire patriarchy must hate you from those comments, so sad. I'll send thoughts and prayers, that'll make it better, surely. Both are just as imaginary.

"no practical reason", except for the fact that no one would understand you if you decided to replace the entirety of your sentences with oogas and boogas. It's as if language serves a purpose, curious how that works.

IQ tests aren't even a valid metric of reasoning, they've been debunked... Yet another reason not to take this post seriously. I'll provide sources since it seems like you can't be bothered, with a god complex like yours, no wonder you think your word is law...




Not to even mention... You think correcting spelling/grammar mistakes is racist. Do you even know the history of IQ tests you're vehemently defending like a clown?




"no practical reason", except for the fact that no one would understand you if you decided to replace the entirety of your sentences with oogas and boogas. It's as if language serves a purpose, curious how that works.

IQ tests aren't even a valid metric of reasoning, they've been debunked... Yet another reason not to take this post seriously. I'll provide sources since it seems like you can't be bothered, with a god complex like yours, no wonder you think your word is law...




Not to even mention... You think correcting spelling/grammar mistakes is racist. Do you even know the history of IQ tests you're vehemently defending like a clown?




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#1 That does not sound like a child, or someone trying to write like one.

#2 They're adult topics and adult talking points, so we are, again, not quoting a child.

#3 You know this full well and are just arguing in bad faith because you dislike irony being pointed out. You can leave now.

An adult wrote that. That's why it's embarrassing.

Reposting my comment to combat mod abuse:

"did you used to be"

Followed by a quip about an IQ score. Something something glass houses...

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Oh sorry I hadn't realised you had run out of arguments and moved on to ad hominem. Just went through your comment history. Seems like you're a sour old woman who hates men. Checks out, honestly.

You would need to be, to reach these levels of unhinged...

Probably sensory overload. You know, from autism?

This one is great, all men are surely the problem, it couldn't possibly be you. Gotta keep denying it of course.

Of course, the entire patriarchy must hate you from those comments, so sad. I'll send thoughts and prayers, that'll make it better, surely. Both are just as imaginary.


Clearly expressing yourself isn't your forte either is it? And the "I have a black friend" card is gross af.

So you're the kind to screech "Racism!" or "Ableism!" as you did in your latest reply to me.

You're not very good at hiding your insecurities are you? Let me guess, you're literally none of the demographics you're defending, just farming karma off of outrage culture. Pathetic.

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I'm lost. I didn't even mention fallacies? But alright, move on then.

It would be hilarious if I was, I'll give you that. But no, the reason why is I don't condone witch hunts.

And you're so unsurprisingly dumb that you just called me the superlative form of able with your typo of "ableist".

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Are you the doxxkeeper? The guardian of nomenclature? If not, then that's not really what this is about and you know it.

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There you go doing it again. That same person is doing something stupid, but you're not mad about that. You (and the rest of this comment section) are mad that he's doing it to an artist you fantasize about or something disgusting along those lines.

Get a grip. That original comment I replied to above is actively asking people to look into him, his connections, job, everything.

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You forgot some pretty specific details from the comment: he works for his dad's law firm (which was even subtly bashed), and the fact that he's got this lawsuit happening.

On top of how it was basically nudging people to dig up dirt on him.

Even without a name, that's enough info for someone determined to track him down.

You're disgusting if you're defending that behaviour.

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Dredging up his past, occupation, education, relationships, all in an attempt to rile up a comment section. As well as an attempt to invalidate his arguments through cheap shot ad hominem.

Looks like doxxing to me. Unless you have an extremely narrow version of the word in mind.

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The dichotomy of Lemmy being against billionaires, and not accepting the fact that a dude is just trying to earn a paycheck off of one.

You're deranged.

E: Guess you didn't like your hypocrisy being pointed out lol. Same type of person who loves to shout cognitive dissonance doesn't seem to realise they're doing it too. This is too funny 😂.

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