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Joined 1 years ago

I would love to see a Steam deck like version. It really needed a right analog stick and a touchpad.

I'm all for competition and they are getting better but they just miss the mark. While some of them are faster than the Steam deck, their frame rate lows and averages don't get close to how stable it can be. Plus the touch pads, joy stick functions, 4 rear buttons. It's everything you need and the price is better than theirs. I had the original LED since launch and have since upgraded to the OLED model and it was absolutely worth it. The improvements they made to the touchpads, reduced weight and a gorgeous screen are fantastic.

It baffles me how people get the ROG Ally over it. Maybe because they hear that some games may not run on Linux? Those are usually competitive FPS' that I wouldn't want to play on a handheld anyway and if you really wanted to you could just install Windows 10/11 onto a MicroSD and boot to Windows.

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Second this. You can set it to enable when you place your finger on either joystick, the trackpad or even set it up to turn on when you press whichever button to ADS. It works very well and has a ton of customization options.

It wasn't showing up for me on the families beta I was already on. Switching to the regular beta it now is and the family function looks the same.

Is this beta separate from the Family beta? I guess you can't do both?

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If you're savvy enough to buy a Fairphone you likely have a gajillion USB-C cables and adapters laying around. I appreciate them not generating more waste.

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If you were looking for another reason to hate Scientology. Behold.

They're scared people are going to find out it's just a repurposed "stress" test machine from one of the thousand defunct malls in America. Or for what it really is, just a box filled with bullshit.

Ultima Online is a 25 year old MMO that still has the original servers running. The install is about 3GB and can run on any PC from the last 20 years. For the official servers, the player base is largest on Atlantic and you can sign up for a free Endless Journey account. PVP is only allowed in certain zones.

There are many many player run servers that fit a lot of play styles. The most populated being Outlands. That is where I mainly play as it is by far the most populated UO server, 2.5k-3k people on usually. Just beware, outside of the starting zone and towns, it is open PVP almost everywhere.

City of Heroes now has player run servers. The install is around 5GB. Homecoming is the most populated, with a lot of added content. Rebirth is less populated but tries to be the closest experience to the official servers.

Once they get a taste of that market share it's hard for them to give it up. So they'll start doing this shit to keep people in their ecosystem. They make nothing on their printers and hope to make it up with ink/toner sales. So they want you on their brand.

Fuck printers, fuck print drivers, fuck toner and definitely fuck fax machines. Watching a nurse print something to fax it somewhere else, then for that person to scan it back in. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. All they do is generate waste.

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What the fuck does Google know about support? They've never supported anything.

Linkedin is for lunatics. Just a bunch of goobers giving digital handjobs to each other.

Super bummed to hear this. My local music collection stagnated once I had Spotify for so many years. When they brought on Rogan I saved my playlists and canceled my sub. Not gonna support that shit. BandCamp has been my go to purchase albums from the smaller bands I listen to. It's been great downloading FLAC versions and streaming through PlexAmp. As a music distributer I like the options they give bands and users. Sad that Epic fucked them over.

Oh it's janky. It's a standard dining table with the middle section removed. The TV is a cheap Westinghouse that is laying on top of a musical keyboard stand. The table top is some felt glued down with those metal strips hammered in. The maps are created through Inkarnate dot com. We got our "lego" characters through AdventureBricks dot com.

It'd be very ironic if the ink they are using has a higher chance to cause cancer than the cigarette.

Great article and it sums up my feelings pretty well. I'm incredibly grateful for the XAC. What it has allowed me to combine together to play games, it's wonderful. But it's been a bumpy, expensive road to get here. I bought it on launch and the accessories that Microsoft offered at the time of launch were laughable. I only bought a single $60 big red button for it. I get it and the button is so sensitive I think I could set it off by breathing on it. I needed to use it with my feet so that's no good.

The whole thing sat for a good year or more collecting dust until I came across Logitechs adaptive gaming kit. A great selection of buttons and everything you need to mark and manage them. It's $120 (ughhhh) and to get all the buttons I want for how I use it, I'll need 3 of them. My whole setup for it is over $400, ridiculous. Thankfully I am able to work with my disability and can afford that, but back when I was on SSI, no way in hell. I guess it's cheaper than all the controllers I have bought in the past trying to find one I really enjoy using.

What I came up with, also using foot controls for WASD. https://i.imgur.com/30F9NUi.jpg

Some general rambling, the Xbox Accessories app needs a major overhaul, it's a mess. Last time I checked Microsoft's support site for the XAC was a bunch of broken links. Also the XAC stopped working shortly after the warranty expired. It has an internal battery the failed. Opening it up and disconnecting/removing that battery got it going again. Couldn't find the battery anywhere for purchase, so it only works hardwired now but that's not really a problem.

I was incredibly sad to see that Sony decided to launch it's own product instead of just allowing the XAC to work natively on their device. While I'm sure Sony's will work for some people, I just don't see how and I'm not interested in buying another device. I'll just stick with PC. It's also weird how Sony has yet to show anyone using it, disabled or not.

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Why would you ever want to stream something from ubisoft? I can't imagine a worse experience.

Likely not since most of these are dev or experimental of the latest version.

Check xz --version

If you're not on the two listed above you're fine.

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They've already talked about adding NFTs to it. Winamp is dead and this is it's corpse being paraded around like Weekend at Bernie's.

When did the scroll bar area become so damn small? I still like to use it to move around a page. At 1440p it's so tiny. I can't imagine at 4k. Am I just old now?

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I think their first use of CoPilot was for pairing two Xbox controllers together for accessibility. Instead of making up something new, they just co-opt it from that and now it's going to be impossible to google Copilot for Xbox Controllers issues.

Oh well, glad I made the switch to Linux.

COVID fucked up my taste for coffee completely. I fear it will never return. 😭

I grew up a Jehovah's Witness and disabled. I constantly heard how once the "new system" came by disability would be healed. My grandmother would constantly talk about how terrible everything is from all the "worldly people". My parents divorced when I was a teenager. They quickly shunned my mother and us. Then again after our grandmothers death (who went to the church.. religiously), we heard nothing from them. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

Anyway, once I started Earth Science in high school and learned how old everything really is, how large space is and how truly small and insignificant we are to the universe. It put it all into perspective and now I'm pretty much an Atheist. I know I don't truly know what is out there, or who created us. But I know it wasn't some dude that did it just to set us up to fail. So why should I have any belief in that?

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Here is some backstory.

I've been playing a Tortle Kensei Monk (basically a Ninja Turtle, it rules). My Tortle left his island and became a sailor to see the world. That's how I met up with the party. They took my boat to the main town we're at and I decided to jump ship seeing them all geared out for adventure. The DM has tried to tailor some side missions for each of us and this one was mine. A little more backstory. My tortle is kind of obsessed with fish and shiny rocks. He previously had a coal like rock that appeared as a precious gem to him. The main quest has portals we go through to different realms of gods or some type of celestial beings. I lost that rock by trying to buy our freedom from one of the greedy gods. But I didn't know that once she takes possession of an object, it's unable to leave her realm and if it does, it crumbles.

Anyway, at the main town I met up with a local fishermen Bobby Bones. He was having issues with crab men taking over his fishing spot. He took me and another player out and we took care of them. On this island was a totem with shiny all over it. I couldn't resist and touched it. Out popped a fish genie. He told us an Aboleth had taken over his island and if we took care of it, he would grant me a wish. Never in my 25 years of DND have I encountered a genie or gotten a wish. So this was cool, what could I wish for?

We head back to the town and I explain to the party what we encountered but didn't mention the wish. We did some research on aboleths and were all kinds of unsure about fighting it. I told them the genie said we would all get wishes trying to entice them. Most of them didn't believe me but went along anyway.

We head back to the island, have a knock down drag out with the Aboleth and end up coming out victorious. We encountered some mind controlled pirates on the island. Once we broke the mind control they signaled for their main ship and the DM brought out the Lego ship.

I call the fish genie through his seashell and he appears. We show him the corpse and he says "you may now have one wish" I tried to play dumb and asked if everyone can have a wish, which he shoots down very quickly. So before there is even any discussion with the party, I blurt out "I wish for my shiny rock back!!!" He grants it and the rock appears in my Tortle hand. Everyone throws there hands up. but they took it much better than I expected haha.

And that's how I used a wish in DND to get a shiny rock with zero value back into my possession.

"To make us more Agile, we cut off our toes. Now we will run faster!"

Record profits for dessert though.

The video for Land of Confusion was straight nightmare fuel for children everywhere.

Using a controller is fine, but I'm sure they are hardwired. There is a Today show interview where the CEO specifically said they use them over bluetooth.

Absolutely all shit made up in my brain from my hatred of bluetooth. I could definitely see the controller dying because they forgot to charge it, tried to connect the spare but bluetooth being bluetooth wouldn't. Then they drift into the Titantic, get a puncture and implode.

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"Well we let half the team go after the last version launched, so you'll have to make due with what they left behind."

"We don't know how this works or what answers it gives, but it has the AI label so fucccck it. Send it to prod."

It's $60 on Steam.

I deleted my account the first time they were hacked. So much fluff and fake networking. Any employer that relies on that shit is a place I don't want to be.

Living the DINK life is best life.

The scraped AI generated SEO'd to hell tech sites that push their bullshit registry/driver/ram software overtook anything actually useful. It's a sad state out there.

On mobile at least, trying to get the navigation bar to pop up in Firefox is a nightmare on some sites. Especially on endlessly scrolling ones.

I always uninstall OneDrive after a windows reinstall and I've had zero problems with seeing it after. If you don't use it, remove it?

The future fucking sucks.

As much as I hate Edge and Chrome, ,my 5.1 surround sound doesn't work in Firefox. So if I want to watch something in surround on Youtube I have to switch to Edge. Then the nagging starts.

I miss forums too. Discord has kind of taking over that role for my friends and I, but Discord makes it feel like you are posting something with everyone staring at you through a window. I hate that it notifies that you are actively typing.

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